Chapter 16

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Michael smiled over at Lucifer before bidding him good night. It was nice to talk to the other Alpha, even if honestly he only saw pain when he spoke of his upcoming wedding.
Frankly Michael had only suspected that Lucifer had feelings for him, and he was confident that their conversation had more or less confirmed his suspicions...
It looks like the Prince wasn't the only broken Alpha around.

Michael headed towards his room and fell deep into thought. He had found it odd that Dean had requested to be by himself and did not want dinner, with everyone elsebut rather alone in his room.
The Omega had seemed fine all day but who knows. He had mentioned his heat would start any day and having privacy for that was a good Idea.
Assuming that's what was going on, he did still take the route to his room that went past Dean's chambers.
The scent that greeted him was not one of an Omega in heat, it was the smell of burning coals, ash, and angered Alpha, the vanilla and leather scent of Dean and distress, mixed with something Michael couldn't exactly place, was still lingering in the hall and it sent Michael on edge.

Without regard for what he could maybe be barging in on he burst through the door to Dean's rooms and began searching for him. The fireplace had been lit hours ago but was starting to fade, his clothes from this morning were draped over a chair and ready for the maids to take, along with the towels from his bath, his dinner was set on the small table by the fire. Cold and untouched.
Upon opening the door to the bedroom Michael frowned and became worried as all that he found was a neatly made bed and dark room.
No Dean.

Dean's scent was so faint in the room, that it was obvious he hadn't been in there since that very morning, this only added to the worry bubbling in the Alpha Prince.
Michael came out of the room and looked up and down the hall. He followed the scent of burning coals and ashy Alpha until he ended up outside. The wind was chilly and the stars were bright as he made his way down a path.
Then it hit him, that note of what he couldn't place.

Panic and anger rose up and bubbled in Michael's chest.
They had just ended a war and now there were signs that a demon or demons had possibly done something to a Prince and future ruler of Heaven.
This could potentially, if Hell was behind it and not someone else, be a declaration to resume the war they all agreed was done.

With a beat of his pure white wings Michael shot up into the air and looked around. He couldn't tell where the intruder could have gone but he figured perhaps Madame Lilith may know something.
Michael made it quickly inside and down the hallway and ended up nearly colliding with Castiel
"Where is Lilith staying? I need to speak with her immediately it is of the utmost importance."

Castiel frowned and his nose twitched at the soured and angry scent that radiated off of Michael in waves.
"Follow me. What is going on brother?"

"Dean is gone, and a demon Alpha is behind it." Michael explained as Castiel began to lead him down the hallway.
Michael picked up on how bitter his baby brother's scent became as they walked.
"Is everything alright?" Michael added as he walked alongside Castiel. He remembered what had happened with Gabriel the other day and was very curious about what they had been speaking about.

"I'm fine brother. But Lilith better have answers... Or at least someone around here better have some answers." Castiel growled.

Michael grabbed Castiel by the shoulder, spinning him around. His little brother's dark wings tensed and he actually growled at Michael
"What is going on with you brother? I don't understand what has come over you the past few weeks." He paused and looked directly into Castiel's eyes.
They were a blue that Michael had seen so many times and finally something deep down clicked.

"It's nothing Michael. It's just upsetting that the Prince is gone. Let us get you some answers." He flexed his wings and looked away from his eldest brother.
Castiel couldn't look at Michael, the guilt was to heavy.

"Castiel, you know you can tell me right?" Michael said simply when the two Amgels stopped outside a door.

"This, brother this I cannot share with you. It's-it's to much and I can't." Castiel looked down at the ground as his wings shuffled and he straightened up. A scowl graced his face and his scent was more aggressive then what Michael was used to smelling coming off of his rather peaceful baby brother.
Castiel raised his hand and left four hard and loud, demanding knocks on the door.

A few moments later the door opened and Lilith peeked her head out, white eyes looking at the two Angels with confusion and her leathery wings twitched. The demon tightened the rob around her and opened the door a little more with the tilt of her head.
Without her makeup she looked a little less intimidating, her lips weren't actually the color of blood but a rather delicate pink, her eyes even whiter without the black eyeliner around them and her lashes were long and light.
"What can I do for you my Princes? This is quite the surprise."

Michael was about to speak when suddenly Castiel snapped.
He grabbed Lilith and pushed into her room slamming her against the wall.
"Where is Dean" He growled his voice even and threatening, an Alpha kind of tone that Castiel never used, one hand held her hand pulled tightly behind her back, pinning her wings from moving, the other hand was firmly holding the side of her head awkwardly against the walls as her horns pushed painfully.

"Castiel!" Michael shouted grabbing his brother's arm and forcing him to turn away from the startled demon "What is wrong withyou!? We came to speak with her! Not threaten her!"

Castiel looked at Michael, wings ruffled in an aggressive and challenging manner, his jaw set and Castiel took a challenging stance.
"She knows what happened to Dean! I know you don't care but I do" He raised his voice at Michael.
At the realization Castiel's wings tucked in submissivly and his wide eyed gaze well to the floor
"Michael I-"

"Leave. Castiel go to your chambers and wait. You will not be participating in the search party, and you will wait for further command. You are a Prince of Heaven and you have acted rudely, and disgracefully in the presence of a guest." Michael's tone was flat and his head was held high.

Castiel looked up at his brother and frowned. This was not what he had wanted. He had simply wanted to help but he allowed his muddled and confusing feelings for the Omega Prince and his wellbeing get in the way and had nearly attacked a guest of the King, and acted out against his eldest brother and future king, as well as taking a challenging stance.
This was chaos and he could do nothing but obey and hope that Michael forgives him.

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