Chapter 41

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Lucifer tried to drown out the clashing of swords, the noise of the crowd as they became excited. He was focusing on Dean, the young man's face was full of fear that was put of character for the Omega.
"Your Highness, please calm down, fear is in your scent and people are going to notice." Lucifer looked around and his eyes caught Sam's "Do you want your brother?"

Dean shook his head, gave Sam a little smile and wave before turning his attention past Lucifer. The Alpha ducked his head down to try and make eye contact with the Prince but Dean's eyes kept darting back and forth in the crowd on the other side of the arena.
"I don't see her, holy Hell she-she disappeared..."

Lucifer whipped his head to where Dean had been looking
"Describe her, than stay her with Your brother and Gabriel. I will send Castiel and two of his men in here to protect you. King Chuck won't let anyone hurt you, alright?" Lucifer snapped a couple of times in Dean's face to get the Prince to focus "Hey, your Highness, please focus and steady your breathing."

Dean nodded, took a deep breath and began to describe Abaddon. The entire time, the arena was filled with deafening cheering or booing, the sound of metal on metal and thunderous roars from the Alpha
"She's yay tall," Dean took a deep breath and lifted his hand "Alpha, smells like Roses and... Sulphur. Roses and sulpher. Red hair, eyes full of hate, green-brown eyes." Dean finished and Lucifer took off to find the bitch.

Michael flipped his sword in his hand, pure white wings stained with dirt, dipped in the blood of his brother, and of his own blood. One wing felt potentially broken, or at least sprained, he was bleeding heavily from his side, cuts covered his arms and legs, a few on his neck and shoulders.
Raphael was in worse shape, one of his four wine red wings hung limp and at an odd angle, blood trickled from his nose and mouth, he favored one shoulder over the other, he was limping pretty badly as well.

"Stand down Raphael!" Michael roared, pupils slits, the icy color seemingly glowing. The Alpha Prince's scent was tainted with anger, burnt cinnamon accompanied with rage clashed with Raphael's angry and sharp Wintergreen and Eucalyptus. Filling the little battlefield with the clashing scent of Alphas, and making the Omegas in the crowd shrink towards the back and exits.

"I will not! Heaven does not deserve to be ruled by a knot loving Alpha! You're weak and soft! You're broken and unfit to lead!" Raphael screamed as he ran for Michael again.

Michael swiftly took a step back, his sword swinging with a mighty cry.
Suddenly there was silence on the battlefield.
The crowd all hushed as the quiet murmuring began, waiting for the dist to settle. Everyone had looks of worry about their faces, scents with with concern of every designation of secondary gender, it was almost nauseating. Other than the angry Alpha scents in the arena all anyone could smell was the Strong smell of blood dancing with sweat.

Sam looked to Gabriel, who had paled, his nose twitching as he stood, wings lowered in nervousness.
Balthazar finally looked away from the gaurd he had been flirting with at the sudden silence and looked down into the arena, Castiel stiffened beside Dean as the Prince leaned forward to see better, the entire building seemed to be in a state of hushed silence as the dust finally settled.

Michael stood over Raphael's lifeless body, covered in blood of his own and his brother's.
The Archangel dropped his sword and fell to his knees from a mixture of sorrow and exhaustion. Reaching forward he closed Raphael's eyes and pulled his brother's bloody body into his arms.
He had won, but at the cost of his brother's life.

Chuck stood as the murmuring began to erupt, raising one hand the entire place was silent yet again.
"Michael has won the duel! We will hold the funeral for our fallen Prince in two days time! The Kingdom is expected to pay their respects!" Chuck then waved his hand in dismissal before exited the stand he and his children had been sitting in.

Castiel and Gabriel exchanged a look, but before either of them could act Balthazar was jumping over the railing, his tan wings flapped once or twice to steady his landing as he tripped to reach Michael.
Gabriel and Castiel didn't hesitate to join their eldest brother in the blood stained dirt below.
"Michael! Are you alright-" Gabriel began but snapped his jaw shut as he neared his brother.

Michael still hugged the lifeless Archangel in his arms and was actually crying. The three brothers looked between eachother before they gathered around Michael. The dark haired angel was mumbling apologies and begging forgiveness from not only bis fallen brother, but the three brothers surrounding him.
"Hush now Michael." Balthazar whispered and knelt beside the Crowned Prince "We know you had to do It."

Gabriel joined them on his knees in front of Michael, while Castiel knelt on his other side
"Raphael would have no other way." Gabriel added in a hushed tone. Wings enveloped Michael as Gabriel, Balthazar and Castiel hugged their eldest brother and silently mourned the loss of Raphael. It pained all of them tremendously, that not only Raphael had forced this on Michael, but that he had been so driven to not heed any reason whatsoever.

Dean had moved over to stand beside his brother. A hand over his mouth as he stared down into the little battlefield. There was blood everywhere, the smell of it made his stomach churn and he swore he would be sick.
Sam's eyes were wide as a full moon as he gazed upon the gorey scene below, never had the 15 year old Prince witnessed such cruelty.
Dean seemed to notice and quickly pulled Sam into a tight hug, holding his brother's head on his shoulder, his other hand rubbing his back to soothe him.
"It's alright really."

"I know Dean." Sam mumbled into his older brother's shoulder "I'm not going to cry over a dead body..." Sam whispered though he did not shed tears, his voice wavered "We should uh... Give them Space."

Dean nodded and glanced down where the Angel's were huddled in a mess of feathers
"Good idea. Come now, inside."

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