Chapter 33

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Dean walked alongside Castiel in nothing but the light of the moon on the crystal clear ocean.
He felt like a cheating dog.
Then Castiel claimed he wasn't and it made the Omega want to sob. What had happened to him, he knew that wasn't his fault, what made hin feel disloyal to the man he was to marry was because his heart belonged to someone else and it hurt.
It hurt so badly.

It hurt worse than the pain he endured for the past month, it felt worse than the loss of his mother, he was to marry an Alpha that would never has his heart and the Alpha his heart belonged to was so kind and sweet and had no clue of Dean's feelings.
Michael didn't deserve Dean.
He deserved someone that would love him, or grow to love him. Not someone who had fallen in love with their little brother.

Dean was in love with Castiel.

It wasn't something the Omega had wanted, but Dean felt a connection, a drawing to the Angel from the moment they met. Sparks flew, and for the first time since presenting as Omega Dean had felt a need to have Castiel around.
But Dean wouldn't say a word.
He was promised to Michael.

"Dean?" Castiel's voice broke the pounding thoughts in the other young adults mind and it echoed with a calm.
"Are you alright? You're crying."

Dean blinked several times and scrubbed away at the tears with his bruised and scraped open palms. The pain if pushing the bruises on his face he hardly felt, but the pain in his heart and chest at the raw concern for him that came from Castiel made a gasped sob escape Dean's lips.
He couldn't say it, he couldn't tell Cas anything because he was sure that the Alpha didn't feel this way, he was sure the angel, this beautiful kind and generous Angel would be disturbed at the very thought of some used Omega falling in love with him when promised to someone else, and his older brother nonetheless!

Castiel was at a loss what to do and suddenly Dean felt warm arms and fluffy wings around him. Dean was pressed to the Angel's chest and his wings to rival the night sky were wrapped around him.
Dean grabbed fistfuls of the Prince's deep blue and silver robe and even though he was a little taller than the Alpha he put his forehead on Cas' shoulder and sobbed. He sobbed so much lately that the human was surprised he could even still cry.

"I'm here Dean. It's ok, I won't let anyone hurt you." Castiel whispered leaning his cheek on Dean's head as the Prince sobbed into his shoulder

Though Dean didn't want to those words of assurance only made it worse and the two sunk to the sand.
"I'm so sorry." Dean gasped and wiped his tears away avoiding eye contact with Castiel.

"Don't apologize Dean." Castiel spoke so gently and sincere that Dean had to fight back another wave of tears. He felt so weak and vulnerable right now and it scared him.
He wanted so desperately to tell Castiel everything, he wanted to tell the Angel how much he suddenly cared for him and how in the past several months he had fallen so deeply in love with him that being apart hurt. He wanted to tell Castiel everything Alistair had done to him, all his fears, his everything.

But Dean said nothing but "I'm so sorry" over and over.

Dean stopped mumbling apologies the second Cas took a hand and gently lifted the Winchesters chin to force some eye contact.
"Why are you apologizing?" Cas whispered as his wings shuffled to be around Dean better

"I can't tell you." Dean wasn't sure if he said it outloud or not but Castiel's concerned expression softened and a little sad smile tugged at the corners of his lips

"Than don't tell me Dean. I'm sure you have a lot on your mind."

Dean simply nodded and let out a sigh. He was glad Cas wasn't forcing him to open up
"Thank you Cas."

The two stared into each other's eyes for what Dean swore was an eternity. Blue blue blue and more blue. It's all Dean saw, Castiel's eyes were a blue that outshined all blue that the human had ever seen.
It was true, everything blue that Dean had seen since meeting Castiel he had compared to those eyes and everything paled in comparison.

Castiel on the other hand stared into a pool of green that made the summer leaves look wilted and gray. He couldn't understand how a single color could carry so much emotion and depth.
It was electrifying and intoxicating. Cas wanted nothing more than to drown in those eyes for eternity.

Both Prince's sat in silence for a very long time. Castiel's wings pulled Dean closer as the two breathed the same warm air, noses so close to eachother they were brushing slightly. Castiel watched as Dean's light nearly blond lashes brushed his freckled cheeks everytime he blinked, and Dean couldn't stop staring at the way Castiel's eyes scanned his face as if searching for something unknown but only to the Alpha.
Both young Princes stared and dared not say a word, they both barely breathed as Dean's hands clenched from the fists that were tightly holding Castiel's robe. He smoothed out the wrinkled silk with a look of determination and a blush starting at his ears at how close the two were.

Dean hadn't realized he was holding his breath, and Castiel let one hand gently rest on Dean's neck, his fingers flitted over the harsh rub Mark's of what had been a chain collar around the Omega's neck, before finally stopping and gently rubbing a thumb over Dean's cheek.
Dean let his hands rest on Castiel's chest and closed his eyes as he felt the strong and unsure heart beat of the Alpha he was sitting with, wings canopied them in a darkness illuminated only by the slight glow of each other's eyes.
Dean felt Cas lift his chin and hesitate, to which Dean was having none of and met the Alpha halfway in a gentle yet perfect kiss.

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