Chapter 6

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The next morning a maid came and knocked on Dean's door.
He finished getting dressed and opened the door a little. The maids were nice, very nice, they treated him like a Prince, like a person.
So naturally Dean didn't trust them. No one treated Omegas like people.
"Yes?" He swallowed and said throwing on a small smile

"Prince Michael returned from the war last night, and your family arrived yesterday afternoon. They were wondering if you would be joining them for breakfast?" The maid smiled and tucked a strand of red hair behind her ear.
She was human.
No wings, no horns, just a human Beta with nice red hair.
Dean decided to trust her, afterall he needed one friend around here and she seemed nice, he didn't remember much from his heat except it was uncomfortable as always.
He had really only remembered this Beta maid bringing him food, making him drink water, and making sure he got cleaned.

"Yes I am. Though I'm afraid I don't remember where the dining room is..." He frowned hating that he felt utterly useless.

The maid bit her lip and Dean knew she was biting back a laugh. Amusement poured from her scent and it only made him upset. Of course she would laugh at him. He was clueless in a castle and kingdom he had barely seen any of, and she'd been there during one of his hearts. He hated those horrid weeks that happened every month. It only made him feel like a needy whore.

The maiden shook her head
"I'll gladly show you you Highness. I'm Charlie by the way." She turned and waited for him to appear beside her

"Please, you don't have to call me Prince or your Highness or anything... Dean is fine." He reassured her.

"I know. You're the Omega Prince that will be marrying Michael and you hate formalities. But, you are a Pronce and I give you my respect." She smirked and looked at him with shining eyes and Dean couldn't help the feeling he should Protect her.

"Well ok... But just Dean is fine." He paused as they walked "Unless you'll get in trouble... I'm not familiar with Angel customs... I've only read a little on them... Enough to know their private creatures and very traditional. They keep their customs to themselves and you don't wanna start a war with them." Dean frowned just thinking about how stupid he most likely was for not knowing much about the type of people he would be marrying.
When you marry a future King, you marry the Kingdom.

"You'll learn in time. Enochians are rather patient beings. Especially when they know you don't know. You'll learn my Prince." Charlie smiled and opened a door for him.

Dean stepped in and his nose was attacked with the happy scents of Sam and Adam and he was soon tackled to the cool marble floor by the young Princes.
Dean didn't hold back the motherly purr that came from his throat as he tousled Sam's hair and hugged Adam.
"You all shouldn't be here for another two weeks!" Dean exclaimed kissing the top of both his brother's heads.

Sam offered a hand and helped Dean off the ground.
"I know but Dad wanted to surprise you!" Adam chimed in as the three Winchester Princes made their way to the table.

Deam sat beside his Father at one end of the table as King Chuck sat at the other head of the table.
Sam and Adam sat beside Kate on John's right, while Dean on his left.
To Chuck's right on Dean's side of the table sat Michael, then Gabriel, while on the left was Castiel and Balthazar. There was an empty chair on Chuck's right between Michael and Gabriel but Dean thought nothing of it.

It was a strange way for the families to sit and Dean was immediately uncomfortable.
Out of everyone in the room he was the only Omega, Kate the only Beta, and Adam the only unrepresented.
It was quite a lot of Alpha for one room and the Omega Prince had to swallow hard at all the dominating scents in the room.

Really though only one scent stood out, the scent if old books and coffee beans.
Prince Castiel.
Dean straightened up as he felt several pairs of eyes on him. Ignoring the feeling of looking down in submission he lofted his chin as an Alpha would and looked down the table making eye contact with Chuck.

The kind and actually rather small Alpha king smiled at him and stood.
"Good morning everyone. This morning is truly a joyous moment. We have the Royal family of Earth here with us to help celebrate the safe return of Michael." He motioned to the dark haired and pure white winged angel who simply smiled at his father.

There were smiles all around and Dean threw on a convincing but fake smile.
His eyes met Sam's across from him and he froze.
The look his brother gave him told Dean he knew. Dean was scared, grasping at straws, but it was ok.
Breakfast went by in a thick blur of near suffocating silence. Nearly the quiet sound of chewing, the small clink of silverware of the occasional scrape of knifes against the glass plates.

It seemed like breakfast would end but eventually it did.
Chuck stood again and smiled
"I will take the King and Queen on a small tour, if you boys would spend time with the Prince's? Get acquainted with your future brothers in law!" The small king smiled his graying feathers twitched with excitement on all six wings like gray flowing waves.

The two kings and queen exited the room and Michael stood.
He had spent a long time washing the blood and dirt from his wings and they now shone and shimmered with pure white, whiter then the anything Dean had seen.
To say the Crowned Prince was ugly would of been a lie.

Dean looked at the dark haired Icey eyed Archangel Alpha and just stared. He smelled nice, like leather bound books and cinnamon. Overall Dean couldn't complain.
Michael was stunning, his wings, his eyes, they seemed stern but swirling with a hidden sea of kindness... Properly hidden by war, and his scent was nice and actually calmed Dean's nerves a little.

He supposed maybe it wouldn't be to bad to be married to Michael...

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