Chapter 62

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"Alright." The single word echoed through the large library with a finality that settled a sort of dread in both Sam and Gabriel's stomachs. "But you can't go alone."

"You can't come with me Sam, Dean needs you here. He needs your support now more than ever, dealing with everything and healing, along with the wedding which will be forced on them in no time, rushed quicker even if my father has anything to do with it. You can't come along."

Sam's face snapped into another one of his bitch faces
"I never said I had to go with you. But you will take someone I choose. I've got enough on my plate dealing with all the hurt Dean has gone through I don't need my best friend disappearing or showing up on some shoreline dead." The younger prince bit out with tears glossing his vision

Arms and golden wings wrapped around the teen, Gabriel buried his nose in Sam's hair, making some hushing noises
"I'll be alright Sam I promise. You focus on Dean and support him through any hard decisions he will have to make. I'm sure a lot is on his mind right now."

Sam clung to Gabriel, sniffing back his tears. The older Alpha lifted his chin a little higher indicating it was alright for Sam to scent him if it helped to calm him down.
Sam of course was hesitant, unsure how to take such an intimate gesture from his friend and older Alpha, but sure enough the boys nose buried into the Archangels neck. He inhaled deeply as his arms wrapped tightly around Gabriel.

"I'll be safe. I have a couple of trusted people going with me. An angel and a human royal gaurd. I've heard many good things about Claire from Castiel. When your father sent her she joined Castiel's group. The Angel's name is Gadreel and he is trusted by Lucifer and Michael alike."

Sam nodded and pulled out of Gabriel's comforting embrace. Embarrassment reddened his cheeks
The young Alpha cleared his throat and went about laying old and new maps out
"Where would this place be on the map? Will you fly there and carry Claire? Would you take a boat? How exactly are you planning on getting there?" Sam rambled his questions, eyes scanning the maps to keep from letting Gabriel see his embarrassment

"We will take a boat, leave under the cover of night-"

"What what why? Why in the middle of the night?"

Gabriel chewed his bottom lip avoiding Sam's confused and worried gaze
"Because I was told specifically not to find the witch. Or even to ask around."

With a narrowed gaze Sam pulled up to chairs, sitting in one and looking expectedly at Gabriel
"Why? Why would Chuck do that? This could ensure that everyone is happy. Eve would have no choice but to honor a True Mates arrangement even though she wanted Earth's Omega Prince to marry Heavens future King." Sam chewed the inside of his cheek nervously "It doesn't add up."

"I don't understand it either. It makes less sense than Raphael challenging Michael to the throne in a freaking death match! Those laws haven't been observed since-" Gabriel wracked his brain for any remembrance of the last time they actually carried out the challenge rule "I don't know when but it was well beyond what I can remember leanring." The angel sat down, wings flopped limply over the armrests of the chair, he scrubbed his hands over his face "My father Can not know what I'm doing."

"Why?" Sam asked again, like anyone would. The simple one word question mocked Gabriel and settled deep in the put of his stomach.

"Because he threatened to expose me, it would bring a lot of heat on him, but he'd do anything to prevent Michael from being with another Alpha." Gabriel swallowed thickly

"I know what you're thinking. You're thinking right now that I'm going to ask what he'd expose you for, and keep pressing the subject. You're wrong. I want to ask, I want to press, but Gabriel you're my friend, so I won't. You've been family to me the past many months that Dean has been here. You were with me when I was going nuts when Dean was missing, and by my side as I've been here. You don't have to tell me a thing. It's none of my business. You're a great guy, a fantastic Alpha, and one of the best brothers over ever seen. You serve your Kingdom, family, and people well and that is what matters." Sam laid his hand over Gabriel's with a soft smile "Let me help you map your course and pack. You need to be there for your family in the morning."

Gabriel said nothing for a long time, his wings trembled with his shoulders, the blonde blinked back tears as he stared ahead at the table, never making eye contact with Sam.
"Thank you Sam. You have no idea how much that means to me."

"Whatever the secret is, it's secret for a reason and should probably stay that way." Sam replied simply giving Gabriel another smile "Focus right now on you're family. I'll have everything packed for a three day journey at best for you. If you don't mind me doing that?"

"No go ahead. I have to bury my brother in the morning."

"Gabriel-" Sam was cut off by the library door creaking open, Balthazar stood awkwardly in the doorway, tan wings twitching a little, eyes puffy from tears

"Balty, what do you need?" Gabriel quickly said closing and shoving aside the books and maps
Balthazar didn't say anything other than simply shaking his head
"Excuse me Sam." Gabriel stood and led his younger brother out, draping gold feathers over him as the library door closed.

Sam watched with a sad smile, he had to wipe the tear that suddenly slipped down his cheek.
His gaze shifted to the maps that he rolled back out. He needed to map the easiest and quickest way to this island and back for Gabriel. The Angel's family needed him here, not witch hunting, it brewed a dangerous thought in Sam's mind. One he knew Dean, Michael, everyone would be against. But did he really have a choice?

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