Chapter 5

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Michael headed out and mounted his horse.
His six wings tucked close as he roared the horse to turn and address his troops.
A sorrowful smile came on Michael's face as he looked over what was left of his army. Almost a third of the thousands were left standing.

"It's with great joy I announce that today we venture homeward! While I know we lost many, some fathers, mothers, sons or daughters, we will hold them dear to our hearts and show our people across the nation of Heaven that they did not die in vain! They sacrificed their lives for the freedom of Angels! Those of you who are breathing, rejoice in the life you kept!"
Michael paused. Some were holding back tears, other stone faced and wearied.
Everyone had lost friends, or even family in this bloody war
"We head home heroes, but none as much a hero as they who died for their people, Long live the Freedom of Heaven!"

The entirety of what was left of the army repeated the cry of victory.
Content with his speech but still with a heavy heart Michael spread his six wings out his sword above his head. With a final shout he turned his horse towards his home.

Lucifer rode up along side him and nodded a little.
"Good speech my Prince."

"Thank you Lucifer. But really, they are all enough behind us you needn't be so formal." Michael gave the Knight beside him a small smile

"I know. Say, once we arrive home we must celebrate! Afterall you're going to be a married man soon." Lucifer gave Michael a cheesy grin before looking ahead.

Michael kept his gaze on Lucifer a moment longer before looking back at the road ahead.
"I suppose you're right."

Lucifer bit the inside of his cheek. He knew what he wanted, what he wanted would be married soon.
The Alpha knew though that even if the Prince wasn't due to be married they could never be.
It's simply not how society worked.
Alphas weren't with other Alphas, offspring couldn't be produced, likewise Omegas were never with other Omegas, not when they were often married off to Alphas and Betas.
It's not how it worked.
Lucifer made sure to keep that little phrase going through his mind. On loop almost, nearly driving the knight insane.

A week.
It took an entire week before the entire army reached Heavens border. They had been very deep into the territory of Hell, and they had to pass through Purgatory, Eve the Queen of Purgatory, had promised them safe passage as Hell was no longer a threat to her.
The armies had camped in fields and near villages where Wendigos or Werewolves, Vampires or Wraiths, would bring them food or water their horses.
For monsters all were kind to the Prince and the army of Heaven.

For that Michael was grateful. Eve was a kind Queen, unless threatened. The moment she became threatened she became a very powerful enemy, or ally.
She held no real allies, but also had no real enemies. She coined the term for her Kingdom as Neutral until provoked.
So naturally she allowed the forces of Heaven to camp in the fields of Purgatory.

Once at Heavens border the army split into groups, each heading to their city and villages.
Michael and Lucifer lead a decent amount of troops into the capital. Various soldiers branched away from the group heading home while The Prince and his Knight continued on to the castle.
Upon entering the gates to the castle a huge grin grew on Michael's face as his brothers, Castiel and Balthazar both fluttered down from a balcony they had been talking on.
It was refreshing for Michael to see the two of them again. He noticed how Castiels wings had darkened further in the last two years while Balthazars were still a beige color.

Michael dismounted and pulled both Seraphs into a tight hug.
"It's good to see you both!" Michael smiled and he felt his eyes beginning to water.
Both his Alpha little brothers smiled sweetly at him before a flashing ball of golden feathers tackled the Crown Prince

"Michael! You lived! Thank God because I do not want the throne!" Gabriel hugged his brother all four if his gold wings ruffled up in excitement

Michael laughed and pushed him off.
"It's unbecoming of a Prince to roll in the dirt. That goes for the both of us."

Gabriel sighed but nodded and smiled widely
"Your Omega arrived last week. He was put in solitary quarters and only Betas tended to him during his heat. Don't worry they didn't do anything but bring him food and blankets and anything else he needed. Though he wouldn't let a soul in." The Alpha smiled up at his brother. For being the third oldest he was the shortest out of all of them.

"That's fine. So he was comfortable and taken care of?" Michael's wings twitched as he became nervous to meet his future husband

"Yes." Castiel said simply "I made sure no Alphas went into the wing he is in, and that only the Beta maids went to him."

"Thank you brothers. I hope he's comfortable..." Michael had a hand on his chin and his eyebrows furrowed.

Gabriel cleared his throat before smiling and hugging Lucifer.
The blonde smiled at the golden winged Prince and hugged him back.
"I'm glad you're alive to Luci."

"Don't call me that shortie." Lucifer laughed

"Don't call me short, I don't call you Luci, the end." Gabriel pulled from the hug and tilted his head
"Raphael is away on business and will be returning in a few days. Father is in a meeting as the King and Queen of Earth just arrived about an hour before you. Your Omega has not yet emerged from his quarters, but has assured the maids his heat is over and he wanted to spend today getting his energy back."

Michael nodded as the party of winged Alphas made there way into the Castle after handing the horses over to a stable boy.
Michael and Lucifer dismissed themselves to clean up and rest, promising to see everyone at Breakfast the next morning.
Both Alphas headed down different hallways to their rooms.

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