Chapter 43

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Gabriel hurried down the halls looking for Dean, he wasn't in the arena anymore meaning he and Sam must of come back inside.
The blond prince made his way to Dean's room in a hurry, wings tucked closely to his body, everyone was wandering solemnly as a Prince had just died, Gabriel had no time for that. He had to focus and do what Michael had asked, Check on Dean and ensure he is alright.

Though as Gabriel made his way into a family parlor, where Dean and Sam were sitting drinking tea, Gabriel's eyes caught the large family portrait on the wall. Taken only a few years prior before the war, each of them in it, including Raphael.
Gabriel's wings slumped slightly as it all Officially sunk in.
Raphael was dead.
He wasn't coming back.

The other Archangel may not have been the best brother in the last few years, but he had been family. They grew up together. Gabriel remembered all the fun they had as kids, how they terrorized the cooks, dyed the horses blue, snuck out to village parties when they were young teens, Learned and trained together.
The last 5 or 6 years Raphael had slipped away from them all, and now he was gone.


Gabriel snapped out of his head and his eyes met Sam's. The young Alpha was looking at him with concern etched on his face and sympathy in his eyes
"Yes?" Gabriel's voice wasn't steady as Sam's hand gripped his shoulder

"Are you alright? You're crying."

The Archangel touched his cheek and laughed bitterly
"I guess it finally sunk in. It's hard to believe that my brother is dead." He shrugged as his spoke, but more tears threatened to spill

"Come sit with Dean and I. They just brought us tea and coffee... There's pie as well." The young prince forced a smile as he nudged Gabriel to move and come sit with them. The Archangel sat down and stared at his hands as another tear slipped off his chin and hit his shoe, sliding off the leather onto the fuzzy carpet beneath his boot

Dean frowned and poured Gabriel a cup of tea before silently handing it to the Alpha, a single glance to Sam signaled that Gabriel was obviously not ok and their conversation was on hold.
"Gabriel, I've not lost a brother before, but I know it's hard. If there is anything Sam or I can do?" Dean spoke softly running a hand through his hair

Sam hummed an agreement as he kept a hand on Gabriel's shoulder, trying not to glance back as the trembling gold sea of feathers attached to Gabriel's shoulder blades and back.
"Want to talk about it? It always helps me..."

Gabriel shrugged. His wings slumping behind him, edges over the couch and beside Sam
"I just, I don't want to feel like this right now. I have so much on my plate as it is. Now I've lost a family member." Gabriel closed his eyes as another silent tear fell "I can't imagine how Michael feels. I saw him when the dust settled, cradling Raphael's body and Apologizing..."

Sam and Dean exchanged another look as Dean settled himself on the short Alpha's other side. Sam frowned as Gabriel spoke
"We'll take care of Michael in a minute. Right now we want you to be alright."

"I know Sam." Gabriel frowned as he opened his eyes "I never thought I'd lose him like this. I mean he wasn't even mated, had no children..." Gabriel sucked in a breath to calm himself as he folded and unfolded his hands "It didn't help that this Abaddon Demon showed up and claimed she was Queen of Hell. That Crowley was dead and she asked for Dean!? Can you fucking believe that?" Gabriel's expression hardened to one of disgust "She practically asked for Michael to name a Price and sell you off."

Dean swallowed thickly and tried to hide the fear at the mention of Abaddon, and the uncertainty of where this conversation was going
"D-" Dean took a deep breath "Did he sell me off?" He asked as he rubbed at his bruised and scrapped wrists from a month in restraints.

"No." Gabriel shook his head and chuckled bitterly "He would never. Trust me Dean, Michael is a good man. Infact he told her if she didn't leave she would regret it."

Dean nodded and honestly felt a little sick. He didn't know if the news about Abaddon made him sick, or if it was something else but he did not feel well. The coffee and pie must have settled in his stomach weird, or it was the excitement and pain of the day.
"I-" Dean swallowed thickly trying to keep the food down "I need to lie down. I'm sorry Gabriel. Sam, I will head to my room for the night." Dean stood and had to steady himself with the wall for a moment before he composed himself and headed for his room. Motioning for a gaurd to follow him as he didn't feel safe on his own.
The Alpha gaurd followed with out a word as Dean made it to his room, Dean didn't talk to the gaurd, and the tall burly gaurd, a human that his father had sent, said nothing in return.
"Stay outside my room a few hours until someone replaces you- What is your name?" Dean asked as he held the door frame and looked back over his shoulder at the taller Man

"Benny your Highness." He spoke with an accent but Dean didn't mind

"Alright Benny. Thank you." Dean stated as he closed the door and prepared to sleep, still feeling sick to his stomach.

Meanwhile Sam stayed with Gabriel late into the night, they didn't talk about much, Sam was simply company. Which the young Prince didn't mind at all, he enjoyed Gabriel's company. Even if Gabriel didn't know it.
Gabriel enjoyed the soft comments Sam kept making about anything to distract the blonde from his sorrows. It was sweet and highly considerate, when honestly Sam didn't have to do a thing for him. The Archangel greatly appreciated the genuine and gentle companionship of the younger Alpha

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