Chapter 27

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Dean heard the noise and immediately the screams made him flinch. The smell of agression outside his door and the sound of the clamour and chaos sent a chill down his spine and fear into his heart.
Before he knew it the door had been ripped from the wall and thrown, a figure stood in the door along with the smell if an angered and hostile Alpha filled the room and Dean bit back a whimper. When he spoke to the Alpha he hated the whine that took over his voice, he hated the shivering that he couldn't control as he was so cold but so sweaty at the same time.

He had started his natural heat a month ago, and during that they kept giving him these shots, Dean didn't know what they were but they kept him in heat the entire time. Kept him ready to be used even though he tried to fight it, his Omega biology screamed otherwise and the Prince /hated/ it with a passion. He was nothing but a ready body that could be overpowered with enough force.
A whore.

But the Alpha in the door way, with sparks falling around him like gold snow, with eyes glowing with angel grace, wings a fluffed mess of a winter's night, hair a tussled mess of hurry and concern, and the scent of fresh coffee and old books.
It was Castiel.
Before Dean could fully process the words the other Prince had said he was standing, gripping the blanket around his bruised and cut torso as he came to the angel and gripped him tightly he whimpered out a simple command he prayed the Prince would carry out
"Take me /home/" He blinked the tears from his eyes "Take me away from here Alpha."
He had called Castiel Alpha. He had never done that to anyone, at all, except when it was beaten from him. Everything hurt less if he called the Alpha by that name.

Dean flinched back when a threatening growl escaped Castiel's chest.
"Don't/ ever/ call me that Dean." Castiel's voice was deep and calm, he gripped Dean's bare arms tightly as he looked into Dean's eyes with emotions neither Prince dared to name
"It's Castiel. Not Alpha, I'm not your Alpha Dean." Castiel's voice was soft, deep and calm like rolling waves.

Dean nodded in a jerky movement and closed his eyes as a tear fell down his jaw
"I just want to go home Cas." He sounded so broken, so hurt and before Dean even knew what happened he had been scooped up in the Angel's arms. Castiel my have been an inch shorter, but he was still an Alpha, and still an Angel.
The Omega rested his head on Castiel's shoulder and put an arm around his neck as he was carried out of the basement, and out of the farmhouse, set upon Castiel's horse. Dean said nothing but kept a deadpanned expression and his chin held high as the other soldiers fell into line behind Castiel, Lucifer close on his right.

Dean refused to be looked at as if he was weak, but he was glad for Cas leading the horse by the reigns so he didn't need to think.
Dean shifted slightly as he looked about the Beta soliders, they all averted their eyes but he saw the way their noses twitched. But Betas weren't so affected by an Omega in heat, how Lucifer and Castiel were staying sane was beyond the human Prince.
Still he sat straight and tried to look as fine, and as regal as he could when wrapped in an old blanket with mud and blood stains, while shirtless and uncomfortably in heat, with his smell filling the air and turning heads, he tried to look royal even through his lips were cut, his face was bruised and his face was filthy with blood and dirt.
He refused to look weak even if that's how he felt.
Even if everyone he knew save his family thought he was, he wouldn't appear weak. Alistair hadn't broken him, he was still strong, Alistair hadn't beaten his stubbornness from him, he hadn't taken Dean's strong will and shattered it.
Only cracked it.
Dean was still no ordinary Omega and he never would be.

As the hours dragged on Dean shifted again and bit the inside of his cheek, he was extremely uncomfortable, he hadn't been given one of the annoying heat inducing drugs in nearly three days and the heat was finally wearing off, didn't mean he wasn't still flushed from the tips of his ears to his shoulders, he was covered in a fine layer of sweat over his body, and he was under a constant state of arousal and because of that they really needed to settle for the night.

"Your Highness?" Dean whispered so onu Castiel and his horse could hear.
Castiel was busy talking with Lucifer about the possibility of rain and Dean knew he hadn't heard him
"Alpha, your Highness?" Dean spoke a little louder and Lucifer stopped mid sentence as he raised an eyebrow at the Human Omega.

Castiel's wings stiffened and his posture became rigid as he whipped his head up to look at the distressed Omega.
The Angel Prince had been blocking out the Omega's scent all day, he had been blocking out the occasional whimpers of discomfort from the other Prince, he had put his own body, and his own mind on lockdown to keep from doing something he would greatly regret, and yet here Dean went and called him /Alpha/.
That alone sent raw instinct that Castiel had never needed to deal with through his body.
"/Don't/ call me that your Highness." The Angel growled with a frown

Dean shrunk back slightly and looked down at his hands not sure how to answer that.

"What is it you need Dean." Cas said a lot softer as he placed a hand on Dean's knee, quickly drawing it back when the Prince flinched a little

"I think we should stop for the night. I would like a private place to rest away from the rest of the-uh the troops." Dean mumbled

Castiel was about to ask why when Lucifer spoke to Dean fir the first time as the older man understood
"Anything your Highness." Luicfer pulled his horse in front of Castiel and Dean and whistled to their men
"We camp in the clearing on the other side of this hill! Everyone is to stay away from where his Highness The Omega is to be put, I will choose two gaurds for him." After Lucifer's announcement the troops headed into the clearing to make camp.

Luicfer kept his horse alongside Dean and looked at the young Prince, he looked to the Archangel as if the life had been taken from him, he flinched slightly and whipped his head around at every little noise and growled at anyone that came to close that was not Castiel or himself.
"Prince Dean," Lucifer spoke quietly and softly as he didn't want to frighten him
"I've chosen two Beta female gaurds to stand outside your tent. They will only come in if you call, and will help tend to you. Their names are Jo and Claire, they are humans that work for your family, joined us about two weeks ago."

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