Chapter 9

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Dean shivered slightly but tried to maintain his composure. An actual startled yip escaped the Prince's throat as something warm and so, so very soft pulled Dean close to Michael's body.
He was infact very warm. Dean stayed close and let the large wings envelope him in soft warmth. Letting out a low hum Dean stopped himself, he wouldn't let it develop into a purr. He didn't purr.

Michael kept his gaze forward and his hands neatly folded hanging over the railing.
"I'm sorry if this is uncomfortable for you... You just seemed, cold."

Dean let out a small huff and shook his head letting out a chuckle as he looked down at the tumbling waves
"No you're fine. Just warn me next time. I hit when startled."

"You certainly are a strange Omega. Nothing like how they have been conformed to act and behave or even dress." Michael replied with a distant look in his eyes.

Dean nodded in agreement
"Boy do I know it! Everyone thought I'd be an Alpha. All the males in my bloodline were... I was going to be King," He took a deep breath and steadied his scent as to not smell upset "Instead I get the wonderful privilege of marrying one of the most sought after Alphas out there." He added hoping he hadn't sounded or smelled upset. "Since we all thought I would present an Alpha I trained and learned to be one. But, some of those classes I had to sit through after I presented..." He shook his head his lip curling in disgust, his sweet scent of leather and Vanilla soured slightly
"Disgusting. Sorry if I wanna know how to pleasure my Alpha I'll figure it out."

Michael's eyes widened and his wings twitched
"Wow. I knew it was bad but... Wow, uh please don't uhm... Go into detail I don't need to know."

Dean tilted his head looking down slightly as he laughed. It felt nice that he could laugh with Michael.
"Good. But I guess since we'll be married we'll have to uh..." He paused clearing his throat and trying to sound a bit more manly
He felt Michael shift slightly and was glad to know he wasn't the only nervous one here.
"Y'know... Do couple things."

Michael swallowed and shifted his sent held shivers of nervousness
"I suppose we will. Have you ever..."

Dean frowned and shook his head quickly
"I'm a strange Omega alright." He paused "What about you?"

Michael bashfully shook his head his neck and cheeks darkened a little with embarrassment

Dean howled out a laugh and turned to look at Michael
"And here I thought I was the only one without real experience. I mean I know how and what to do... Just never actually  done it..."

Michael only turned redder and his wings tensed.
"Well I just..."

"No need to explain. I get it. Just, as long as you know what you're doing just... Uh" Dean stammered.
Man this was a slightly uncomfortable thing to talk about

"I won't knot you Dean. Not until you're ready. The agreement says we have two years before an heir has to he conceived." Michael explained trying to swallow the nervous lump

Dean immediately looked away from Michael and shifted his weight.
Damn could this get any worse?
As he opened his mouth to speak the bedroom door burst open and both Alpha and Omega spun around

Gabriel gave a devious smirk and folded his four golden wings closer to his body revealing Sam and Adam
"Behold! The room of magic where our future nieces and nephews will be conceived!" He wiggled his eyebrows at Michael and Dean as they scooted away from eachother and stood a little straighter
"Already the bond between Alpha and Omega is blooming! Keep it up boys and I may be an uncle before the wedding!" Gabriel cheered

Micheal groaned and Dean joined in with a huff and an eye roll.
Sam bit back a chuckle as he looked over at his Omega brother and future mate
"Don't be like that Dean! You'll be a wonderful mother."

Adam gave a nod of agreement and bounced on the large plush bed as he tilted his head at Michael
"What's your favorite color? It's imperative I know this before you marry my big brother."

Michael blinked unsure of what to say before a small smile found its way to his lips, his feathers rippled with amusement as he sat beside the young Prince.
"Red. It's a very passionate and Romantic color. One full of love but also holding rage... A balance of beauty and blood."

Adam watched Michael's face with extreme scrutiny before smiling and nodding
"You make colors sound awesome. Dean! He makes colors sound awesome just like you do!"

Dean's ears turned a shade of pink and embarrassment curled at the edges of his scent
"I don't do poetry." He grumbled crossing his arms tightly over his chest.

Sam scoffed and shook his head looking at Michael
"Don't let his Alpha charade fool you. He's a sappy Omega on the inside."

Again Adam nodded in agreement at Sam's statement only making Deam frown and Gabriel laugh rather loudly.
Michael smiled, his eyes twinkled with matched amusement and he couldn't help but stare at Dean as the Omega Prince turned red and grumbled under his breath. His demeanor looking angry but his green eyes holding no heat.
"What about you Dean? What's your favorite color?" Michael asked suddenly. A part of him wanted to learn about his future husband, while the rest of his inner Alpha growled for someone less, tangible.

Dean paused a moment. He wasn't sure what his favorite color was... He had reasons for liking all kinds of colors, but one color seemed to be front and center in his mind.
"Blue. But not just any blue..." He tilted his head staring at something afar off and distant, a shady smile grasping his full lips "The kind of blue that holds the entire sky, the depths of the deepest oceans, and the lightening of the gods in it... The kind of blue that holds kindness and sorrow, joy and conviction all rolling in one soul piercing shade of blue that you just can't... You can't really put into word but it's there, and everytime you look at something blue, it reminds you of a piece of that one shade that pierces your very being." Dean stopped his hands hovering as he had been gesturing all over the place.
His eyes widened slightly and he cleared his throat as a hand went to nervously rub the back of his neck "Forget it I got carried away..."

Gabriel smiled and if Sam didn't know any better it was a knowing and slightly sad smile.

Sorry for taking so long. My personal life has been insane. Things are chilling out now though

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