Forty One

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Cherry | 41 | Blossoms


She could see them from her peripheral vision, little microphones taped to the edges of the warehouse, letting her know that Chisaki was listening in. As far as she was aware, there were no cameras.

Unlike Rei's containment at the hospital, the warehouse was a new type of low for Chisaki. It was mostly abandoned, except for a few boxes towards the back, but it was the state of how they would live that bothered Y/N.

She'd scavenged through the crate in the back for necessities; first aid supplies, water, food and a few other things. She'd managed to bring them back in, dropping them on the small dining table before she decided to approach the unconscious woman on the bed with the small white box in hand. She heard the guy on the other start trashing widley. She turned to him, his eyes had desperation and anger in them. He was pulling himself against the chains.

"I'm not going to hurt her," Y/N tried to explain to him, showing him the first aid box. "I just need to make sure she's okay."

He tried saying something, but it was muffled by the tape. Y/N hesitated on whether removing it from his mouth or not. He would start screaming, and she didn't  need that when she was about to patch someone up. She'd do it after she'd taken care of the girl.

Y/N sat on the edge of the bed, taking a closer look at her face. She had a few scrapes on her face, and it looked like someone had punched her, she had a purple bruise under her eye and her nose was obviously broken. Y/N bit her top lip. Had Chisaki punched her? Y/N didn't doubt it. She reached for the back of her head, and she had a small bump. Y/N could see why she'd gone unconscious.

She applied bandaids, medicine, bandages and cleaned away as much of the blood as possible, until the girl looked somewhat normal. Normal? Y/N chided herself mentally. She's been kidnapped but a psycho maniac. She won't be normal any time soon.

Y/N reached for her mouth and carefully pulled the tape off. Almost immediately, her unsteady breaths from earlier calmed themselves and she let out a sigh of relief in her sleep. Y/N also knew it was as good of time as ever to straighten her nose out. She would feel less pain being unconscious.

Reaching with her fingers, she took one breath and pushed on the side of the nose, aligning it back again with a loud crunch. The girl moaned in her sleep, but nothing more. Y/N made sure to clean the wound up, it would be bad if it got infected. Her years of breaking noses and having her own nose broken a couple of times had come in handy.

Y/N grabbed a few thick blankets she'd brought in with her from the crate and placed them on top of the girl, making sure she was tucked in. Still, it was hard when chains restrained every part of her body. Y/N needed the guards to show up. They couldn't be chained up like that forever.

As if reading her mind, she heard the sound of footsteps outside. She took a step towards the doors when she saw the panicked look in the white haired guys face. She took a deep breath and tried to hide the obvious fear she was feeling. The throbbing from her bottom lip after it been injured again earlier hadn't stopped, so she decided to focus on that instead of the trepidation in her hands.

She turned to the boy, "Don't try to pull anything rash right now. Let me handle this."

Y/N made her way towards the doors and knocked on them once. Chisaki had locked them when he'd departed, assuring she wasn't capable of leaving.

"What do you want?" A gruff voice answered from the other side. She named him in her head as guard number one.

"I need the key for the chains," Y/N called back.

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