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* Y/F/N — Your First Name
* Y/L/N —Your Last Name

Cherry| 3 | Blossoms


Y/N remembered the day she decided she wanted to attend UA university. Chisaki had made her finish her last year of high school at home. She had practically taught herself that year. Chisaki worked for some business industry Monday through Friday from eight to four, so he was gone most of the mornings. He had also told her she could only attend a school that wasn't farther than forty five minutes away from their apartment. The only university that had met that criteria had been UA.

UA was a very unique and elite school: only one out of every three hundred students were accepted. They had small classes and more one on one time with professors. From what she had read, the ratio was 1:20. Still, she didn't care how high it was ranked or how elite it was. All she cared about was getting in, and staying as far away from Chisaki during the day as she could.

Y/N knew she'd have to study very hard to get in. Especially since she wasn't an instate student and if she wanted to attend with scholarships, she'd have to write some impressive papers and earn some amazing scores.

Thankfully, she cut it really close. She knew some students had gotten in through recommendations and high scores, so she had been surprised when UA had been impressed with her entrance application essays and had put her on the waiting list. Those four months waiting for an answer had been torture. When she got her acceptance letter in her email, she cried.

Chisaki hadn't been too happy about it, but thankfully hadn't said anything more about it and had let it go. Y/N had been afraid he'd try and pull a fast one on at her the last minute and not let her go.

She'd managed to get in and win enough scholarship money to pay for her first two years off. She'd have to get a part time job and start working, which she really didn't mind. She had planned on doing that from the beginning. She'd heard the legal age for someone to be counted as an adult in Japan had changed from twenty to eighteen. She was eighteen. She wanted to save and move as far away from Chisaki as soon as possible.

Looking down at her arms, she noticed that the light blue, long sleeved shirt had been long enough to cover her wrists. Her bruised wrists. She brought her arms closer to her body and tried to ignore it. She had promised herself that whenever she was away from home she'd pretend like nothing was wrong.

"Are you following me now?"

Y/N jumped at the sound of a smooth voice and broke away from her thoughts. Turning to her side, a pair of mismatched icy colored eyes met hers. It was Shouto Todoroki.

"Oh, it's you." she sputtered and instantly felt like an idiot. They've been having the same calculus class together for over half of the semester now.

His question processed in her head and her cheeks warmed.

"N-no!"she quickly denied. "We've had class together for a while. We sit by each other."

Shouto's eyes narrowed as he scrutinized her. After a few moments of him deciding whether to believe her or not, he asked: "Who are you?"

"Y/F/N," she answered, a bit surprised he had asked for her name. "And you're Shouto, right?"

Her comment seemed to set Shouto ablazed because his jaw set and his mouth turned down even more.

"I don't think you have a right to be calling me by my name," he pointed out in disdain.

Y/N blinked at his response. "Why not?" she asked. "I thought Shouto Todoroki was your name?"

His right eyebrow twitched, and something told her that her answer hadn't been what he wanted to hear.

She quickly tried to save herself. "Listen," she started. "About what happened yesterday—"

"—if I were you," Shouto cut her off as he started taking books out of his brown backpack. "I'd forget what happened yesterday and wouldn't speak to me anymore."

Y/N opened her mouth to reply, but then shut it again. She only seemed to be digging her grave even deeper, and Shouto looked like he was done speaking with her. He had turned to look towards the middle of the lecture room where their professor looked like he hadn't slept a wink in the past week and was deciding if he really wanted to teach or simply pass out on the carpet. Y/N gripped her hands together on her lap and simply turned to look down at her notebook.

It's okay, she thought to herself. Just ignore him.

Throughout the lecture Y/N was able to catch a few glances of Shouto as he took notes. She didn't know what exactly attracted her so much to him. Was it his glittering mismatched endearing eyes? The scar on the left side of his face that reinforced that there was much more to him than he set people to believe? His straight nose, and mouth that bordered sinfull?

Shouto was the perfect definition of the words Adonis and handsome. Still, there was intelligence, perceptiveness and astuteness in his dark gaze and a profundity to his character that was a direct clash to his overt beauty that made him even more alluring to her.

Y/N also noticed that Shouto was a minimalist type of guy. He only had one notebook and by the size of it she could tell he used it for all his classes. He didn't have a pencil bag so she could tell he used the same mechanical pencil the whole day. Even his clothes were simple jeans, a long sleeved dark shirt and a jacket.

There were a few instances where he would catch Y/N staring and she would have to play it off as if she was trying to get a better view of Mr. Aizawa as he scribbled off on the board.

When the lecture was over, Shouto was up and walking out of class before Y/N even blinked. Sighing, she reached for her things and shoved them in her grey backpack. Getting up, she shoulder her backpack but stopped when she noticed something. A light blue mechanical pencil laid on the table where Shouto had sat down.

She reached for it, grasped it in her hand and then raced out the room to catch up to the multi colored eyed boy. By the time she caught up with him, she was out of breath and had taken three flights of stairs. He was fast.

"Shouto!" she huffed as she caught up to him. The way his shoulders tensed made her realize that he wasn't going to be too happy on seeing her again. She needed to make it quick.

"Here," she said. Before he could even say anything, she handed him the pencil. Her heart started beating faster once she realized he had been talking to the boy with green hair she had seen him with from the other day and the boy with black hair and glasses.

Shouto took the pencil as if on reflex, but his face told her he wasn't happy about seeing her again.

"You forgot it in class," she continued, already taking steps away from him, getting ready to dash towards the exit that lead to another flight of stairs. "Thought you might need it."

All Y/N saw, before she practically ran away from him, were his eyes widening slightly as he realized what she had given him. She wondered, as she ran down the stairs, if it was her feet making the loud thumping sound or if it was her heart.


*In recent news articles, Japan has been thinking about lowering their legal adult age from 20 to 18. So, I went ahead and used 18 because it's more convenient in this story for me.

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