Chapter 45

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It did not take long for Castiel to find Lucifer. The Archangel was outside, arms crossed over his armored chest as he watched an official looking carriage leave down the road and off into the countryside
"Who was that?" Castiel asked noticing the aggression plastered on the blond"s face

"Some bitch. You needn't worry though. She was appalled by Apparently how our Future King had treated her. She was spotted during the duel, made the Omega Prince upset, I set off to fix it." Lucifer explained not taking his eyes off where the carriage was still in sight

"Abaddon." Castiel spoke simply, venom in his voice

"Dean told you?"

"She had the audacity to introduce herself to Michael. The demon was responsible for Dean's kidnapping though she claims she was not a part of it." Cas frowned his wings lowered slightly as he ran a hand over his face

Lucifer placed his hands on the young Alpha's shoulders.
"Go be with Michael and your family. I will take this into my own hands, it shall be dealt with." He gave the worried Prince a reassuring smile and shooed him away.
It was time for him to take matters into his own bloody hands to protect this family. To protect Michael.

Castiel nodded but said nothing else as he retreated back inside to his brothers.
Forcing a small smile as he approached Michael, who was washed and dressed, looking well though a little battered
"Feeling well Michael?" Castiel greeted with a bow

"I will survive. Did you find Lucifer?" Michael asked with a strain to his voice and exhaustion in his eyes

"I did." Castiel then explained his conversation with Lucifer. To which Michael frowned

"This could be-" He stopped, nose twitching as an Omega maid walked past him, her sweet Scent wreaked with traces of Lucifer and honestly it put a further crack in Michael's heart


Michael snapped out of his daze, icy eyes focusing back in Castiel
"This could be a good thing, or a very, very bad thing. Lucifer is dangerous and unpredictable."
Michael blinked a few times, holding onto the back of a dining room chair for slight support
"Who is that maid? The one that just passed us with plates?"

Cas tilted his head, squinting with slight confusion
"Her name is Kelly Kline. She is an Omega maid, unmated and I suppose uninterested. She works here in the castle because she has proven to be able to care.for herself against any clouded Alpha with ideas." Castiel chuckled remembering some younger Alpha's he had known that were knights or training to he that had attempted to make a move on the woman "Why do you ask?"

Michael frowned and shook his head, wings twitching slightly painfully, but they twitched nonetheless
"No reason brother." He forced a smile before his and Castiel's attention was drawn to the dining room doors where their father Chuck had just entered.

"I apologize I couldn't come to you sooner Michael." Chuck spoke with a deep sigh, worry seemed permanent on the King's face
"First Dean being Kidnapped for four months, and then Raphael challenging you. I am proud of you though Michael." Chuck placed a hand on his eldest son's shoulder, looking up into Michael's face

"I didn't want to." Michael muttered avoiding eye contact with his father

"I know. But you proved you can do whatever necessary. Something, if I'm honest I was beginning to doubt."

Castiel bristled at that comment. The great battles during the four year war with Hell that Michael had led, and killing his own brother is what made their father proud of the older Novak?
Michael didn't respond to his father's words, but they did cut deeply. His father had been Doubting his ability to lead.
Because that was what Michael needed to hear right now...

Castiel opened his mouth to speak, wings raised slightly in anger, hands balled into fists when the doors bursted open to reveal Lucifer.
The Alpha knight bowed
"My King, my Princes." He spoke formally and with such a lack of emotion it was unsettling for Michael "I leave in the morning to ensure the removal of a threat to the throne and the being responsible for the kidnapping and torture of Omega Prince Dean Winchester. Their removal shall be permanent."

Chuck folded his hands neatly behind his back, a slight nod signaling Lucifer to rise from his bow
"Good. I, and my family appreciate the initiative." Chuck commented glancing at Castiel and giving him that look that Father's give their children to silently tell them to straighten up and behave. Tk which Castiel did straighten his posture, readjust his wings and lifted his chin respectfully

Michael frowned again as Lucifer's eyes met his.
They didn't need to exchange any verbal words. A simple look told the other every. Lucifer would Eliminate the threat and return with her head, or return in pieces.
This was one of Lucifer's areas of expertise that Michael highly disapproved of. It came with being raised how the other Archangel had been, but Michael knew that was an excuse. This whole scenario was a damn nightmare.
Moments like this made Michael want to leave it all and go live how he wanted, mated to whomever he pleased in a wood cottage. Safe and carefree of Kingly duties for the rest of his long life.
But dreams were for commoners and peasants. Not future Kings. Or so he had been raised.

Lucifer looked away from Michael's gaze quickly. He couldn't look at Michael any longer. It would only make things worse. Lucifer stiffened as he cleared his throat
"Until I return your majesties." He bowed one last time, turned to leave as the doors once again burst open, this time both of the doors hit the wall making a maid or two yell in startled fright, cool almost Spring air wafted in with a bitter chill, standing in the doorway was the horned silhouette of a dead man
"Hello boys."

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