Chapter 12

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Eventually Dean finally decided to get off the bench and go for a nice walk. Afterall there was a certain Prince he needed to get off his mind. He had a wedding to plan afterall...
With a sigh he wandered around the garden for quite some time just trying to get his mind off of this. To get his heart off of it.

There was no denying how beautiful Heaven was. The sky was slightly overcast but the breeze held spring on it, the flowers were budding in the bushes and trees, peeking out of the grass.
Dean walked along just trying to clear his head, his nerves. He was planning a wedding tomorrow. Soon he would be married, he'd have a mate, a husband, and he'd be lying if he said that thought didn't frighten him.
Granted Michael was kind, and generous, considerate, everything an Omega, or anyone for that matter, coul ask for in a spouse... But it still made Dean uneasy.

So say Dean got past the man that was so much older than he, or the fact that it was arranged, and say he got over the fact that he probably wouldn't get a say in much of anything for the remainder of his days... Even if Dean got past all of that, there was one thing he couldn't get past and that was the fact that Michael wasn't the Alpha that Dean found himself thinking about. The fact that Michael wasn't the Alpha that Dean felt smelled like home and safety.

With a frustrated groan Dean scrubbed his hands over his face and soon found a door leading inside. Really he didn't recognize this hallway once he stepped through but figured it couldn't be a problem right?
Heading down the hall Dean had to wrinkle his nose, something smelled, well it smelled wrong and it immediately put up red flags for the young Prince. It made the Omega part of Dean squirm uncomfortably and want to hide, of course Dean wouldn't do that, he was raised that Alphas don't run and hide. Even though he wasn't an Alpha it's what he had been taught.

Still Dean kept walking hoping he'd recognize a part of the castle or run across Charlie, a gaurd or any of the Princes... Even if it was Balthazar or Raphael.
Not that there was anything wrong with them... They just rubbed him the wrong way. Raphael especially.
Shaking his head Dean had turned around and made the mistake of walking backwards, only to bump into something solid, metal, it grunted, and his nostrils were overwhelmed with the scent of anger and Alpha.
Not a good combination.

Dean spun around ready to either punch or bolt he was heavily conflicted on which, his body tried to run but his hands clenched into fists, when someone grabbed his arm with a growl.

"What the Hell are you doing over here?"

Dean paused for a moment and swallowed back this sudden feeling of fear as he wormed his arm out of the Alpha's grip.
"I got lost in this dumbass castle." He grumbled rubbing his wrist with a glare.

The blonde knight's frown only deepened and Dean hated this guys smug but furious looking face. The Angel's wings twitched and flexed a few times before he crossed his arms over his armored chest.
"What is Michael's fiance doing on their own?" He said suddenly becoming a bit more serious.
"I'm Lucifer, and you're not supposed to be in the knights wing without an escort. Unless of course you're sneaking off." Lucifer's red glare hardened and Dean simply stiffened his shoulders

"I told you I got lost in this dumbass castle. Now, if you'll just point me in the direction I need, then I will not need to put up with you, or anyone, any further." Dean snapped back crossing his arms as well. No way was some Alpha with wings the color of Blood with pink hues going to scare him off.

Lucifer was growing angry. How dare some Omega talk to him like that? Didn't they teach this people any manners?
"Come on." He growled before roughly grabbing Dean's arm and yanking him down the hallway

Dean protested rather loudly and pulled his arm away
"I can walk on my own you son of a bitch." He growled dropping his filter again. This guys scent was nauseating. Usually the smell of blown out matches and cut wood wasn't a bad smell at all, in fact Dean liked the smell of blown matches. But this guy? Nope.
His smell made Dean wrinkle his nose in complete disgust.
"I'll find the way on my own. Thank you." He walked past Lucifer and turned a corner leaving the angry blond stewing.

Dean headed down the hall and finally just slid down the wall.
Usually he wouldn't of acted like that but lately he had been acted all over the place. It was all a combination of fear, he was still adjusting to living here and he would be married. He had been deep in thought and he was sure he had deeply offended one of Michael's most trusted Generals.
First impressions are amazing.

Lucifer couldn't believe it.
That was what Michael was going to Marry? Some wannabe Alpha? Some Omega with a bad mouth and was ruder then he was?
The thought alone made Lucifer even angrier then when he started the day. He already had barely seen his best friend since they arrived home, now he had to deal with the realization that there was no stopping this wedding, the planners and florists, caterers and tailors were arriving tomorrow  and Michael was as good has hitched.

Now that Lucifer had Officially met the Omega his best friend was to marry, well, Prince Dean Winchester seemed like the opposite of absolutely everything he had heard. He wasn't kind, he wasn't proper, he wasn't kingly, he was a spoiled bitch. He was definitely still a child.
A child that would carry and birth Michael's children, be there for Michael at the end of a long day, have the title of Michael's mate and husband.
He was going to be everything that Lucifer wished he could be and it made the Alpha furious.

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