The Taste of a Soul

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"But what DO they taste like?"
At your words, Yoongi's lips twitched as if they were about to curl into a smile. He lowered his hand – the hand that was still holding yours – until it rested in his lap and then he glanced at you from behind the hair that was falling into his forehead. His glance seemed open, friendly almost.
"As I said, I can't specify since they're all different." The tip of his tongue shot out between his lips and wet them, telling you that the topic still made him hungry, but you didn't mention it.
"Friendly souls taste sweet. Souls which have seen rarely any bad, haven't experienced a lot of anger or fear. They're the most delicious. They're the roses among the souls – the queens, if you will, souls every demon lusts after. But they're rare."
Lost in his thoughts, he didn't seem to realize his thumb had started stroking over the back of your hand and you were afraid that if you said anything about it, even did so much as to look at it, he would stop. His fingers were cold as usual, but the touch and the constant movement made you feel calmer than before.

"The more anger, fear, sadness a soul experiences, the more bitter and sour they get. Fear and pain cause the bitterness, but anger and hate cause the sourness. But there's a bit of happiness, in every human life. There's always hope, always something before the bad. And the humans might not remember but demons, demons can taste everything. Memories don't make a soul. Feelings do – all of the feelings, from the day you are born."
He chuckled. "I've compared souls to flowers, but maybe it's more accurate to compare them to a wine. It matters how old they are, of course, but it also matters where you store the wine – what wood you use, at which temperature it ripens, and so on and so forth. And that counts from the beginning, for years and years."
"What about my soul?"

Yoongi's glance was intense when he looked up again. "Your soul?"
You hummed. "My soul."
His jaw muscles tensed up. "I obviously haven't tasted it, but..." You quirked an eyebrow when he hesitated.
"But...? But what?"
He exhaled sharply, resulting in a hissing sound. "It smells delicious." His glance burned on your skin. "I shouldn't, but I can understand Jimin just giving in. It leaves... a scratchy feeling in the throat and a dizzy feeling in the mind whenever we're around you."
You pulled back immediately to give the demon more space, but Yoongi's fingers closed around your wrist before you could scoot too far away. "Trust me. I know my limits."
A short pause formed before you spoke up again, even quieter than before.
"What does it smell like?"

The burn of Yoongi's glance grew so intense you felt as if your skin was being devoured by hungry flames.
"Like roses, mostly", the demon replied just as quiet. For some reason, the low tone of his voice made goosebumps form on your arms. By the flicker of his eyes, you figured he could tell what was going on.
"There's a tad bit of sourness, but not too much, and..." He leaned forward a bit without seeming to realize it. "The tiniest, tiniest bit of bitterness, it's... almost perfect."
Silence filled the room as you stared at Yoongi and he stared back, hunger evident in his dark eyes but no red shimmer anywhere. Only when your lungs screamed for oxygen did you realize you had held your breath for the entire time. With the first deep breath you took, the tension between the two of you vanished into nothingness and Yoongi cleared his throat, leaning back and pulling his hand from yours in the process.
"I suppose I can't really explain to a human what a soul tastes like", he tried a smile, and you smiled back. "That's fine. It was still... interesting."
At your words, something dark loomed in Yoongi's eyes for a second, but he quickly pulled himself together again.
"Anyway", he broke the silence, shoving his chair back and getting up. There was a harsh tone in his voice and his glance was stern when he looked down on you. "I think it's better not to stay around any of us for too long." He hesitated before he continued, a bit softer this time, but still allowing for no opposition. "Not even around me."
"But you saved me twice already", you said.
Yoongi bit back a smile. "That might be so", he replied calmly. "But next time, I might be the one attacking you. The hunger is growing stronger each day. There's no guarantee that my control won't falter, and honestly, I'm surprised..." His voice trailed off, but you knew what he wanted to say even without him actually expressing it.
And honestly, I'm surprised there haven't been more incidents like this.
You nodded and lowered your glance, intertwining your fingers in your lap to keep your hands from trembling. "Okay", you said and nodded, even if all of this didn't seem right to you and the fact that the demon might not be there the next time someone attacked you or, even worse, could be the next one attacking you, made your insides twist.

Yoongi managed a weak smile in an attempt to seem reassuring and turned around. "Get some rest", he advised before he took the first step, then he stopped in his tracks again and looked back for a second. His eyes lingered on the small pile of bloody bandages on the table and the puddles of blood next to it where Jimin had attacked you.
His jaw tensed as if he was grinding his teeth, the sight obviously bothering him, then he furrowed his brows and casually snipped his fingers.
Next to you, small flames of blue fire flared up on the table, and right when you were done staring at them and wanted to get up to grab something to extinguish the fire, the flames vanished. They left no marks on the dark wood, but when you looked closer, both the bandages and your blood had vanished without a trace.
You looked back at Yoongi and he threw you a small smile that seemed almost sad. "Just to make sure", he said before he walked away. "Go to bed", and then he left the room and vanished into the shadows of the entry hall in the next second, leaving you alone with your thoughts. 

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