Chapter 25

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Lucifer spun around and grabbed the Demon Alpha's shoulder, slamming him into the wall
"You are under arrest, by the Royal Gaurd of Heaven, under the suspicion if assisting the kidnapping of his Royal Highness, the Omega Prince Dean of Earth. Whom, is to be wed to the future Enochian King, Crowned Prince Michael the Archangel of Heaven." Lucifer held the demons arms behind him with one hand and with his other slammed his face into the wall. There was a crack as one of the demons curled horns cracked but Lucifer didn't care.
This swine kidnapped someone of Royal decent and besides, Lucifer needed a punching bag to vent out his anger. This one happened to grunt and bleed.
That is just what he wanted.

Castiel suppressed a growl as he neared the demon that was going on about how he was innocent and had never even seen the Omega Prince.
The Young Alpha turned to the Beta Werewolf woman that was standing and shaking off to the side, the prostitute was obviously terrified, as her client was shoved into a wall by an Archangel and a Prince of Heaven
Castiel pulled out a Handsome amount of money and paid her as he spoke
"I would suggest a change in career ma'am."

"Let me go! I've never even met royalty before! I'm just a soldier, who served in the war! Same as you man!" The demon hissed and squirmed.

Lucifer spun the demon around with a growl and stared into the Alpha's milk white eyes. With a snarl he pulled the Demon before pulled a knife from his belt and putting it below the Alpha's chin
"Talk now and I may not kill you."

Castiel put a hand on the General's shoulder and didn't need to say anything for Lucifer to know to drag the demon into his room and tie him down, because Lucifer did just that.
The Prince watched as the demon struggled in Lucifer's grip, with the white eyes the demon was almost equal to an Archangels strength, almost.
"Stay still ya bastard" Lucifer growled in an Alpha tone reserved for trying to get someone to submit.

The demon stilled in shock as he looked up slightly at the blonde Alpha that had indeed tied the restraints a little to tight.
"Now," Castiel began as he leaned against the door, marks crossed over his chest "Let's share our names shall we? I'll go first. I am Alpha Prince Castiel the Free Willed. This." he motioned with a slight smirk, to Luicfer standing just behind him with a glare "Is the Archangel Alpha General Lucifer or better known as the Devil if the Cage"

The Alpha demons scent changed, from one of cocky defensive confidence, to one of trembling fear.
"No... No way that can't be-" he looked at Lucifer with complete fear he knew who the Archangel was now, an Archangel with no royal blood, born in the roughest part of Heaven that had been taken over by Hell centuries ago, it was no place for anyone to live, no matter the species. But The Devil of the Cage was a bloody legend. It had been rumored that the Devil was in the Royal gaurd but no one believed it.

"What's your name?" Castiel said in a very fake cheery kind of tone
The demon didn't want to answer and snapped his mouth shut.

"Your Prince asked you a question. He expects an answer." Lucifer growled his wings fluffed, all six blood red and pink tinted wings twitched in aggression

"He is not my Prince! I serve one Royalty, the Queen of Hell! Abaddon will  reign! She will crush the kingdoms beneath her heel and rule then with an iron fist! She will bring Chaos and Death to all her adversaries! She. WILL reign." With a deep chuckle he tilted his head, eyes white and unsettling "I enjoy the Omega whore. He's pretty." The demon than spat on Castiel's boot which made the Prince frown, a look came over his face that had Lucifer shift his six large wings nervously.
The sound of an open hand colliding with flesh rang clear through the air with a deafening echo.

Lucifer's mouth fell open and his eyebrows raised, the glare that the young Alpha was giving this demon was unlike his usual peaceful nature, his scent held anger, agression, and an unspoken threat. Wings fluffed like the never ending vastness of the unknown, chin up, eyes full of a raging fire of hate, burning darker than the sea of fire beyond Hell's Southern border.
"I do not care to whom you pledge your allegiance, whether my family, Hell or swine. When a Royal asks for your name you are to give it without hesitation or delay." Castiel's gaze was hard as he glared at the tied up demon "I asked for your name."

The demon looked down at his boots and then back up at the Prince before grinning, blood on his teeth "I am the demon Alistair, Butcher for the Queen."

Castiel smirked as he leaned a hand on the back of the chair over Alistair's shoulder, he smirked a little more when the demon flinched. He was understanding why Lucifer enjoyed this.
"Now, where is the Omega Prince?" Castiel growled and actually use his Alpha voice.

Alistair smirked up at Castiel and spat blood right on the Prince's face. The young Alpha took a step back, and simply gave a flick of his wrist and marched from the room with his chin up.
The second the door closed with a click Alistair looked to the Archangel with wide eyes as he realized what the Prince had just given permission for.
Lucifer flicked his wings and took a step forward, so many emotions rolled off the Alpha General that it made Alistair both sneeze and tremble
"You, are now going to tell me where the Omega is, or I'm gonna have some fun." Lucifer smirked in such a way that made Alistair's body begin to shake and his scent fill with fear as Lucifer's eyes seemed to glow a deadly red

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