Chapter 73

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Castiel hurried away from Dean, needing to escape before he did something out of character, such as kiss the Prince again. Rounding a corner the Alpha leaned against a tree to catch his breath, once he stopped moving he realized tears were streaming down his face, when had the tears come?

They poured freely down his cheeks, chest aching, he could barely breath, if it hurt this bad, and had hurt this badly for weeks, how badly would it hurt once Dean and Michael were actually officially married?
The Angel side down onto his back side, knees drawn as close to his chest as he could get them, wings tucked as close to his back as possibly. Resting his cheek om his knees, wings pulled around him to hide himself from the world, the Prince closed his eyes and tried to relax, tried to get his mind off his broken heart.

Castiel nearly jumped out of his skin and to his feet, wings flaring out, dark constellation blessed festhers fluffing up in an aggressive but surprised manner when a small warm hand had threaded into his feathers. It was the softest and most hesitant of touches.
Looking down Castiel noticed Adam, the young Prince stared wide eyes up at Castiel, hands clenched at his chest
"I'm sorry." The boy whimpered taking a step back

Castiel blinked as he realised he probably look scary to the small boy with his wings so puffed out. Lowering and folding them in Castiel crouched back down and sat on the ground
"I'm sorry to have Scared you." Castiel's tone was soft as the Alpha smiled softly at the little human. Wiping his face to try and make it seem as if he hadn't been crying like a baby "It was Adam right?" A smirk came across Castiel's lips "Dean's big brother?"

Adam scrunched up his face rapidly shaking his head
"I'm not Dean's big brother! I'm his littlest brother! Him and Sammy are bigger than me" The boy looked almost offended by the idea

"Oh! I'm sorry, it's just you look so grown up. I thought you must be their bigger brother."

"Oh." Adam sat down beside Castiel with a frown "Are you okay Prince?" The boy asked scooting close

"I am."

"Don't lie. You smell horrible and you were crying under a tree all wrapped up in your wings when I came outside."

Castiel's mouth flopped open, he sat there fumbling for an excuse but the Alpha came up with nothing as his gaze fell to his feey
"I'm sorry you had to see me like that." The Angel admitted with a frown

"Why are you grown ups so dumb? Dad and Dean try not to let anyone see them upset... Even Mom and Sam do it. If you're upset be upset! I'm upset right now, see?" The boy pointed to his face and Cas noticed the boys red rimmed eyes

Without another thought Castiel threw a large wing over the boy and pulled him into his side
"Why are you so upset?"

Adam frowned, picking at his fingers and sort of just shrugged
"Dean is sad, Sam is sad, Mom and Dad are hiding it but they're a little sad." Adam's voice cracked "And I Don't know why they're sad! They just tell me it's fine, that they're fine and they aren't! Dean is all beat up and hurt! No one tells me why they're sad because I'm just a dumb kid that won't understand! Someone hurt my big brother." Adam's face was twisted in distress and his usually neutral scent that children had was braided with confusion and sadness
"Why did someone hurt Dean? Is it because he's not an Alpha or a Beta? Is it because he's getting married to that Michael guy? Dean is the most nicest brother in the world! He reads me stories and sings to me and teaches me stuff. He's nicer and stronger than any dumb Alpha or Beta." Adam was practically sobbing at this point

Castiel, not knowing what else to do pulled the small human into a hug, trying to make his scent soothing and hoping it worked, canopied in his wings.
"Adam, sometimes grown ups hide why they're sad to protect the people they care about. Your parents and brothers just don't want you to be worried."

Adam didn't say anything for a moment, rubbing his fists into his eyes to try and stop the tears that welled there. The boy sniffed before he looked up at Castiel, then to the wings that shielded them from their problems
"I worry more when they don't say anything."

"I know. I'm a little brother also, my big brothers pull the same shit-stuff." Castiel corrected himself. But the human that was buried in his side snickered behind his hand

"You're nice Prince Castle."

"Well you're nice also." Castiel added as he looked dowm at the boy. There was a beat of silence before Castiel asked Adam a question
"What do you think of Dean marrying Michael?"

"Me? Does it matter what I think?" Adam shifted enough to look up at Castiel before facing forward, staring intently at the wings that enveloped the two Princes "He doesn't seem happy about getting married and... He has this coat in his room that smells like you, he though he hid it but I found it. He talks about you a lot to Sam also. He said that Michael is his friend, but he doesn't want to marry him. I guess I Don't want Dean to marry an old guy he doesn't love."

"Maybe he won't have to." Castiel mused a look coming across his face.

Adam opened his mouth to speak when his mother's voice rang out calling for him
"Oh snap I'm in trouble."

Castiel unfolded his wings, looking as Kate rounded the corner and her worried gaze fell on the two. The Beta Queen must've sensed something off about Castiel because her eyes softened from worry to understanding
"There you are Adam!"

Adam stood, eyes down at his feet, wringing his hands with a frown
"I'm sorry Mama... I was just upset and found Prince Castle here also upset."

Kate pulled the boy into a hug and ruffled his hair
"It's okay dear. But you can't run off without someone with you! You could have gotten lost or hurt!" Kate gave Castiel a grateful smile "Thank you Castiel. With the wedding tomorrow I've been running like crazy and Gabriel was going to help entertain Adam but I heard he isn't feeling well and has been shut up in his room... I do hope he will be better by Tomorrow."

"I'm sure he will be." Castiel smiled stiffly, wings shuffling close to his back. He needed to speak with Gabriel, and perhaps Michael. He needed to stop this wedding. He thought that maybe he could learn to move on, but he couldn't.
Castiel was going to crash his big brother's wedding

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