t w e n t y o n e

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Cherry | 21 | Blossoms


Shouto had finally dressed in a black shirt and sleeping pants. He sat on the couch of his living room. Y/N was sitting beside him. They had just gotten off the phone with their friends. Thankfully, they had believed the lie she and Shouto had come up with. Honestly, they were just glad they were both alright.

Y/N sighed in relief. "I'm so glad they didn't ask any more questions."

"I don't like lying to my friends," Shouto confessed. "But I also don't like them being in danger either. It's for their own sake."

Y/N nodded in agreement. "I know I've only known them for a short period of time, but I really like them, and I don't want them to get hurt either."

Shouto glanced at her from the corner of his eye. "They really like you too. Especially, Uraraka-san."

Y/N brushed back a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "She's probably the first girl friend I've had that really understands me. She's always so happy, smiling, and does amazing things even if she's small. She makes me feel more like her sister than a friend." Y/N giggled.

"I think she feels that way too," Shouto told her. "Other than Yaoyorozu, you're the only other girl Uraraka-san really speaks to. I've noticed she likes attaching herself to you."

Y/N smiled. "Yeah, she always catches me unawares."

"You mean when she caught that bruise on your arm?"

Y/N promptly raised her arm and tried to hide it with her body. The bruise that's been prominent before, had faded to a light shade contrasting against her arm.

"It's fine," Y/N gave a shaky smile. "It's almost completely gone."

"May I?" Shouto reached for her arm. Y/N hesitated, but she couldn't say no to that soft gaze of his.

His fingers were delicate against her skin when she lifted her long sleeve and he took a better look at her arm. Y/N held her breath. He scanned the mark with his eyebrows narrowed in concentration. She didn't want to think of Chisaki. She didn't want Shouto to see her damaged body—that's why she'd asked him to turn off the lights while they'd been in his room earlier. That's why she'd gotten dressed as soon as she could. She didn't want him to see how ugly she was under all the layer of clothes she wore.

"Have you put ice on it?" He softly palpated his finger against her skin. Y/N tried not to wince.

"Yes," she replied. "That probably why it's been disappearing faster."

Shouto ran his fingers over the bruise once again before he grasped it lightly with his whole hand. Y/N tilted her head in confusion.

"Is something wrong?" she asked, proud of her voice not shaking with nervousness.

Shouto looked at her in the eyes. "Was this bruise really from an accident with a printer?"

Y/N eyes widened at his question. He was comparing his hand with the bruise. Only then, did she realize the purpling marks on her arm had a distinct finger palm shape. Not any palm, but Chisakis'. It took everything inside of her not to pull her arm back. Shouto was more keen than she'd sought him to be, but she'd played a role most of her life when it came to questions like that.

"What do you mean?" Y/N laughed. "I'm pretty sure I'd remembered if a fifteen pound printer fell on my arm. It hurt a lot."

Shouto started at her for a fleeting second, before he let go. "If you say so."

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