Forty Five

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Cherry | 45 | Blossoms


Y/N almost screamed when she saw the biddy dark eyes, the scruffle, and dark mane, but then stopped when she took the creature in. He was wearing a black suit, his dark hair was tamed and pulled back into a ponytail. Even the soulless expression his face always carried was gone.

Y/N blinked as she realized she recognized the creature...person!

"M-Mr. Aizawa?" Y/N stuttered out in shock, her eyes widening. "What are you doing here?"

Mr. Aizawa gave her that bored expression he always had plastered on his visage during her calculus lecture, but the slight twitch on his top lip and the way he'd slightly veered back when she'd turned on the lights told her that he was shocked to see her too.

"I'm looking for bobby pins," he replied nonchalantly.

"In the dark?" Y/N questioned in confusion, not knowing what else to say.

"Turning the lights on was a hassle," he shrugged a shoulder.

Y/N gawked at him. "Okay, my question is what are you doing here? At All Might's? It's like, an hour away from UA. Shouldn't you be teaching a class or something?"

Mr. Aizawa met her with an annoyed expression as he leaned against Emi's desk. "Just because I'm a professor doesn't mean I don't have a life. I don't understand why students think I spend all my day in my classroom."

"Right, sorry," Y/N blushed when she realized what she'd said had been stupid. "But that still doesn't answer my question. Why are you here, at All Mights and scavenging through my boss's drawer?"

"I'll tell you, if you tell me why you barged in here like a madman."

The knock on the door stopped Y/N from answering Mr. Aizawa back. The fear from earlier suddenly resurfaced. She'd been so overwhelmed and confused over seeing him that she'd forgotten about her previous terror.

"Are you going to open the door or just stare at it like an idiot?" Mr. Aizawa grumbled at her when she didn't move from her spot.

"I, um, yeah." She reached, and like a bandaid, ripped the door open. Y/N prepared herself for a murderer, but was instead met with a very confused Emi.

"Y/N?" she sounded surprised. "What are you doing in my office?"

Y/N quickly explained her predicament and how she needed to find a change of clothes before Shigaraki killed Mr. Oompa Loompa. "I'm sorry I didn't come to you," Y/N finished apologetically. "But I didn't see you and Mr. Shigaraki seemed very serious about the matter."

She shook her head. "It's fine. Just hurry back, okay?" Was it just Y/N, or did Emi look nervous? She kept glancing over her shoulder, as if she were looking for someone, and she had a spasming twitch on her left eyebrow. She'd even had sweat on the side of her forehead. She couldn't even make eye contact with Y/N.

"It was about time you made it, Joke." Mr. Aizawa called out, reminding Y/N he'd been there the whole time.

Emi froze, her eyes widening and her mouth setting into a giant smile, a complete one eighty from her previous behavior. "Well, if it isn't the love of my life. When did you get here, Shouta?"

"I've been waiting for over an hour, where the hell have you been?"

Emi walked into the office and made her way to Mr. Aizawa's side, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "What's with the frown, honey? I'm finally here!"

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