Thirty Three

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Cherry | 33 | Blossoms


Chisaki was waiting for her in the kitchen like she'd expected. He was wearing a nice black suit, so she took it as if he'd just gotten home or he was about to leave. His gold eyes were cold, and they grew even more frigid when he took a good look at her.

"Take a seat." He told her. Y/N did as she was told, but she had to grit her teeth in discomfort when the bandages of the cut on her leg hit the side of the chair.

"What did you do?" Chisaki asked her as his eyes roamed her bruised face. Y/N took notice how he accused her of being the one of getting herself in to trouble instead of asking what had really happened. She knew better than to correct him.

"Got in a small fight. Ending up losing. I bit more than I could chew," she lied. She knew how Chisaki was. As long as she didn't get him involved, he wouldn't care.

"Who was the one that dropped you off in the black car?" He pressed on. Y/N had hoped Chisaki wouldn't notice Shouto's car when he'd dropped her off, but she'd been too naive. She had even told Shouto to drop her off at the bus stop, but he'd fought her about it and at the end ended up winning.

"It was an Uber." Y/N told him. It was the best lie she could come up with.

"Don't do anything that will have me getting involved." he warned. "I'll make sure you look worse than you do right now."

Y/N swallowed, and clenched her hands in her lap. He always carried out his threats. "Yes, I understand."

"I need you to tell me everything you've talked about with Rei." he started, getting right to the point. "Every single detail."

Y/N hesitated, but didn't ask why. She was too weak to try and dodge any of his blows. She told him that Rei had children. She knew that it was like a betrayal, but something told her Chisaki was on edge. Even though he was in his fancy suit, it looked like he hadn't bathed in days. The rim around his eyes were red, he had a scruff of a beard starting, his hair was greasy and untidy. There was a wild kind of look in his eyes.

"If you don't get better results by the end of this week, I will make your life miserable." Chisaki threatened her, though he kept glancing at his phone for some odd reason, which made him less menacing than usual. "This isn't a game. It's been almost three months since I assigned you to this job, and you haven't brought me anything useful."

"I will, Chisaki." Y/N promised him.

His hands were tapping on the table. Something was wrong. He looked like he was ready to run out at any second.

"Is something...wrong?" Y/N asked before thinking.

Chisaki stopped his fidgeting and brought his bloodshot eyes to her. He narrowed them. "I don't think you want to stick your nose in this mess." He stood from the table, grabbing on to his phone. "Unless you want to end up in a body bag. I'm going out. I won't be back until Wednesday. Don't fuck anything up while I'm gone."

He grabbed a black suitcase that had been beside the table to his right side, which Y/N hadn't noticed and stood. A shiver went down her spine as she watched him walk towards the front door. Even in the darkness of the living room, she saw it. He'd been biting on to his bottom lip and his free hand had clenched into a fist.

Chisaki had been afraid, but Y/N wasn't sure of what, or whom.


Walking in total darkness hadn't been her plans for the night, but she needed to make the trip as discreet as possible. Even if it was still pouring. When she'd arrived back at the alley from the morning, she was soaking wet, but thankfully the gun was still hidden behind the piles of trash bags like she'd left it before. She'd taken it and placed it into the waistband of her pants, making sure it was covered by her sweater.

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