Twenty Three

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Cherry | 23 | Blossoms


"Here," Y/N handed Shouto a small sealed container of painkillers as she watched him clench his teeth for the umpteenth time in discomfort and pain. "I thought you might need some, so I stopped by the drugstore."

Shouto grimaced. "Am I that obvious?"

Y/N shrugged her shoulder. "I mean..." she trailed off. Shouto had decided to attend class on Monday since he was feeling better, but his face still had lingering marks of the bruises and cuts. He still winced and clenched his teeth if he moved too fast, but according to him it wasn't too bad.

"Thank you," he said as he took the medicine from her.

"Of course," she smiled at him. Shouto dug through his bag trying to find a water bottle. She decided to save him the trouble and handed him one of her extra ones.

"You're always prepared," he pointed out, taking the water she offered him.

"I keep up with the essentials," she responded as she watched him swallow back the pills, and then chug half the water bottle.

"I can feel Mr. Aizawa's glare from all the way up here," Shouto commented as he threw the bottle and medicine in his bag. He went back to scribbling on his notebook, waiting for class to start afterwards.

"Well, we did sort of disappoint him," Y/N chuckled nervously. She'd walked out during his lecture, and Shouto had skipped a lot of his recent ones. Mr. Aizawa was making it very clear that he was glaring at Shouto more precisely, but his steely eyes would target Y/N every other fleeting second.

"I won't be surprised if he hands out a pop quiz," Shouto replied. "I have the feeling he is going to make the rest of the semester very hard for us."

"We only have like two weeks and a half left," Y/N pointed out. "And that half week in the end is for finals. We can power through."

"Probably," Shouto answered. He was wearing a dark long sleeve turtleneck shirt that enhanced his eye color and highlighted his jawline. Y/N couldn't help but want to reach out and kiss it. She looked away. She needed to calm down. 

"I saw your picture with Kaminari," Shouto slid in, completely changing the subject and catching her by surprise.

"Oh," Y/N laughed bashfully as she remembered the night before with the blond. "He caught me by surprise and kind of just took it."

"Thought so," he said. "Your face looked like it was more shocked than happy."

"Because I was," Y/N exclaimed quietly. "But it's fine. I think I owe him a few after he covered for me at work."

"I'm sure he'll make good use of them," Shouto mused.

"Yeah, he asked me to meet some of his friends next weekend," Y/N added.

"His friends?" Shouto glanced at her. He was looking at her differently. Like he wanted to ask her something else, but couldn't bring himself to do so.

"Like a friend date," Y/N went on. "I'm not sure, but I told him yes. I'm guess they're high school friends?"

"I see," Shouto commented, but his eyebrows had narrowed slightly and his mouth had set into a straight line. Y/N wasn't able to ask him what was wrong, because just then, Mr. Aizawa announced the start of class and a surprise pop quiz.


Y/N hesitated as she sat on a bench a few blocks from UA  waiting to catch the bus. She kept trying to decide what to do about her situation with having her location shared with Shouto. Her finger lingered above the 'stop sharing' button, but if she went through with it, Shouto would ask questions and she knew without a doubt that he'd send his men to guard over her.

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