Fifty Six

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Cherry | 56 | Blossoms


"Is that everything that happened?" Shouto was scrutinizing her from head to toe as she finished telling him everything that had happened with Dabi. She hadn't mentioned anything about her suspicions that his family business was involved with human trafficking and the black market.

She hesitated. Her fingers gripped the edges of his couch where she was sitting on. He'd brought her up to his apartment after Dabi had driven off. She turned towards him. He was seated across from her on the other couch. "There's more, but I need you to answer something for me."

"More?" Shouto raised his eyebrows. "Dabi took you somewhere else?"

"No," her voice had gone hoarse. "He didn't."

"Are you sure you don't remember where this place he took you to was located at?" he pressed on, his brows furrowed. She wasn't sure if it was out of anger or worry.

"I was out for most of the time," she explained sincerely. "All I know is that it was some abandoned place. Dabi made sure to take random roads so I wouldn't know how to get back."

"That bastard," he mumbled under his breath.

"Shouto," Y/N tried once more. "I have something to ask you."

He looked at her expectantly waiting for her question. She fidgeted with her fingers. "What does your father do for a living?"

His eyes widened and then narrowed slightly. "What does he have to do with this?"

She took a deep breath and told him the rest of what she'd heard. "They said Todoroki Industries was a part of them, and I..." she trailed off, not knowing what to say.

Shouto was quiet as he took her words in. His face had gone back to its unreadable stoic expression. His lips had tightened into a straight line. He turned to her. "You think my father might be involved?"

"I'm not sure," she rubbed her arm uncomfortably. "They mentioned Todoroki Industries and I know your father is a powerful man..."

Shouto shook his head as he ran his hands down his face. "My father is a powerful man, but he wouldn't be capable of being part of—" he paused, but then shook his head. "There's no way."

"Then, who could it be?" she pressed on.

Shouto stood and started pacing. "My father's company is Todoroki Industries, but there's no way he could be involved." He turned his gaze towards her. "Are you sure you heard right?"

Y/N was taken slightly aback by his comment, but she nodded. "Shouto," she swallowed the thick ball in her throat. "I know you're saying he couldn't, but is there any chance he could? These people's lives are at stake—human trafficking, the black market—all of this is very serious. I'm not sure why Dabi would even take me there."

"What if he set the whole thing up to mess with you? With me?" Shouto questioned.

"It seemed real," she told him. "Those men weren't actors."

"How would you know?" he jabbed at her.

"Because they had no emotion in their voices," she countered back as she rubbed her arms.

He sighed as his pacing quickened. "Dabi is a liar, he's always been. He does everything he can to get what he wants. He even kidnapped my family and won't tell me where he's holding them."

She hesitated with her next words. "He said he didn't kidnap them."

Shouto stopped pacing and turned to her. "What?"

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