Chapter 59

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"Dean." Michael finally broke the heavy silence that had settled between the Alpha and Omega, his voice finally cracked the fog of Dean's mind, but also the empty peace the other Prince had established with his gaze at the Crystal creek, his feet in the cool water, little fish and tadpoles poking at his exposed shins.

Dean didn't look up from the water but moved his boots behind him, fixed his rolled up pant legs and let out a little hum of acknowledgement.
"Dean." Michael asked again, the breeze in his feather felt nice. Relaxing.

"Yes?" Dean finally croaked as he looked towards the woods where the creek disappeared to later join a little spring, chattering and gossiping down the rocks to meet the eager ears of a much larger river, that in her greed took the gossip of giggles down to the sea.

"About the wedding-"

"I'm fine." Dean cut Michael off. Finally tearing his forest gaze from the treeline to meet the warm ice of Michael's eyes "I will be fine to still marry you."

"It isn't that." Michael looked down at his hands and folded them together.

Michael's scent filled with guilt, it made Dean's nose twitch. He may not be in love with Michael, but they were friends, he still cared dearly for the Archangel, and took comfort in his presence more times than not, but guilt? Guilt was not something that smelled nice on the Alpha. At least in Dean's opinion.
"Than what is it?" Dean swallowed and focused on the side of Michael's face. The Archangel had a very handsome profile, Dean felt bad he had to marry him instead of someone that would appreciate and love Michael like Dean knew he never could

"I, I did something that I shouldn't have." Michael muttered and refused to look Dean in the face. His wings flapped nervously

Dean was getting nervous. A lot was going through the Omega's mind, he had no idea what Michael was getting at, but it was worrying him.
"Like... Like what?"

"Dean, I care about you. I care about the child you're carrying but, I don't romantically love you. I don't think I ever will be able to love you the way everyone expects." The Archangel started, he took a deep breath, hands scrubbing over his face, eyes glistening with unwashed tears "My heart belongs to another. I feel I've already betrayed a marriage that isn't even official. I feel I've betrayed you in the fact I shall never be able to properly love you. Not for what's happened to you, not even close. But my heart will never belong to you, my live with never be there for you in the way that a husband should have for his spouse." The glistening tears finally slipped silently down Michael's cheeks. The Alpha's voice cracked "I shall love the children we are to have, and I shall love you as a friend. But I can never love you how a husband should love his spouse. It is nothing you have done, it is nothing will have done, and it certainly is not because of the terrible tortured you have endured." Michael finally turned his wet gaze to meet Dean's

The human's face was sober, filled with not much emotion except for the green of his eyes. They held unused tears, his scent was blank. Most likely trying to keep things neutral
"Do not Cry Michael." Dean pulled his feet from the water and scooted to sit closer to the Archangel, turned to face him as Michael shifted his body "You aren't the only one feeling this way. I-" Dean paused, wet his lips and tried to decide how to say what he wanted. "I don't think I could ever love you the way I'm supposed to either. Unfortunately my heart belongs to another as well and I can never get it back." Dean's hand shook slightly as he raised it up to rest on Michael's cheek, wiping the tears away with his thumb

"Castiel." Michael's voice wasn't angry, wasn't even all that sad. It wasn't a question, wasn't an accusation, but the younger Angel's name was stated as a truth

Dean let a huffed and pained smile slid onto his lips before slipping away with the tear that rolled down his freckled and half bruised face
"Lucifer." The Omega replied without hesitation

Neither Prince said anything for a long while, they simply sat there, Dean's hand on Michael's cheek, Michael's hands limp in his lap, wings trembling as both of them silently cried, foreheads touching in a display of intimacy though the romantic or sexual implication was gone. Simply two friends, stuck to marry eachother, each had a heart that belonged to someone much less tangible.
"The fuck are we supposed to do?" Michael's voice once again broke the fog, a hiccup escaping his lips

"What language for a future King." Dean tried to laugh as he opened his eyes. His hand slipped from Michael's cheek and the Archangel didn't admit it, but it was anchoring while it was there.

Michael huffed a laugh but shook his head, sniffing he wiped his face, trying to scrub away the tears
"In all seriousness Dean. The web of our lives keeps getting more tangled. We are to be married in three days, I bury my brother tomorrow, Lucifer is off on a revenge mission of some sort, Crowley is in my home, you are pregnant with a Demon's baby, my heart belongs to an Alpha and yours my little brother."

"Our lives are a mess. Like a ball of string." Dean commented flopping back in the soft grass, looking up at the blue gray sky and wispy white clouds

Michael lay back to join him, wings splayed out and arms flopped out, much how one would do when making snow angels
"That's one way of putting it. Still, only Sam, Charlie and myself know of your pregnancy. We could cover it up, claim it as my own... But when the child is born there is no hiding it. Besides surely covering it up would not actually convince anyone. Our scents are mingled enough to even pretend we had been together. Perhaps we could take to my Father. Explain the situation."

"You could lose the Crown Michael. I know Heaven is strict on Alpha's with Alpha's. It simply isn't done." Dean responded running a hand through his hair, the other resting on his now slightly soft stomach. He still had so many mixed and jumbled emotions about the entire pregnancy thing. He was terrified.
"That reminds me... You-your father, Chuck, approached me late last night in my quarters." The last part came out quiet and weak

"Why?" Was all Michael responded turning his face to look at Dean where he lay on the grass

"He gave me two weeks. Two weeks to, uh, seduce you. I even brought up the point of Royal Angel's being taught the whole virgin until marriage thing. He said he knew, and didn't care. That I would never truly understand his intentions and-" Dean cut himself off. Chewing his lip and wincing when the chapped and cracked flesh began to bleed.

"Dean." Michael's voice became heavy with concern, saturated with such worry that it made the freckled Omega wince
"Did he threaten you? In any way, did he threaten you?"

"He said he could make my life with you very difficult."

"I see." Michael huffed and covered his face with his hands. Sucking in a harsh breath he calmed himself, frustration lacing his scent, tagging along anger in the slightest tendrils
"I assure you Dean Winchester. He will not lay a finger on you."

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