Chapter 31

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Sam stood up quickly and bolted past the messenger and skidded down the hall, his hair frustrating him as it whipped in his face.
The young Alpha nearly collided with a maid as his boots slipped along the marble floor as he turned the corner.
The tall young Prince ran down the hall, jumped over someone that he had knocked into and than slammed into the door of Dean's chambers.
Trying to catch his breath Sam pounded on the door in earnest. Chest heaving as the 15 year old put his hands on his legs and leaned forward a little bit, his scent pouring concern and relief.
The door opened a smidge and Sam without even thinking pushed himself into the room, bursting the door open so that it hit the wall.

Dean let out a yelp and jumped back from the door and before the bruised and beaten Omega could register who had come through the door he was toppled to the ground by all that his mind realized was Alpha.
Sam felt the body underneath him stiffen and a muffled whimper escape the other person's throat.
The floppy haired human quickly scrambled off of his brother and hoisted his trembling brother to his feet

"Dean!" Sam sobbed throwing his arms around Dean's neck and burying his face in his older brother's shoulder "I-I was so afraid you had been killed like Mom..." the poor boy sobbed and mumbled into his brother's shoulder

Dean's body relaxed as his shaking hands came to wrap around his brother's waist and pull him closer, his nose buried in his taller little brother's neck as he breathed in deeply, the sharp scent of pine and leather mixed with fear and relief came in familiar waves as Dean found comfort in Sam's familial scent.
"Hush now Sammy. I'm here." Dean choked out as the two Prince's slipped to a pile on the floor.

Both brothers stayed like that for a long time, wrapped in each other's arms, gulping in each other's scents like a lifeline, tears streaming down their faces.
"I-I'm so so so sorry D-Dean!" Sam sobbed hiccuping and coughing a little on his tears "I should of- I should of been here or-or something!" The young teen choked out and Dean hummed his response.

"It's okay Sammy. I'm here and safe now." Dean whispered as he kissed his brother's hair "I'm here." He grumbled again more reassuring himself rather his brother.

Sam whimpered and cried into Dean's neck, nearly choking on the gulps of his brother's vanilla and leather filled scent. It comforted the young Alpha, he had never known his mother, and Dean as the Omega helping raise him had a comforting scent to the Prince as a mother would.
Sam wrinkled his nose as he picked up something else in his brother's comfort that hadn't always been there. It was small but made Sam want to Protect his brother more than usual. Sam closed his eyes and marked it off as just his Alpha part wanting to Protect his family and a distressed Omega.

Sam eventually pulled back a little, nose running and tears flowing freely, Sam's mouth twitched into a small smile before it became a frown.
The taller but younger Winchester gingerly reached to touch Dean's cut cheek, but quickly pulled it back when his brother flinched away and let out a small whimper.
This wasn't how his brother acted.
Dean Winchester was not submissive and scared.
"What happened to you Dean?"

Dean licked his lips and averted his eyes, trying to keep the tears at bay
"Doesn't matter Sammy. I'm fine now. I'm safe now. I'm here now." He whispered looking down at his hands, the palms were scraped and his knuckles bruised. He blinked a few times and it hurt one of his eyes with how swollen it was.
"I'm fine now."

Sam ignored the way his brother's breath hitched, and the way he closed his eyes and bit the inside of his cheek as Sam cupped Dean's face in his hands
"You can tell me in your own time. But I need to know you're actually ok Dean. None of this being strong for Sammy shit, I need to know you're ok"

Dean blinked at his brother and a tear rolled down his cheek as he parted his lips to speak, but nothing came out.
The Omega wanted to assure his little brother that he was ok again, that he was fine, he had already told Sam those things, but part of him couldn't lie again

Sam frowned and repeated his simple question
"Dean, are you really ok?"

Dean finally shook his head no as a sob escaped his lips and his body began to shake.
Sam pulled Dean into his chest and ran his fingers through his big brother's hair. Dean had used to do the same when he would have nightmares, and when Adam would get scared, and with Dean moved here to get married Sam would do this to help Adam to calm down.
"It's ok Dean. I got you. For once someone has got you." He whispered as his brother's composed and strong walls crumbled

It hurt Sam so much to see Dean like this, and he knew being vulnerable like this was not easy for Dean either. But Sam was so incredibly overjoyed to have his brother back, and so help him God Sam was going to find whoever broke his brother and they were going to pay.
Sam vowed silently that whoever was responsible for doing this to his strong big brother were going to wish they never messed with the Winchesters.
Sam would make them beg for Death. He would make them wish they never laid a hand on his brother, and Sam wasn't stupid, his brother was an Omega, he figured out a portion of what most likely happened. The person responsible would pay dearly for ever messing with his family.

Dean finally sniffed and croaked out a muffled
"I'm not okay Sam."

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