Chapter 36

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Lucifer stalked down the hallway wit tears in his eyes and a set stiffness to his shoulders.
The Alpha slammed his door open and slammed it shut, the noise of the heavy door echoing down the hall.
His six, pink and blood red wings flapped hard in anger and then spread out fully. Slamming things off of the table and knocking a chair over, hands bawled into fists, knuckles white as his blunt and short nails dug into his palms. The dull sting didn't bother him as the Archangel let out a roar of raw emotion and sorrow, as he slammed his fist into the mirror.
The glass shattered like his heart, little pieces poking into his skin like the shattered glass of his heart stabbing into his rapidly beating heart.
The tears flood his amber eyes as they glowed an angry Alpha red in his deformed reflection.

Lucifer's wings twitched and so did his fist. His heart didn't stop shattering as he thought about what he had done. He had pushed Michael away, he had to, Michael was betrothed and it was an act of Kingdoms.
Besides, Lucifer was beyond broken. The idea that an Alpha would fall in love with an Alpha was unheard of. Those that had been discovered an Alpha with an Alpha, or Omega with Omega were persecuted, burned, run off, and who knows what else.
Being with Michael would strip the Prince of his crown, which by the way was being threatened because someone even simply suspected that there were feelings between the two.

Lucifer's hands were in his hair in a second as his tears seemed to feel so cold, freezing down his cheeks and nose as the hole in his chest grew cold and empty.
He needed to let Michael go and he couldn't... He couldn't let the love of his life down. He just, he knew he didn't want to live another day without Michael.
And it felt like absolute shit.

Lucifer fell to his knees with a painful thud, armor clanging as his bloodied hands pulled at his tousled blonde hair.
He couldn't breath, couldn't think, couldn't see past the tears in his eyes. Lucifer looked around wildly unable to hear over the shattering of his heart, the beating of his frantic wings, and the gaspy sobs that tore from his throat in painful heaves.
The Alpha felt everything being ripped from his chest.
Maybe he was over reacting, maybe he was being dramatic, but he could never have what he wanted. It had always been like that.

He had to take what he wanted growing up, had to fight and kill for it.
Growing up in the cage was hard, his angel father abandoned him when he was young and his half demon half angel mother died in his arms when he was eight, he met Kellie and helped the abused Omega survive until they made there way to a better place. They worked in the stables as preteens and Lucifer had met Michael.
The two becoming fast friends at the young age of twelve, there relationship had always been different and Lucifer knew it was love when he presented at 15. Michael had already presented when they met but that didn't matter.
Kellie was convinced they were true mates, Lucifed and Michael that is.

Lucifer never believed in such a fairytale.
The angel was convinced he didn't deserve a true mate.
But his shattered and empty chest longed for the other Archangel.

With a deep breath Lucifer stood shakily to his feet, his armor clinked but he couldn't quite hear it, he had a balcony as nearly every bedroom in this castle did, upon stepping out onto it the cold night air whipped his hair and blew through his feathers, there was no beach on this side of the castle, as that view was on the royal family side of the building.
Instead Lucifer was met with the look of harsh jagged rocks standing out against the freezing cold waters of Heaven below. He was sure on such a night, with the moon so full and milky white, the stars dancing along the sky, reflections of both the stars and moons dancing together in the waters depths, that some siren would peek their head up and sing him a song, lulling the angel to plunge to the waters below.

Afterall his heart ached with such sorrow that surely a siren could sense it miles away and league's deep.
The thought of simply plunging into the dark swirling water seemed so very tempting, to end this pain that ate at his shattered heart and his very soul.
All six of Lucifer's wings pulled close to him as he began to feel nothing. He looked over the balcony's edge when a different idea came to mind.

He wanted company.
The Aloha knew if he stayed alone with his thoughts any longer he would plunge himself into the deepsea for the spirits and Sirens of the sea to consume his very being.
So instead he lifted his wings and flew into the air, he spun as he reached the clouds and instead of continuing up he looked down, his eyes narrowing as he spotted where he wanted to go.
Lucifer dove down towards a little cottage near the stables, landing outside he knocked urgently and firmly on the door.
The Alpha continued to knock as his patience dissipated completely. A flickering light was lit as the Archangel heard the shuffling of feet and wings before the door finally opened.

Kellie pulled her robe tighter around her as she blinked her tired eyes up at the Alpha
"Lucifer? What is wrong?" The Omega asked in a quiet whisper, nose twitching as she could smell how distressed, sorrowful and empty his scent was
"Do you want to co-"

She was cut off by a sudden harsh kiss from the General.
He grabbed her waist and smashed his lips to her.
Kellie was so taken aback that she actually punched his arm with her free hand until he moved a step back from her.
"Lucifer! What in the Name of Heavens gates was that for!"

Lucifer growled and glared at her which made the Omega squeak and take a step back.
He opened his mouth to say something when Kellie noticed his bloodied hand
"What happened?"

"I just do not want to think right now. I do not want to be alone, and I certainly do not want to be alone with only my thoughts and the waters edge." Lucifer whispered the growl dying in his chest as he blinked at her with watery eyes

Kellie took his hand and gently dragged him into the living room.
They stared at one another for a moment before she moved forward and again their lips met.

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