Chapter 4

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The war had come to an end.
For now at least...
The Crowned Prince Michael was to be heading home now, it would take a while to lead what was left of the army back into the territory of Heaven, but it would be worth it.

He was going to finally after two years go and see his father and brothers again.
His kingdom, his people, his home.
Michael flexed his messy pure white wings, flecks of blood and dirt covered the wings but he knew it was fine. He would spend the time to wash all six of them when he returned home.
Michael ran a hand through his dark hair, trying to comb it back with his fingers as best he could. His feathers rippled as a familiar and slightly angry smell of an Alpha came off someone in his tent doorway in waves.

"Hello Lucifer, what do you need? Do we have a casualty count? Are the bodies accounted for? What of the injured?" Michael turned from the small mirror to face the blonde Alpha. He to was an Archangel but held no royal blood, he stood just a tad taller then the Prince and was full of rebellion and anger.
It made him a vicious opponent on the battlefield, but in his personal life it proved hard for him to have friends... Except the Prince.

Lucifer sighed and held out an envelope, it was off white and held the King if Heavens seal.
"A letter arrived from your father."

Michael raised an eyebrow and gently took the letter, taking a small knife from his belt, his wings stiffened unsure of whether this was good news, or if it was quite the contrary.
Pulling out the letter he began to read and his wings drooped slightly before positioning back to a normal relaxed but ready state.
"Ah I see. No trouble at home Lucifer... Simply the arrival of my brid-husband, pardon the arrival of my future husband."

"Who's the lucky Omega?" Lucifer couldn't hold back the irritation that rippled through his pink red and yet dirty feathers, the slight anger slipped through his scent during it a bit more then usual.

"The Omega Prince Dean Winchester of Earth." Michael said glancing back down at the letter in his hands

"Oh? I've heard of him, nearly every Alpha wants him. I've seen him to, very pretty... But not very obedient. Humans are disrespectful little creatures, not to mention he was raised as if he was an Alpha... He won't be a very obedient Omega." Lucifer scowled crossing his arms over his armored chest.

Michael frowned at his friend shaking his head, his wings twitched but he kept his cool.
"Omegas are people too Lucifer. They aren't toys or breeders how society treats them. They have feelings, thoughts, ideas, they are their own people. As an Alpha it is my job to care for him and his needs, to protect him. Not to control him and use him as a toy."

Lucifer rolled his eyes and looked at the Prince with a sigh.
"You're to kind Michael. Really, Omegas are just... Omegas."

Michael balled his fist and growled a little in the back of his throat.
"I don't care what you and every knot head Alpha thinks. Omegas should be treated with respect. Stop being a sexist."

Lucifer was taken aback by the sudden growl and aggression the Prince showed. Truly Michael in charge and demanding was something the blonde Alpha Knight loved seeing, it made him grow to see the Prince in a way he never saw any other living anything.
Lucifer knew he was a broken Alpha, his feelings for the Prince proved he was a broken Alpha... But that didn't stop the feelings, the feelings he hated that he had. So naturally it came out as anger and disgust.

Michael's features and wings relaxed and his scent calmed.
"I'm sorry Lucifer. It's just, I'm 28. I will be King soon, my marriage is arranged, the date is set... My future husband is only 18... He is practically still a child and I just..."

Lucufer took two steps forward, all six of his wings lowered in submission of his Prince and General
He reached forward and took one of Michael's hands in both of his.
"Listen my Prince. You will be a wonderful King, an amazing husband, and an extraordinary father. You needn't worry yourself over this nonsense. While yes it's all arranged, perhaps the two of you will learn to love eachother. After all, your father and the previous Queen fell in love. It isn't uncommon."

Michael enjoyed this.
When he and his best friend could be just that, best friends.
Not needing to worry about their image, about the authoritative way they had to be.
Besides, Michael would be lying if he said his best friend wasn't amazing when he was speaking softly and kind to someone. It was a part of Lucifer really only Michael ever got to see.
"I'm sorry I got mad Lucifer. But you know my standings on the issue of how Omegas are treated. They are not toys or bartering chips. They are living beings that want all the same things everyone else does."

Lucifer kissed the top of Michael's hand and patted it a little
"I know. I'm sorry I'm a typical knot head."

Both Alphas laughed before a Beta soldier opened the tent
"Your Highness! We are ready to proceed to Heaven as soon as you are mounted."

"Thank you. I will be out shortly." Michael gave the young man a nod as he left.
Michael looked back up ever so slightly at Lucifer.
"Shall we head out then?"

Lucifer nodded.
He had let go of the Prince's hand as the sound and scent of the nervous Beta and simply stood beside the Prince.
Their wings barely brushed against each others both hiding the shock that hit them at the little gesture.
Both Alphas knew what they wanted, and both knew that could never happen.

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