Chapter 46

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The whole room seemed to freeze as a stout demon entered, horns poking from his thin dark hair. He lacked the leathery wings a lot of demons possessed, but that didn't change the air of importance he had about himself, the Alpha, by his dominant scent, fixed his tie with a smug grin
"Awfully quiet, aren't we?" He hummed walking past Chuck, Michael and Castiel to examine the food being set out on the dining table. "Mind if I join you?"

"Crowley, I was just informed of your death," Michael stiffly said with a stony face, lifting his chins and wings in a subtle display of dominance.

"And who told you that, hmmm?" Crowley spat out between his teeth, his eye glowing red with hatred as he sat himself down at the head of the table. "That wretched whore Abaddon, I presume?" Crowley's voice was smug, eyebrow raised as he lifted a cup pretending to admire the gold "Stole my throne more like."

Chuck stood at the opposite end of the table as Crowley nodding in acknowledgement
Michael raised an eyebrow watching Crowley closely with suspicion and mistrust
"You are here why?"

Crowley's red eyes narrowed before he leaned back more looking to Michael
"I've come to discuss important topics with the King to be."

Chuck's mouth snapped shut with an almost offended look, but alas he moved to the side and motioned to his eldest with a small dip of his head and wings
Michael stepped forward and sat in his father's chair, staring hard at Crowley at the opposite end of the table
"Pray, tell us what is going on. Why this Abaddon claims you're dead, that she is Queen, and why my future husband was kidnapped and tortured by her men." Michael sat straight, chin up and wings on a subtle display of who was in fact in control of this situation

Crowley simply raised an eyebrow
"You mean the Omega Prince that human John was originally going to give /me/ before the war broke out? You lot slimy had to give the dumb human a sweeter deal am I right?" Crowley laughed at the glare that hardened on Castiel's face, the twitch of feathers from Lucifer and the way Michael's jaw flexed in controlled irritation.

"We are nor discussing that right now Crowley. You need to give us answers before a war breaks out after one just ended. We have not even had a year of peace and trouble wants to brew." Michael explained with a sigh as he examined the rather casual demon at the end of his family's dining table

"Listen Michael. Abaddon tried to have me killed due to a scandal. The blackmailing failed you could say. She wanted the throne and I faked her assassination attempt as successful so that I could lay low. Hell is in Chaos with her at the throne. Not a ounce of civility among them!" Crowley hit his fist on the armrest of his chair and shifted to lean his chin on his hand "Help me get back on the throne, and by gones can be bygones. Besides" Crowley cooed pretending to look at his fingernails before only his eyes flicked back to Michael "I know someone with a bit of magic to help assist with the struggles you're facing."

"What struggles?" Michael raised an eyebrow at the demon and folded his hands neatly before him on the table

"Struggles of the heart young King."

Michael cleared his throat but said nothing for a moment, a moment to long, Chuck raised his eyebrow at his son and Lucifer shifted his weight
"Join us for dinner Crowley. I am open to your proposal." The Archangel Prince finally said with an authority that had Lucifer quickly Excuse himself, feeling the need to blow of steam of any kind really.

Crowley gave a curt nod in acceptance, the family was seated, Sam as well but Dean was a no show.
"Is Dean alright?" Castiel asked looking from Gabriel, who had been sent to locate the Winchester, and Sam, who was last seen with the freckled Prince.

"Today's excitment has over exerted him. The Omega was feeling worn out and a little under the weather." Gabriel quickly answered easing the tense look Castiel was giving him, the concerned frown Michael had, and the oddly intrigued look in the Demon King's red eyes. Gabriel's wings twitched under the scrutiny, something he certainly did not like was a lot of attention at once.
Gabriel frowned glancing between Crowley, Michael and his father Chuck as the tension became extremely thick in the air
"Regardless let us eat! We've had a long day, Crowley is a guest as is Prince Sam here!"
Sam had shifted in his seat as he tucked stray hair behind both his at the same time. Clearing his throat and sitting straighter as to try and not look so completely uncomfortable.

Michael nodded his agreement as food was set before everyone. Crowley ate as if everything was right in the world, Chuck seemed to be able to eat fine as well, Sam nibbled at his plate and Castiel didn't even touch his fork. Michael ate maybe a bite here and there and Gabriel knew how to make it appear as if he was eating without ever successfully bringing the fork to his mouth

"Present your proposal Crowley." Michael stated with a sip of wine that only made his stomach churn. He had gotten no real rest, no real processing time since Dean's kidnapping, return, his brother's challenge, the duel, Abaddon's appearance, or Crowley's return. To say he was under control was a vast misinterpretation of the entire situation

"I want you to help me, kill Abaddon and return to the throne. Preferably not in a full blown war, as we haven't even been eight months of peace yet." Crowley swirled his wine glass as his red eyes met Michael's icy ones "I want Lucifer to help. He's highly capable."

"We will discuss this further in private. For now we will set up a room for you and no one will know you're alive as of yet." Michael simply stated standing and motioning for a maid to do as he had requested
"I must bid you all goodnight, as rude as it may be. I've had a rather taxing day and have to bury my brother in a day or two."

"Yes yes but of course Michael." Crowley spoke with fale sympathy before this certain, knowing, look came over his features "Such a shame your dear brother Raphael. It is to bad that Abaddon wiggled her way into his ear. He had been so loyal to you up until recent years. Makes you really wonder who else is, in fact, as loyal as they claim. Anyway goodnight all!" He stood and followed the maid to where he would be staying without so much as another word.

Michael looked to the other's in the room. Each of them unsure of what to make of Crowley's words.
Had Raphael really been conspiring with Abaddon? Was there someone else involved in all of this? Michael was sure the demon hadn't a clue what he was speaking of... But then again, Crowley wasn't one to necessarily lie but simply to emit certain aspects of the truth...
Michael still bid the others goodnight and tried to hold himself high as he exited the dining room to head to bed. All the while with a heavy heart.

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