Chapter 30

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Gabriel led Sam out of the room, away from his aggressive older brother and Michael.
"Right this way your Highness." He sighed as his gold wings twitched with discomfort by Raphael's words
"We have the most marvelous library that you've not had the chance to see." Gabriel explained not looking at the slightly taller younger Prince

The young 15 year old Alpha looked at Gabriel with a raised eyebrow, yes the older Alpha of 24 was short, but he was also an Archangel afterall.
From what Sam had learned of Gabriel he was a kind and generous Alpha, he loved children and was a listener. Which honestly were a couple of odd traits to find in an Alpha.
But it wasn't a bad thing.
"Thank you your Highness." Sam smiled at Gabriel. Trying to lighten the mood, he knew people like Gabriel. They listened, and helped, and cared for you and others, but no one looked after them. At least that's how Dean had always been, so Sam had learned how to get them to talk... He just hoped it worked as well with Gabriel as it did with his older Brother

Gabriel paused outside a set of beautifully carved light wood, marble and silver doors, as was the theme of most of the castle.
"Behold little Prince, the room known as the Queen's Study." He pushed open the doors wide as he folded his four large wings close to his body and smiled widely.

Sam's mouth fell open at the size of the library, shelves rounded the walls from knee high to the ceiling, artifacts from the four kingdoms were displayed behind glass below the shelves, and throughout the room as well as more shelves, maps laid out on tables and large windows on the far side of the room. A lovely marble fireplace with silver and gold trim lay to one side with chairs and a lovely rug, a few tables and desks lined various places and the ceiling was high and painted with what Sam assumed to be Heavens history.
Probably the most breathtaking painting in the room was the portrait above the fireplace of the royal family.
King Chuck looked younger, his beard had less gray and his wings were whiter, Michael looked maybe 20. Raphael and Gabriel were teenagers while Balthazar was barely a teen and there was a little Castiel as a child. The Queen looked so much like Castiel it was nearly startling. Long wavy black hair and eyes to out blue the sky, a smile to warm the coldest heart, her wings nearly as black as Castiel's but with gold edges to them, and in her arms was a small blond infant.
It was a beautiful painting and everyone's face was filled with happiness.
None of the Prince's looked that happy when Sam had met them.

"It's beautiful Gabriel." Sam whispered as he looked around in awe.
He tucked a little hair behind his ear as he looked back at the Archangel. He was staring up at the portrait with a sad kind of smile
"Is something wrong?"

Gabriel snapped out of his own thoughts a Sam's words.
"It's nothing serious..." Gabriel grumbled trying to throw on a smile " I miss them is all."

"Miss who exactly?" Sam pressed as they both sat cross legged on the fuzzy carpet

Gabriel's wings moved a little bit as he tilted his head and looked back up at the painting as he resumed standing
"I miss her sometimes. I told her things no one knows... She died after Samandriel was born nearly 11 years ago."

Sam looked up at the painting again with a soft smile
"I know what you mean. I honestly never knew my mother. But I hear Dean talking to her sometimes before he moved here." Sam spoked softly as if anything over a whisper would shatter the very air they breathed. This moment seemed personal for the both of them and Sam dared not ruin it

Gabriel smiled a little bit and chuckled at the young Alpha
"I do that to. Cassie does rather often actually."

Silence overtook the two Alpha's again when Sam shifted his weight and finally spoke
"Don't let Raphael's words get to you. You are a real Alpha whether you're stuck up older brother sees it or not." The floppy haired Prince finally spoke what he had wanted to say since he had heard the older Archangel snap at Gabriel.
If Sam was honest Gabriel was his favorite Prince of Heaven. He was easygoing and knew how to lighten a mood, and make someone laugh. But he also was kind and considerate about the things that upset others.

Gabriel stiffened and his wings twitched before the four of them fluttered slightly and came still folded neatly behind the short Prince's back.
"You don't need to make me feel better. Raphael is right. I'm not a real Alpha."

"Why would either of you say that though?" Sam frowned. He was so extremely confused about why Gabriel's brother would be so cruel and say something that was considered highly offensive.

"Because I have a feminine scent. I'm short, I'm weak, I'm passive aggressive, I don't enjoy fighting or arguing, and I tend to be a bit maternal when it comes to little ones. I have no desire to lead, and I rather live in peace raising a family, than rule a kingdom and fight in a war." Gabriel blew out in exasperation as he flopped on the carpet and crossed his legs, gold feathers twitching in discomfort, his face in a pout as he stared into the cold fireplace.

Sam sat across from Gabriel and put a hand on his knee
"Those things don't define you Gabriel. Look at Dean. He's an Omega but he likes and acts like everything people say Omega's shouldn't be and he's still an Omega. Honestly there need to be more gentle Alphas."

Gabriel snorted and turned his face to look at Sam
"No. We need more stubborn Dean like Omegas with a sassy mouth and don't need no Alpha attitude. Not weak Alphas with an Omega scent"

"But I like the scent of chocolate and fresh grass." Sam said with a serious face that only made Gabriel's wings flex as he stared into the other Prince's eyes

Both of the two Alpha's opened their mouths to speak when there was a knock on the door disrupting the tender moment
"Your Highness!?" A maid called and Gabriel beckoned them in as he quickly stood up and shook his wings out

"What is it?" He called as the maid peeked her head in

"The Omega Prince has been returned."

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