Twenty Four

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* Q: who do you prefer, Midoriya or Kaminari? Leave your answer in the comments!


Cherry | 24 | Blossoms


Y/N sat on the bus with her arms tucked close to her belly. Had the heater broken down? Either way, she couldn't really feel anything. She was numb.

Rei hadn't spoken much after she'd mentioned her children. As in more than one. It wasn't like Y/N had asked her more questions afterwards. A giant ball of guilt sat on her stomach. What kind of monster was she? She was no different than Chisaki. She was keeping Rei locked away—she couldn't do anything for her out of her own fear. Rei had people that loved her out there, but they probably didn't even know she was being kept away.

"I'm the worst," Y/N mumbled to herself. "I'm no different than him."

She rubbed at her eyes. She wasn't going to cry. She had no right to cry. Y/N sighed as she watched passing cars from the bus window. She needed a way to help Rei get in contact with her family, but Chisaki was coming back on Wednesday. She'd have to wait for him to go on another business trip before she tried helping Rei escape.

Her stop was only a few minutes away from her apartment, but Y/N couldn't help but notice as she walked from her drop off that it was much darker than usual. Only street lights guided the way. It probably had to do with the weather change. Sure, she didn't live in a bad neighborhood, but she also didn't live in a security guarded complex like Shouto's.

Oh, crap, she thought as she remembered a certain angry boy. I forgot to turn my phone on! Shouto is going to kill me.

Y/N dug through her bag until she found her device, as soon as she turned it on, her phone was bombarded with missed calls and messages. Surprisingly, they weren't all from Shouto.

From: Shouto Todoroki

03:45: Your location is off.

From: Shouto Todoroki

04:57: Are you at work?

From: Shouto Todoroki

06:53: I tried calling you. Your phone is off.

From: Kaminari

07:52: hey, Todoroki is asking me where you live. Is everything cool?

Y/N eyes widened in shock as she read Kaminari's message. That had been over thirty minutes ago. He'd only ever walked her to the bus stop, never to her apartment because she was scared that Chisaki might see him.

Y/N hit the call button under Shouto's name like her life depended on it—which it did.

"Why has your phone been off?" Was his greeting. Y/N winced at the tone of his voice. He was angry.

"Shouto," she greeted. "I'm sorry. My phone's battery was close to dying so I had to turn it off."

"And you didn't tell me?" he refuted back. Y/N bit her lip. She should've let him know. It hadn't crossed her mind.

"I was in a hurry," she defended. "I had a few things to do. But I'm okay. I'm walking home right now."

"You're walking?" the way he asked was like she was committing a sin. "Alone? In the dark?"

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