Chapter 13

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Lucifer ignored the way he had ended up meeting the Omega Prince.
Afterall first impressions were stupid anyway and were often not how the person really was.
For all he knew, Dean was actually the beautiful, kind hearted and stubborn Omega Prince the world craved...

Speaking of Lucifer had lectured a few other guards about the way they had been talking about the Prince. He knew Michael wouldn't appreciate the constant talk about the Prince's Omega ass.
So naturally Lucifer kept his men in check. Constantly lecturing about how that is no way to talk about a future ruler of their kingdom.
Frankly Lucifer couldn't care less. Omegas were just well, Omegas. He had always been taught they are to been seen, not heard, and were mainly for status and sex uses. Really that was it.

Of course he and Michael disagreed on this, but Lucifer didn't really know any difference. Every Omega he met was more than willing to throw themselves at any Alpha, generally ready and needy little whores, the Male and female Omegas alike.
But nooo Michael claimed that they were people to and that they had feelings and were valid.
Sure whatever made the Prince happy right?
Except what was making him happy wasn't what actually  made him happy. It certainly didn't make Lucifer happy...

Shaking his head and flexing his wings he went back to his post at the palace gates. They were expecting visitors and he knew any moment some would be arriving.
Prince Castiel had informed Lucifer that they needed to be extra alert as the wedding planning officially got underway, with so many species coming in and out of the castle, they needed to ensure the safety if the royal family.
So here Lucifer was in the cool morning air waiting for pompous fluff balls of wealth to come riding up in their carriages to bring all kinds of shit to plan a royal wedding. The first royal wedding in nearly forty years at that, and the wedding of the soon to be King of Heaven.
A lot of people were excited, of course.

Lucifer kept a hand rested on the hilt of his sword, his wings ridged and ready, all six of the bloody and pink wings ready to fight if need be. He was in a particularly bad mood this morning, regardless of the singing birds and blue skies. Spring was definitely well underway and Lucifer hated it, though he hated the cold even more.
The gates were opened by a couple of Beta soldiers, the Alpha knight headed to the driver of a covered cart, to ask for credentials from the demon driver.

The Beta demon smiled down at Lucifer from her place and handed him her passport. Proving she was who she said she was and that she was indeed a tailor, or technically a seamstress.
Lucifer narrowed her eyes at her and immediately hated how her horns curled around and under her ears, how her leathery wings twitched with impatience, and how she kept tapping her long red painted nails on her knee.
Finally though he allowed the blond demon, or Lilith, as her passport stated, passage and with a flick of the reigns she pulled through the gates.

Lucifer turned to one of the soldiers
"Inias go inform Castiel that Lilith has arrived to begin getting measurements for the outfits."
Inias nodded and with two beats of his grey and white wings flew off to inform his Captain.

Lucifer watched him fly off and then watched as Castiel appeared outside with Inias and greeted the seamstress demon with an awkward smile and relaxed wings.
The Prince was decent at his job even if his 'people skills' were rather 'rusty'
Lucifer didn't look away until Castiel had disappeared into the castle with the demon in tow, and two castle servants carrying her belongings. The Alpha began to look away when his amber gaze met one of the Beta women in charge of the stables taking the seamstresses horse.
They both exchanged and smile and then quickly looked away.

Lucifer went back to watching the gates and making sure no one slacked off.
He hated the fact that the King had hired a demon to create the wedding outfit but apparently Lilith had been doing it forever and was very good. Specialized in wedding attire for all genders and presentations, so Lucifer supposed she would in fact be a good choice in the end.

The whole entire day went by and was rather boring. Lilith was the only one of the people to arrive today, as scheduled, the florists would be arriving the next day along with the bakers.
Lucifer was rather curious to see if Michael was looking forward to stuffing himself with a million different cake flavors and appetizers. The thought alone gave Lucifer a stomach ache. As the day ended Lucifer ensured the night shift was working before heading into the castle.
The Alpha headed to a window and climbed out, flying up to a small ledge on the backside of the castle above his room, he used to come here all the time to clear his head, it looked over a portion of the sea and was a sheer drop below into the bellowing depths. Lucifer was not, however expecting to see Michael already sitting on the wide ledge, his thin gold crown in his hand instead of atop his dark hair.
"Michael?" Lucifer whispered as he settled beside the other Alpha

Michael smiled as he looked over at his bestfriend.
"Hello Lucifer. I do believe we had the same idea of coming here and clearing our heads."

Lucifer nodded as he looked up at the stars, they certainly felt infinite...
"I did. It was a long and rather uneventful day. My first full day on duty back from the war... Is it sad that I miss the thrill of it? At least compared to how calm and smooth everything seems to be running?"

Michael simply laughed and nodded
"I would indeed have to agree, but it's nice to be home."

"You sound as if you are convincing yourself." Lucifer said rather dryly "On a different note I have met your Omega yesterday. He seems... Rude to say the least." The angel chuckled with a shake of his head

"He can be, but he's still kinder then most people I know. You should of seen how red he turned when Lilith was taking his measurements today, and how flustered he was at the suggestion of him wearing a traditional Omega wedding gown!" Michael laughed with a shake of his head and flexed his wings "But in all seriousness, I don't know if I'm ready for this..."

Lucifer put a hand on his shoulder and took a deep breath to hold back his own feelings on the matter. His job was to be Michael's friend, and General, nothing more.
"You'll be a wonderful husband, and I will be proud to call you, my King." Lucifer felt his eyes water and blinked looking away and breaking the moment.

Michael smiled at his friend and hated how his heart ached. He could see it in Lucifer's eyes and it hurt him just as much as it did the Alpha sitting beside him.

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