Chapter 56

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Castiel stared at his reflection, toothbrush in hand, he needed to shave, his stubble had grown out and he looked older. His eyes were tired, bags under them and stress hung in the blues flowing through his eyes. His hair tossed every which way from restless sleeping, wings a ruffled mess, feathers amuck he actually had a dark feather ot two in his hair.
The Prince felt restless, like something important was going to happen. On top of that his brother's funeral was the following day, and Michael and Dean would be married not long after. The young Seraph was very stressed with all of this and he knew it wouldn't go away.

With a sigh Castiel looked down into the bowl of water, his reflection skewed slightly, like how he felt. Looking back up Cas smiled a little, remembering that night with Dean on the beach, holding him close, claiming him down, how he smelled, how his lips felt.
Cas growled and shook the thoughts from his head. He needed to get a grip! That was his brother's fiance for gods sake!

Castiel flapped his wings as he stretched his arms over his head, shoulders and back letting out little pops as he yawned. Deciding to shave after the funeral, as it would be symbolic to letting go and moving on, Castiel soon dressed and headed out if his room.
He knocked lightly on Gabriel's door. Didn't take long for the other angel to open the door, fixing his fresh shirt as he smiled up at his taller little brother

"Good morning Castiel. You look like shit!" Gabriel smiled widely motioning for Cas to come in

Castiel's nose immediately picked up the familiar scent of pine, and leather that was Sam Winchester lingered in the room, and on Gabriel. The Prince's nose twitched, eyes narrowing at Gabriel with a questioning look.
Gabriel fidgeted under his gaze

"Nothing." Castiel simply spoke before coming into his older brother's room "I need to talk to you... I did something, something wrong and I just... It was a few nights ago, but I just-" Cas frowned and groaned "I did something regretful."

Gabriel immediately moved over and allowed Castiel to step into his room.
"Sit on the couch there." He pointed before joining his little brother with furrowed eyebrows

Castiel sat, staring down at his hands and bit his lip
"Remember when I told you, about Dean. About his scent, his laugh, his smile, his eyes..."

"Yes." Gabriel replied simply but not expounding. This was Castiel's moment to talk

"After we found him. He was in such a horrible state. Shaking, battered, scared I wanted to protect him."

"As any Alpha would with an Omega in such a state." The older angel pointed our focusing on his brother's features. Castiel still focused on his folded hands, wings stiff as he seemed to struggle what to say

"After we returned." Castiel started taling a deep breath to try and release the lump forming in his throat "I saw him walking along the beach in the middle of the night alone. I joined him." There was a heavy pause, Castiel's scent was thick with sorrow and regret "I should not have. We had a nice conversation, though Deam would not tell me why he kept apologizing to me, but it ended with us kneeling together in the sand, canopied in my wings. Breathing the same air, our scents dancing together, suffocating us in perfection..." Castiel finally looked up and met Gabriel's softened and almost understanding gaze "We shared a simple kiss. It seemed to tell me what he was feeling without uttering a word, he told me he couldn't tell me. That it would make things harder." Castiel's eyes were wet, his deep voice small as a lost child "Gabriel,"

Gabriel said nothing for a moment. Simply studied Castiel's face, searching for something.
"Did I ever tell you, how Father met your mother?"

Castiel looked at his brother, complete confusion painting his features
"No. What does this have to do with me? Brother I don't understand."

"You will." Gabriel's wings shuffled as he made himself more comfortable
"Father doesn't tell this story anymore, but I remember when he told me, Balthazar, Raphael and Michael. You were but a toddler at the time." The older Prince brushed some of Castiel's unruly hair from where it landed in his blue eyes and smiled softly
"After my mother disappeared. Father was lost. Balthazar was to young to remember her, he had a Kingdom and four sons to care for. He was mourning the loss of his mate and Queen, when a visitor came to him one night. I remember when the doors swung open, the lightening and thunder crashing like the gods were at war, the wind howling for peace and rain pouring out the sky's fear of falling at the storm." Gabriel paused noting the high confusion plastered to the young Alpha's face

"This woman was dressed as a lady would, human we assumed, Omega by her strange scent, a strange mixture of gunpowder and lavender." Gabriel chuckled that he still remembered that night vividly "She had fiery red curls, and a smile to either make you fall in love, or run in fear. She spike with an authority not found in most Omegas, and a thick accent from some land far from us."

"I don't-"

"Don't interrupt big brother when he's explaining." The Archangel frowned but it held no real heat "Anyway. She claimed she was a witch, and had come of her own Accord to aide the King of Heaven in finding his one true mate."

"True mates are a fairytale Gabriel"

"Hush now" Gabriel put a hand over Castiel's mouth before dragging the dark haired Angel's head to his chest, petting his hair and smiling "Father of course told her there was no such thing. The Witch disagreed. Said she could see the Red Strings connected to each person's soul, regardless of gender, or designation. That she would find the King's true mate, and he would bare two more children."

Castiel pushed away from his brother with a shake of his head and a frustrated growl
"You aren't making any sense Gabriel!" His eyes once again threatened tears "I came to you for guidance and you tell me a bedtime story!"

Gabriel frowned, crossed his arms and met Castiel's raging blue eyes with his own glare
"The witch led Father to a young Angel wan named Lady Cassiel, the Valiant of the Easternmost City. Father had never been happier in all his days, they then had you, and our younger brother Samandriel. I told you this story to tell you, that there is something you can do. With a little time, a little patience, and some faith it'll all work out. Your feelings for Dean most likely will not last. It's a little crush afterall..." Gabriel's face softened and worry lined his scent "Isn't it?"

Castiel gulped and it was hard to swallow the rock in his throat, his stomach clenched and he shook his head
"Gabriel, I love him."

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