Chapter 75

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All eyes turned to the opening doors, Dean on his father's arm, chin held high as he swallowed the heavy lump in his throat.
His eyes stayed straight ahead as all kinds of people watched him, the smell of so many people and their false smelling perfumes made his eyes water, his nose itch. The prince hated it.

Michael turned and watched as Dean came down the aisle on his father's arm. He would be lying if he said Dean did not look beautiful, but he also did not look comfortable, confident, or anything like the real Dean Michael had grown to be close to. This Dean put in a false confidence, but there was fear in his eyes as he forced them to stay straight ahead on the alter.
Michael tried to offer the Omega prince a smile, but it felt strained and more like a grimace. Out of the corner of his eyes though the Archangel noticed Castiel's eyes widen like saucers, and his lips part in shock as he watched Dean walk towards the alter.

Oh how Michael would gladly trade places with his baby brother. The only thing that kept his mouth shut was the eager look on Sam's face as rhe boy kept glancing to the doors, and the smug look of winning on his father's face.
Michael was pulled from his thoughts by clammy trembling hands gripping his own, blinking the angel gave Dean's trembling hands a gentle squeeze
"Any minute now Dean." He whispered glancing around the large room of people

"What's Gabriel's plan anyway?" Dean whispered so quietly that Michael almost missed it entirely.

"Shh, you'll see... It better work." The Alpha smiled and Dean forced a smile in return

Dean gave Michael's warm hands a tight squeeze and tried to breath, tried to smile, but he couldn't. He felt he was going to cause a scene with his panicking if something didn't happen soon.
As if on que the doors once again swung open with a crash, every head turned in near unison as a tossing sea towards the door.
Dean's eyes widened as panic and fear gripped his bones with icy talons, wrapping around his soul, peircing his very heart, feet glued to his spot, face turning a little towards Michael but his eyes stayed glued to the door.

Michael's wings flared out, he heard Balthazar and Castiel's wings flare in defense as well, Sam's hand flew to the sword the teen had on his hip, gasps filled the large luxurious room, eyes never leaving the darkened doorway

"Was I not invited?!" Her voice rang out filled with bitter hate, horns glinting in the light of the chandelier, red hair atop her head in a curled bun, loose curls framing her pale face, lips painted red as her black eyes fixed themselves on Dean and Michael at the Alter across the room "No one invited the Queen of Hell? To a Royal wedding? How incredibly rude!" Laughter bubbled like acid from her painted lips, a smile stretching her mouth wide and sinister as the Alpha Woman stepped into the room. Long black dress kissing the long petal covered carpet with its brush of death.


"Dean stay beside me-" Michael's voice died in his throat, a gasp escaped his lips, face paling as Abaddon was followed by two demons, both with yellow eyes and glinting horns, armor that shone black in the low light of the heavily decorated room. Between the two demons they dragged along a mostly unconscious Lucifer, his wings bound and bent in a way wings should never be, arms bound, shackles hung heavy around his neck. Shackled, bloody, injured, and muzzled they dragged the Alpha in. When his head lulled to one side the male of the two Alpha demons grabbed the Angel's greasy sweat coated blond hair, yanking his head up. His eyes fluttered open. Blood coated his face and head, his body bleeding and cut.

"See something you didn't expect Pup?" Abaddon roared her black eyes fixed on Michael and then on Dean.
"I shall make this easy. This one-" a manicured finger swung out to point behind her at what was left of Lucifer "Put up quite the tough guy act! Didn't want to say a word other than insults. But every tough guy cracks. And every Mountain can be moved." Abaddon rambled, her voice echoing through the hall.

Every guest had moved to the walls to make room for what they didn’t seem to know.
Every knight, Gaurd, King and Prince had swords at the ready to be drawn. Michael's wings shielded most of Dean, one arm out to try and shield the human as well. His other hand twitched at the handle of his sword as the wretched Queen prattled on.
"Listen here Prince. Hand over the Omega, and my heir! In return I give the general back to you... Well, what's left of him anyway." She muttered the last part as Lucifer was tossed infront of her with a pain filled and muffled cry, landing on his shoulder and tied mangled wings.

Michael's eyes were wide as they fell once again on Lucifer and the Alpha's current state. How, how had that happened? What had happened? The Archangel was pulled from the spiraling onslaught of questions by Dean's grip on his arm, the Omega's short nails digging into his flesh through his black suit
"Michael-" He whispered, voice dying off as Abaddon kicked Lucifer onto his back, pressing her neat black heeled foot onto his chest, bending down and pulling the to tight muzzle from the General's mouth

"Go on Dear. Beg him to take you. To save you." She purred patting him on the cheek. Lucifer spat blood on her with a weak attempt at a snarl, which made the demon press her heel a little more into his chest. He cried out in pain as chest injuries were aggravated. "Go on Michael! Take him! I know you want to! This Omega is used anyway so what's the point? He's even carrying a demon spawn!"

"Shut up!" Dean's voice broke out over the Queen's raging. Dean took a shaken step forward no longer hiding behind Michael
"If you want me, bitch, come and fucking take me yourself!"

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