Twenty Seven

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Cherry | 27 | Blossoms


Y/N was ready to collapse as she walked out the doors of All Might's. Emi had not been kidding when she told her she was going to show her how paperwork functioned. Y/N found it easy to grasp it at first, it wasn't as hard as she'd thought it'd be, but then she saw the stack of papers waiting on Emi's  desk—which compared to Mr. Toshinori's office was actually brown and not yellow—and she almost fainted.

Emi had laughed at Y/N's gaped mouth, stating that it became easier over time, but the tired lines around her eyes said something different. Y/N spent the rest of her night in Emi's office—she wasn't even able to help out on the floor like they'd planned.

"Y/N! Wait up!"

Y/N turned to see a running Sero in jeans and a black jacket approaching her. She held the door for him. He'd changed out of his work clothes, just like she'd had. Thank goodness for work lockers. She was pretty sure Chisaki was home, and if he saw her wearing a work uniform, he'd start asking questions. It wouldn't take him long to realize what she'd been up to. Hopefully, he was asleep when she arrived so she didn't have to explain to him why she was showing up almost at one in the morning.

"Sero," Y/N said as he caught up and they both stepped out into the darkness of the night. The front was illuminated by the restaurant's signs and city lights. "Are you going home too?"

"Yeah," he panted, trying to catch his breath. "Ms. Joke said I could leave early since they had enough people to close for the night."

"That's good!" Y/N smiled at him.

"Are you headed to the bus stop?" he asked her—there was hope in his eyes.

"Oh, no." Y/N told him as she watched the familiar shiny black car pull up in front of the restaurant. She pointed with her thumb. "I have a ride."

Sero seemed to visibly deflate. "Oh, boyfriend picking you up?"

Y/N flushed, but shook her head. She wished. "Just a friend."

Sero inflated back again just a tiny bit. "That's nice of them to come pick you up." He started walking with her towards Shoto's car.

"Yeah," Y/N couldn't help smiling sweetly at the thought of Shoto waiting for her. He had that kind of affect on her. "He's a real nice guy."

"Guy?" Sero mumbled as he and Y/N watched the window of Shoto's black car roll down.

"Do you need help?" Shoto's cool and low voice made her feel giddy. He nodded at Sero's direction. His eyes flashed recognition. "Sero, it's been a while. I thought you looked familiar. You work here too?"

Sero jumped a little in surprise when he saw Shoto. "Todoroki! Hey, man. It's been a while. And yeah, I work here too."

"You guys know each other?" Y/N quirked her eyebrows up in question.

"We went to the same high school," Shoto told her.

"We chose different colleges," Sero put in. "How do you know each other?"

"We go to UA together," Y/N told him. "We're friends."

"Friends?" Sero smiled and glanced over at Shoto.

"We are," Shoto agreed and Y/N couldn't help but smile at him. "We should get going though, it was good seeing you again Sero."

"You too," Sero told Shoto. He turned to Y/N. He waved. There was a glow in his eyes. "I'll see you tomorrow, Y/N."

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