Chapter 39

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Everyone soon dispersed after breakfast, and Sam remained close to Dean's side. The two Winchesters wandered in the halls in silence, before Sam spun around on his heel to face Dean
"Michael will win I'm sure." He smiled as they began to walk again

Dean chuckled and shook his head
"Wow Sam. Real encouraging. Where pray, did you learn your bedside manners?" Dean laughed again as he shook his head, tilting his chin up to see his little brother's face

Sam of course laughed as they entered the library that Gabriel had shown the Alpha human.
"From you dear brother." The Winchester chuckled as he examined some of the shelves.

Dean came in after Sam, looking around before he began to speak
"How worried was Father?"

"Very." Sam mumbled pulling out a scroll with a map on it "We all were very worried."

Dean sat in a chair that made him sink into it a little bit, it was comfortable, and high backed, the armrests were cushioned and the fabric was very soft.
"I'm sorry. Truly I am... I did try to escape. Almost bit fingers off and headbutted some jerk in the nose." Dean grumbled as he pulled his legs onto the chair and sat sideways, knees bent over one of the armrests

Sam tilted his head at his brother's position and rolled his eyes
"I expect nothing less from you."
Sam sat on the carpet in front of Dean, back to him as he laid out the maps and books.

Dean shifted his position again to sit cross legged in the chair and began to fuss with his little brother's hair.
"Did I not show you, that if you are to insist on having longer hair, different things you could do with it?" Dean complained as he combed his fingers through his brother's collar length hair

"Dean, I told you I cannot braid it on my own." The younger Prince huffed with yet another eye roll

"Than I will braid it as a crown..."

"Whatever Dean." Sam huffed again before returning to reexamining an early map of the Kingdoms territories.
"Tell me Dean, what's different?" The Alpha's nose twitched as he held still for his brother "Were you with Castiel last night?"

Dean frowned as he continued to focus on braiding his brother's hair
"What does it matter? He saved my life, I owe him as much as a friendship." The Omega explained "So what if we shared a hug? I was in need of comfort as what has happened to me was pressing on my mind last night. The Prince was in need of comfort upon hearing the news of Raphael's attempt at the throne, of which I had not known."

"Is that all that happened? For his scent lingers on you Dean." Sam spoke softly but his shoulders tensed

Dean flicked his brother's ear and sighed "That is all. Do you think I would go to bed with anyone? An Alpha nonetheless? After what I've been through? Sex, dear brother is the farthest thing from my mind! May the Gods be gracious enough to ever make it appealing to me again, it won't be so soon." The older Winchester grumbled and made a point to tug a little to quickly at his younger brother's hair.

"Alright! Alright! I get it." Sam wished he could glare at his older brother, but he knew trying to move when having your hair braided can end painfully.

"Sam I can practically hear your bitchy face. It's unbecoming of a future King."

"It's unbecoming of a future King" Sam mocked to which Dean flicked his ear again

"Now, that you are done interrogating me on subjects I am uncomfortable expounding on... How are things at home? Kate and Adam? How are they? What of Lady Jessica?" Dean pressed knowing that mentioning the stunning Lady Moore would get his brother flustered.

"Kate and Adam are well, Adam is showing signs of potentially presenting as a Beta but we cannot be sure. A letter was sent out yesterday upon your arrival that you've returned, and Father should be making his way here soon. As fo Lady Moore..."

"Oh Sammy, just call the dear thing Jessica, that is how she insists we address her Afterall." Dean chuckled and to him this was good. This felt good. It felt right, he needed just time with his family.
Time to be a big brother, a big motherly and slightly teasing older brother.
Just time to feel normal. To forget the last month, to forget what was said to him, done to him.
A moment to just be, Dean Winchester, Prince of Earth.

Sam's shoulders relaxed and a smile was heard on his voice
"We have tea, and go riding, every Saturday that I am home. Though right now she and her father are on holiday in the cooler regions." Sam explained as Dean tapped his shoulder signaling his little braided crown was finished. The Alpha now had a braid on either side of his head, connecting at the back of his head and held by a loose ribbon Dean had had with him.

"Sounds romantic. Is she to be your future Queen? She is a lovely Beta, of good heritage and wealth. A loyal and noble family, her father serves in the King's court Afterall." Dean spoke of the lovely blonde as he curled up in the chair "Bring me a couple of those pillows from the small couch by the fireplace would you Sam?"

Sam turned and his face was bright red with an embarrassed blush
"I will fetch your pillows, and as for her as my future Queen I simply don't know Dean." Sam handed his brother more pillows, one went behind the Omega's back, the others under each knee, and the last one over his lap.

The older Winchester looked up at his brother's confused face with a raised eyebrow

"Are you trying to make a nest Dean?" It came out as almost a statement versus a question, but Sam was concerned

"Wh-what?! No! Gods no Sam!" Dean pushed the pillow off his lap and stood. "Wh-why... I'm not trying to nest!"

Before anymore could be said the door opened slowly and Charlie peeked her head in.
"There you are Dean! Prince Sam." She bowed to both of them before continuing
"The deul is being prepared. Your presence is required as this holds the treaty along with the throne. You are permitted to give your best to whomever you hope to win, and a reserved seat is set for you beside King Chuck and his other sons."

Neither Winchester said anything, but the look they exchanged said it all. Everything stood on whether or not Michael would win, or lose.

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