Chapter 51

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》!Author's Note!《
This chapter and the next few chapters will cover some triggering themes such as a bit more of what Dean went through when being tortured by Alistair, and depression. It will also cover touchy topics like abortion and people who become pregnant through rape.
I just wanted to give y'all a heads up, even though you guys probably saw it all coming anyway
》End note. Enjoy the chapter《

The silence that filled the air between the two brothers was heavy like lead. Dean's scent was sour, his eyes closed, head hung low as he gripped the wood of the vanity a little tighter.
Sam's hand rested heavy and warm on Dean's shoulder, the concern from his younger brother met his nose, the smell of pine smelled wet and uncomfortable. Full of sorrow.

"Dean I'm so-"

"Don't." Dean growled his eyes opening as he lifted his head to meet Sam's gaze in the mirror reflection "Don't give me that pity shit."

"Dean I wasn't-"

"I said don't!" Dean yelled standing up straighter and jerking away from Sam

Sam once again opened his mouth to speak when the door burst open, Benny stood with his sword at the ready. Only to freeze in confusion at the sight of the brothers
"Leave us!" Dean hissed shooting the gaurd a heat filled glare
The blue eyed gaurd bowed and cast a glance to Sam before silently exiting the room.

"Let me speak Dean!" Sam growled once the door was closed. He didn't want to use his authoritative Alpha tone with his brother, but he would if it was the only way to get Dean to listen
"I know this is a lot for you. You were used and abused and it's horrible. But if you're pregnant..."

Dean glared at his brother, fresh tears glistened in his eyes, jaw flexed as he swallowed
"I told you. I am pregnant. I'm pregnant with the baby of an absolute monster! I'm carrying that Demons offspring in me!" Dean wrapped his arms around his middle, his breathing picking up "Michael will call the wedding off- Chuck-Chuck will I don't even know... I-Dad will be so disappointed.. I failed Sammy. I failed our Kingdom. Our family. Heaven. Michael- Oh God when Castiel finds out He-" Dean rambled on the verge of hyperventilating as his breathing picked up, his heart hammering rapidly in his chest

"Michael will understand, Dad will understand- Castiel? What does Castiel have to do with this?" Sam asked suddenly very confused as to why Dean was so concerned about what Castiel thought of the matter.

Dean shook his head, clamping his mouth shut as he began to shut everything out. He couldn't breath, couldn't think, couldn't speak properly. It made him angry. It made the anger of everything that was going on finally bubble over and he let out a pained cry before shoving the vanity to the ground. The large piece of wood crashed to the marble floor, the mirror shattered and scattered everywhere, drawers opened and cracked.

Sam was saying something as he grabbed Dean by the shoulders. Dean shoved him off and shook his head
"Just leave me alone! Sammy you wouldn't understand! You don't get it! You wouldn't- you couldn't understand!" He yelled running his hands through his hair.

Dean was in so much distress, so much turmoil that Sam could taste the soured vanilla in the air coming off his older brother. It scared him a little. Not the yelling, not the knocking things over, not the jerking away. But what scared Sam wa show lost and how scared Dean was. It wasn't anything like the Dean that Sam knew. The Dean that helped raise him when Kate had to tend to Adam as a baby. This was a broken, hollowed out and scared Dean.

"Dean you need to calm down!" Sam finally raised his voice slightly, it vibrated off the walls and in Dean's mind making him freeze and stare at his brother. Green eyes wet and wide with so many conflicting emotions "This isn't something you can hide forever. Castiel, Michael, Dad? No one is going to be mad and upset. No one is going to look at you differently, I certainly don't. What's going to happen is everyone is going to understand what happened, understand that you had no control over what happened to you, and they're going to help you." Sam's voice remained firm as his determined gaze locked with Dean's, hands gripping his brother's shoulders tightly as if Dean would disappear if he let go.

"Y-you don't understand what it's like Sam." Dean whimpered as his watery eyes blinked back tears, he licked his lips and sniffed a little trying not to cry anymore "I have so much on my plate right now. I-I'm not ready to be a mother."

Sam thought on that for a moment, carefully choosing his words
"Not everyone needs to know right now. But Michael and Dad do. They'll know what your options are. Maybe you could-"



"No. No Sammy I won't. I can't." Dean's voice tried to stay firm as he answered his brother before he could even start

"You can't what? Tell Dad and Michael? I'll be there with you. We'll do it together." Sam said quickly searching his brother's face for what he had no idea

"Not that. I won't get rid of the baby. Even if it is a piece of him I just... I couldn't." Dean tried to explain with a frown

"Than don't Dean." Sam released Dean's shoulders as the door opened again. Without looking at the door Dean hissed out

"I said leave us Benny!"

"I'm not Benny." Michael's voice jolted Dean enough to look at the Archangel. Concern etched all over the Angel's tanned face "Benny retrieved me. Said there was a lot of yelling coming from the two of you and was worried."

Dean pulled the tie strings of his robe a little tighter, and looked around at all the shattered glass and splintered wood.
"H-how much did you overhear?" Dean asked his voice shaking. This was it. This was the end of peace and the start of a war, his future marriage was over, his father would be disappointed and who knows, maybe he'd be hidden away in the woods somewhere to shamefully live out the rest of his miserable days
Dean knew this was all irrational thinking. But that never stops one's mind from running rapid

"None." Michael stated looking about the bedroom as he took a final step in the room and out of Dean's little living space.
"What happened here?" He stepped over some pieces of the shattered Mirror and stood before Dean, his wings shuffled as concern flood his scent, he took both of Dean's hands in his and examined Dean's face for a sign of some kind.

"Sam and I were having a discussion." Dean chocked out avoiding Michael's ice colored yet warm gaze.

"A discussion? Do all your discussions end in shattered glass and broken furniture?!" Michael raised his voice just a little, not meaning to sound angry, he was just so concerned for Dean. His future mate was still young, and had undergone some of the worst experiences anyone could go through

Dean visibly flinched away from Michael, yanking his hands from the Archangel's grip
"This one did." Dean muttered quietly

"Why?" Michael took half a step back to give the Omega a tad bit more space, not wanting his worried scent to overwhelm the Prince

"Tell him Dean." Sam spoke up rubbing his arm and shifting his weight awkwardly

"Because I'm pregnant." Dean finally spit out after what seemed like a million years of tension

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