Chapter 61

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"Excuse me Sam, I know you wanted time to yourself, but I needed to look at these maps" Gabriel hurriedly explained as he burst into the library startling the younger Alpha

"Oh, by all means." Sam forced a smile, it seemed to strained.

Gabriel wanted to ask, but didn't want to overstep any bounds. He and Sam had become close over this whole ordeal, and were pretty good friends. Sam had seen the Archangel get angry and even cry, but how far was pushing?
"Is everything alright little prince?" Gabriel decided to ask anyway, but he wouldn't pry

"Just worrying about Dean is all." Sam replied closing the heavy old book in his lap. His nose twitched as he looked up at Gabriel with a pensive stare "Are you alright? Did That Demon corner you? You have his sulfer smell lingering." Sam's own scent became defensive and before he could say anything else Gabriel shook his head

"No. I went to him with a few questions." The Archangel went about scanning the walls of books, Sam suddenly beside him "I'm sure Dean will be alright though Sam. He's one tough guy."

"They had him for four months, he's preg-" Sam's jaw snapped shut eyes widening as he stared at Gabriel's profile. He wasn't supposed to let anyone outside of Michael and Charlie know.

"I feared that was a possibility. Don't worry though," Gabe turned his head from scanning titles to give Sam a reassuring smile "Your brother's secret is safe with me. I promise"

Sam let out the breath he hadn't realized he was holding. The human watched as Gabriel went back to reading titles, pulling out a few rolled up maps and old dusty books, filling his arms until the stack reached his nose.
The different book titles, from what Sam saw, including things on witches in Heaven, Red Strings, true mates, mating laws in the four realms, the history of Heaven and Hell, old maps of the realms, new maps of the same.

"What are you researching Gabe?" Sam asked as he took off the top most books from Gabriel's stack to prevent him from dropping them or falling.

The gold feathered angel smirked at the nickname that he didn't think Sam noticed
"Loop holes. I'm fed up with our brothers being torn apart. This kingdom needs a new chapter, and some updated laws." Gabriel's tone hardened with determination as he laid out some of the maps "After the funeral tomorrow, I'm going on a trip for a couple of days. But I need loop holes in our laws first. Enochian mating laws are as old as the sky we fly in, and the stars we worship." Gabriel stated as he opened up one of the books on law "We take tradition, very seriously, laws rarely rarely change." His eyes flickered over the pages as he carefully turned them

Sam watched curiously when it hit him
"Because Castiel is in love with Dean, and Dean is in love with Castiel."

"Also Michael is in love with Lucifer and Lucifer is in love with him."

"But... They're both Alphas." Sam's voice cracked with confusion and Gabriel couldn't help but laugh. Sam shot the alpha one of his signature bitch faces

"So?" Gabriel quirked an eyebrow.

Sam's cheeks burned red with embarrassment "I mean-it doesn't matter I just-" He ran a hand through his hair trying to collect his thoughts and get them out properly "I've just not really heard of that type of relationship before." The teen mumbled unfolding on of the maps Gabriel had pulled out

Gabriel's wings shifted one or two long gold feathers shook loose, Sam watched them flutter to the marble floor.
"It's alright Sam. They aren't very public, but are more common than you'd think."

Sam just nodded. The young Prince thought it over but tucked it to the back of his mind.
"So this loop hole. Is it to make the people accept an Alpha King with another Alpha?"

"Partially. The other thing I need this loophole for is Castiel and Dean. There is a law, so old most don't even bring it up except for extreme cases. The 'True Mates' law." Gabriel let out a muttered "Ah hah!" When he found the section he was looking for "Here it is" the angel slide the book to Sam and smiled widely

The human cleared his throat and read as follows;
"In the event that a person or persons True Mate can be proven and revealed by trusted and non manipulated magic, they are protected by law to be together and mated regardless of gender identity, second gender designation, or social class hierarchy." Sam's eyes widened a little "So Regardless of being the same gender, or same designation they can me married and mated while protected under law? This also states Regardless of social hierarchy."

"So say a King and General." Gabriel smiled triumph glittered in his eyes "This was written by the first rulers of the land. Sacred laws bestowed upon life by the stars and seas themselves. Each realm respects these rules."

"But magic, that's a dangerous thing and was banned from the lands long ago. How would you even find a-" Sam stopped short and his gaze whipped to meet Gabriel's "Witches don't exist anymore."

"One at least does. That's the trip I'm going on after the funeral tomorrow. My father may have had them hunted down and executed but I have on good authority one still lives. Off on an island a days journey from the Capital. From here."

"Gabriel you cannot actually be serious. You don't even know if Crowley can be trusted, but you'll go off this information he gave you? It's rather vague don't you think?" Sam braced one hand splayed over a map, the other fisted over his hip as he stared at the older Prince. Gabriel had to be mad to do this, ludicrous to even think of doing this on his own "Does your farher know? Or Michael? Castiel? Balthazar? Anyone?"

"You know." Gabriel's wings twitched, settling close to his back nervous, eyes not meeting Sam's "I don't trust Crowley. But there is no other way that my father will allow Michael and Lucifer to be happy together, and no way for Queen Eve to allow any other form of peace and union between Heaven and Earth without her getting upset and potentially starting another war. I'm the third eldest in my royal family. I've got no real title, no chance for the throne, I don't get sent to war, I'm just floating in the middle with nothing to contribute to my family or Kingdom. I've been the subject of conspiracy and scandal long enough and this, this is how I can help." Gabriel's eyes were wet and his wings trembled. Arms stiff at his sides as he met Sam's eyes "I Need to do this."

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