Forty Seven

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Cherry | 47 | Blossoms


Police cars were surrounding All Might's when Y/N made her way towards the front of the restaurant. The red and blue lights flashed across her face.

Luckily, the sirens had been silenced. Well, most of them. She tried not to trip as she walked closer to the outer parking lot of the building. It was dark, and the moon was only half full, so it was hard to see where she was steeping, even with the restaurants lights on. She scanned the  crowd of people, noticing that most of them were her fellow coworkers.

She caught a glimpse of green hair. Immediately, Y/N rushed to Emi's side. She'd been standing with a group of the other workers and Mr. Aizawa. Her eyes widened when she saw Y/N.

"Where have you been? We've all been looking for you!" Emi greeted her. Her face showed anger, but her eyes reflected relief.

"I couldn't see through the smoke and the front door was crowded with all the chaos, so I took the emergency one in the back," she lied with ease. "What exactly happened?"

"The police aren't sure yet," Mr. Aizawa was the one to answer. His eyes carried their usual bored expression, but by the slight wrinkles in between his brows it was clear that he was concerned. "They searched everyone, but no one had a gun, and it looks like someone cut the power."

Y/N tried to feign ignorance. "Someone had a gun? That must've been that loud noise I heard. Is everyone alright?"

"No one is hurt," Emi answered in relief. "Just a little spooked."

"It won't be long before the police wrap everything up," Mr. Aizawa continued. He kept picking at the collar of his suit uncomfortably. "Shigaraki made it more than clear that he wasn't about to stick around to be questioned, so he and all his men left."

Mr. Aizawa was right. As Y/N glanced around, even in the dark, she could make out the silhouette of the people that were standing around waiting for instructions on what to do next. All of them, from what she could squint out, were wearing All Might's work uniform. Shigaraki and his men had really left. Y/N couldn't help but wonder if Dabi had departed as well, but then felt irritation take over. She shouldn't worry about him.


She felt strong arms turn her around, making her eyes go wide in surprise. Shouto was gasping as he pulled her towards him; his hands patting her down, searching for any injuries. His blue and grey eyes were frantic as he took her in; his hair was disheveled, his face was flushed red and soaked with sweat.

"What happened? Are you okay?" he gasped as he grabbed on to her hands, his face etched with worry. "I was stopped a block away by the police. They said there was a shooting?"

"Yes, I'm fine." Y/N squeezed his hands back, trying to calm him down. Had he run all the way to All Might's? Y/N felt warmness settle in her chest. "We aren't exactly sure what happened. The police are taking a look inside, trying to clear everything out."

"But are you alright?" Shouto repeated again, his tone growing panicked.

"Yes, I'm fine. Nothing—oh!" Y/N squeaked as he pulled her into a tight embrace, his arms wrapping around her. She felt him tremble as his chin laid on the crook of her shoulder. Y/N squeezed him back. "Nothing happened. I'm okay. I'm here."

"I thought, I wasn't sure, I—I—" Shouto breathed her in. It seemed like he couldn't come up with the right words to express what he was feeling.

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