Chapter 38

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Dean woke up to the slightest noise of his door handle being turned.
The Omega Prince shot straight up in bed, a territorial growl vibrated through his chest and out his throat. It wasn't deep like an Alpha's, but still threatening, the Winchester clutched Castiel's old trenchcoat closer to his side as he glared and growled at the door.
His nose twitched picking up Charlie's Beta scent of sweet oranges and grapefruit.

"Oh! Good morning Dean!" Charlie smiled with a tilt of her head "I came with the laundry. I didn't mean to wake you." The red head smiled cheerfully as she began to put the Prince's clothes away
"Sleep well Highness?"

"No." Dean spoke truthfully now calmer knowing the intruder wasn't going to hurt him. "I slept decently but not well. It was..." Dean looked down at the twisted sheets around his body and to the trenchcoat he was clutching with one hand "Eventful." He smiled sadly before his eyes flicked up to meet Charlie's.

The maid was at his side in a moment, her smile only growing wider
"Do tell dear Prince! Were you graced with the presence of your future husband? Or of the dashing Castiel?" Charlie asked with eagerness as she sat on the edge of the bed with a mischievous glint in her eyes

"I prefer not say." Dean spoke with a setness to his voice but his eyes flicked back to the tattered coat beside him

"Did he leave this with you when he left your chambers?" Charlie winked at him suggestively, to which Dean simply shook his head

"No. This is the coat I wore upon my arrival when all my clothes had been savagely ripped from my back while being held captive."

"Is that a fondness in your eyes I see? A caring softness to your voice?" Charlie sang with a small little laugh "You care highly for him?"

Dean rolled his eyes as they seemed to glow slightly, giving Charlie a side look
"That dear girl is none of your concern." Dean smiled at her with a shake of his head as the maid began to laugh

Charlie calmed herself and began to explain "Regardless Dean, your presence is infact requested at Breakfast. As you may figure they are to afraid to leave you alone for long."

Finally untangling himself from the sheet Dean stood and tilted his head. Taking a deep breath through his nose, he ran a hand through his hair.
The freckled Prince pulled a face and sighed "I will head to breakfast, but I may not eat. I'm afraid I may be unwell." He grumbled as he grabbed his clothes for the day and headed behind his changing curtain.

"Most likely stress." Charlie chimed in, she began to make the Prince's Monstrous bed, the moment though that she picked up Castiel's coat there was a hand on her wrist and a growl.
Charlie looked over her shoulder with wide fear filled eyes at Dean.

"Don't touch it." The Omega hissed and the red head immediately dropped it.
"I-I'm sorry Charlie." Dean picked up the coat and carefully began to fold it "I just. I don't want other scents on the coat..." Dean explained as he finished folding the trenchcoat into a neat square and set it on his vanity. Dean stared at the coat for a moment as he spoke "Do you think you could have someone deliver more pillows to my room? I just need more pillows."

Charlie approached the tall Omega cautiously before putting her hand on his shoulder
"Of course Dean. Now, we mustn't be late." Her voice was soft as silk when she spoke and led him out of the room.

Dean took his seat at the table, across from Michael, who to Dean at least, look exhausted. But the Alpha was doing a wonderful job of hiding it. Perhaps Dean picked up on it because he was Omega, or because he was the same way, or maybe it was because he had seen his father in the same place, or because he was going to marry the angel he didn't know, but he knew Michael hadn't slept a wink last night. Or hardly any night since his disappearance. There were smiles all around the tables and greetings to Dean.
Castiel was avoiding eye contact, his eyebrows nearly touching as he stared at his eggs. Balthazar had wine in his glass as he chatted joyfully to a maid, Gabriel was quietly moving his food back and forth with his fork, Michael ate in silence, Chuck seemed lost in thought his players untouched, Raphael, for once, seemed content and more smug than usual, Sam just simply scooted his chair a little closer to Dean and said nothing.

Dean shifted in his seat and cleared his throat.
"Good morning everyone." He gave everyone a small smile, Michael and Gabriel returned the gesture and Raphael glared hatefully at Dean.

"I do not believe anyone gave you permission to speak." The Archangel hissed, the four wine purple wings twitched in irritation

Sam looked up from his plate, tucked a stray strand of hair behind his ear and with a spiteful glower returned Raphael's venom
"No one gave you permission to speak either."
Dean was officially out of the loop. He was used to people telling him he can't do this or shouldn't do that and he ignored it all the same.
But something was off here.

"Well little Prince, when I am King he will have to do as I say. I will have to Train the stupid child how to properly behave." Raphael pointed at Dean with his knife as he glared at Sam

"Hold on a moment." Dean spoke up as he swallowed thickly "Michael is to be my husband, and Michael is to be King. You are speaking on traitorous terms here."

Michael finally looked at Dean, chin held high before glaring at Raphael
"My brother has challenged me for the throne. We duel at noon for the crown," Michael looked at Dean and his eyes and voice softened "And for you as our bride."

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