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Each year, on the 13th of January, one girl or boy from one country is chosen to descend to hell and please the demons to protect the world from their wrath. Since ancient times, humanity has bowed to the devil, and even if heaven tells them not to fear, the tradition of satisfying the creatures of night with one human life a year has never been abandoned. This year, a certain someone from a certain country was chosen, and as of now just waits for their soul to be devoured by those known as The Seven Sins.

"It's the 13th", a rough voice sounded through the dark. At first it seemed as if nobody was going to respond, but after a few seconds someone snickered."I noticed", the second voice hummed. "How could I not? The ground is trembling with all the feet, and I can smell their fear from here."
"Do you remember last year?", a third person spoke up. "That one was quite the surprise, wasn't it? Too bad he didn't last too long. He would've made a good companion."
The first voice hissed. "Don't even think about it."
The third chuckled, obviously amused. "Don't worry. I have lived long enough to know the boundaries."
The second voice interrupted. "What do you think, how is this year gonna go?"
A pause formed before a fourth voice, calm and deep, replied. "I have a feeling this year is going to be interesting to say the least."

Silence filled the void before the first one spoke up again. "It sounds like a challenge."
The second voice hummed. "I like challenges."
"Careful", chided the fourth voice. "Don't go overboard. Interesting can mean dangerous too."
The first chuckled roughly. "Dangerous? Look at you, all careful now. I don't think we need to fear anything."

The fourth just huffed and silence spread through the dark once again, but just as the humans above, the Seven Sins we're excited - even if they didn't show.
Not one of them remembered the fourth's words, and not one of them noticed how the aura of their place changed when the girl set her first foot onto the stairs to the netherworld.

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