Chapter 58

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For Michael and Lucifer the entire world seemed to stop in a single moment. That kiss behind the stables, as their hearts beat insync to eachother would forever be in their minds and very souls.
But all good things come to an end. To soon it seemed Lucifer pulled away from the Crowned Prince, to soon did Michael's hand leave Lucifer's cheek, to soon were their wings untangled and folded behind their backs, to soon did they step away from eachother and back into the real world. The real world where Alpha Princes, and Alpha Generals weren't allowed to be together. In the real world where Alpha's and Alpha's weren't together, and Princes didn't fall in love with Knights, but with handsome Omega's.
It all ended to soon.

Everything went in a blur the rest of the day. Breakfast passed in silence, Michael was swept away to assist with some last minute wedding things, the funeral for Raphael was the following day, Lunch passed in silence, and then Michael was back at the stables.
Lucifer's horse was gone, as was the horses armor.
"I believe he headed off." Michael was jolted from his thoughts by a cheery voice, turning to see the maid Kelly standing behind him. Her wings lowered slightly as she bowed, her brown doe like eyes blinking innocently up at Michael

"Oh. Yes. He did mention that last night." Michael didn't look at her, simply turned his attention to the overcast sky
"Prepare my horse, and Prince Dean's horse would you please."

Kelly smiled with a soft "Yes Your Majesty." Before headed to do as she had been told

Michael's nose twitched as she walked past him, maybe it was his imagination, his stress over Dean's situation that had come to light, but the maid Kelly Kline had something different about her scent and it drove Michael up the walls.
The Crowned Prince couldn't dwell on it much as he turned to see Dean approaching, laughing and smiling, Charlie by his side and Benny, a human gaurd from John's kingdom Michael wasn't very acquainted with, close behind.

Dean's laughter at something Charlie said quickly died out as his eyes fell on Michael. An uncharacteristic quietness fell over the freckled Winchester as he took his horse, Baby's, reigns from Kelly. Michael frowned and gave a sigh as Charlie appeared very closely beside him.
"Your Majesty." The beta smiled innocently and laughed when Michael jumped, being started by the red heads sudden presence.

"Charlie." Michael's features relaxed as he watched Dean whisper to and pet his horse. The giant black horse blew air from her nostrils in the Prince's face making Dean laugh. A light happy sound that Michael was happy to hear once again from the Omega.
"What happened to his hand? It wasn't bandaged like that when I spoke to him this morning." The Archangel whispered to Charlie, his pure white wings shifted before settling behind his back again

"He cut his hand helping me clean up some glass. I got it cleaned and He'll be alright, but Michael..." Charlie met the soon to be King's eyes with a stern look "He has a lot on his mind. I know you're going to he his husband but, but whatever choice he decides, support him. Even if it isn't the one you would choose."

Michael was quiet a moment before simply nodding with a small
"Of course I will."

"Alpha, I'm ready when you are." Dean's voice rang out, the Winchester stood beside his steed, Baby shuffled and stamped her hooves impatient to get running as Dean held her reigns and kept his eyes on the ground

"I told you Dean. I am not making you call me that. Not even in the company of the strictest Kings must you call me Alpha. I am Michael, nothing more." Michael laughed at the end hoping to lighten the mood as he took his own horse. Ths Crowned Prince mounted and Dean did the same without much word.

Then Benny went to mount a horse of his own and Michael looked at him
"You can stay. Dean will be Safe with me."
Benny nodded and gave the future King a bow not uttering a word as the two Princes headed off towards the castle gates.
Michael shuffled his wings behind him as he got more comfortable on his horse, turning to Dean, Michael tried to give him a comforting smile
"After you Dean."

Dean's green gaze narrowed as he looked at Michael, the Archangel simply jerked his head towards the woods, clear invitation.
A devilish smirk found Dean's lips
"Are you sure Alpha?" He asked a little uncertainty in his eyes, but all else seemed to be purely Dean, Chin high, shoulders back, riding his horse like he was born riding

"By all means" Michael smiled back, motioning with a hand

Dean let out a funny 'whoop' and Baby took off thundering out of the gates with a laugh from Dean

Michael shook his head and took off after the Omega. Happy to see Dean was, at least appearing, to be alright. For now at least.
The Alpha and Omega thundered through the woods, Deam seemed very much in his element, as did his dear Baby, who Michael had learned her name was actually Impala, but responded when Dean called her Baby as well.
For as large as the black mare was, she easily zigzagged between trees, over logs, and even through a creek with no problem. Michael's horse had been to war and didn't have much of an issue, though his mount was used to more open spaces, or at least trails.

The sun was setting when Michael broke through into a clearing, Dean had beaten him to it, the Prince was sitting atop Impala with a triumphant grin, his horse stamping impatiently at first, but a gentle tap from Dean with a hushed whisper of some sort calmed her immensely.
"I do believe I beat you Alpha."

Michael did not correct Dean now twice on referring to him as Alpha, as it seemed he was doing it more out of fun then the feeling of obligation.
"It appears so Omega." Michael laughed as he dismounted. Leading his horse to the little stream running through the clearing as Dean followed suit

"If this were a courting chase, I do believe you would of lost my hand." Dean smirked again as he puffed his chest out, for the first time in a while Dean actually felt like himself, even though the human was still scared to death. His scent remained laced with mild amusement, though the vanilla held an undertone of unease. Michael knew his wariness was justified, and felt no need to mention it.

"It certainly would appear that way now wouldn't it? Perhaps I let you win to amuse you?"

"Perhaps. But I thought Enochians were proud creatures that cannot stand to lose."

"And I thought humans were to stubborn to let someone let them win."

"Touche" Dean clicked his tongue as he thought before glancing up at Michael "Thank you. By the way. For uh-for not getting upset."

Michael shook his head, rubbing his sore shoulder as he tried to get his wings to stretched out Regardless of how uncomfortable his minor injury felt
"I care about you and your wellbeing Dean. Even if we do not love eachother. We are to be married and mates. Besides," Michael sighed as he sat himself down in the grass "You are my friend. I respect you, and it isn't your fault."

Dean blinked a few times, his eyes watering but he couldn't let Michael see. He had already seen him so vulnerable he couldn't cry in front of the Archangel again.
"Oh." He muttered sitting beside Michael as the two slipped into a comfortable but heavy silence.

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