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When he noticed what you were up to, Jin hissed and took a quick step back, something between panic and grief flickering up in his eyes. "Don't touch me", he said, sharply, but not aggressively.
You were shocked at yourself and quickly pulled your hand back. "S-sorry", you mumbled, distancing yourself from the devil with a quick step. A short pause formed when neither of you said anything, but finally Jin was overwhelmed by curiosity.
"And?", he asked. "How did it taste?"
You looked up, surprised yet again. "What?", you replied, completely lost, and he sighed. "The food", he explained, "the food on the table", and you finally understood. "It was delicious", you answered. "Like the food I am used to from home."
A smile rushed over Jin's face, but your shoulders sank down. You missed home. You missed your mom. You missed the sunlight, the wind, the smell of earth after a rain...
Jin's smooth voice interrupted your thoughts. He seemed to have figured what was going on in your mind. "What is your favourite dish?", he asked, sounding genuinely interested. You frowned, but then you started to think. "Favourite dish... Ah! I know." At the thought, your lips curled into a faint smile. "Sushi."
Jin chuckled, and it was one of the friendliest sounds you had heard since you descended down here. "Easy", he said. "Should I make it for dinner tomorrow?"
Your eyes widened. "You mean, you...?", you started, and Jin nodded with a proud expression. "I have been cooking everything, yes."

You were surprised, but also impressed. "Why do you cook?", you asked. The demon seemed conflicted, but finally decided to answer. "A bit complicated", he said and indicated for you to sit down on one of the stools at the counter. "I think Hoseok told you how eating works for us?"
You didn't think about where he knew that from, but just nodded as you sat down. Jin turned around and proceeded to cut vegetables. "Well, you might also have figured we don't get to have a meal very often. Apart from the annual..." He hesitated and looked at you insecurely. You nodded and he proceeded. "Annual sacrifi- Chosen Ones, there aren't a lot of worthy souls who find their way down here. Maybe a rabbit or a few mice every few months, but that isn't really satisfying. As sad as it is, their souls are tiny and very bland." He sounded apologetic but you just hummed to let him know that it was fine.
His wide shoulders relaxed a bit and while he reached for a bunch of carrots, he kept talking. "Anyway, we're just hungry a lot of the time. And maybe it's not the same kind of hunger or appetite that humans feel – not that I would know – but it's more of a desire. A really deep desire. We don't feed on physical food after all, and it certainly makes a difference. Even if I don't know how much of a difference it really is."
He shrugged, but you were sure he wasn't that indifferent about it. "You get used to it, but it's hard. And when someone like you comes down here, well..." He threw you a glance and smiled. "It doesn't make it any easier. The whole mansion smells of you. And when everyone is starving, it's hard to resist."
You frowned. "Resist?", you asked. "Why would you resist?"
The demon sighed. "It's not necessary, you're right", he replied while shifting uncomfortably. "But it's more of a thrill, to be honest, and the more interesting it is, the longer it satisfies." He paused. "I personally don't appreciate the effort the others make with the postponing, but I can't do anything against it."
You winced at his words, but forced yourself not to jump up and flee. It seemed like Jin seriously didn't intend to play with you like the others did, and you decided to stay for just a little while longer.
Suddenly, another question popped up in your head. "What if you don't feed at all, though?"
Jin seemed to freeze for a second, then he grabbed the next carrot. You could see his hands shaking. "You know", he started, but he seemed very reluctant. "The humans are right for offering sacrifices. If we wouldn't be feeding for a long time, we would just lose our minds. And you certainly don't want demons to lose their ability to think rationally and control themselves..."
A short pause formed before you replied. Although it made you shiver, you said: "I should be glad to be down here to protect humankind then..."
Jin stopped in his tracks and looked at you. He smiled sadly and just attempted to speak up when he was harshly interrupted.

"What is this?"
You knew the voice just too well and winced immediately, backing away from the door when you noticed the huge figure standing in the frame. Namjoon stepped out of the shadows and fixated Jin. "Having a nice chat?", he asked, but didn't seem pleased in the slightest of ways. Instead, his expression darkened even more when he approached Jin.
Even the other demon tensed up when Namjoon's aura washed over him, dark and heavy and completely terrifying. The latter's eyes narrowed into slits. "Are you getting familiar with the food already?", he growled, and you winced when you realized he didn't mean the food on the countertop. He meant you.
Jin frowned. "She's not-"
Namjoon interrupted almost immediately. "Yes, she is", he snarled back. "And you better back off and wait your turn."
Jin swallowed, you could almost feel his nervousness from where you stood, and finally gave in with a slight nod.
Namjoon took a step back and watched him quietly. "Good", he finally said. "And you." When he turned to you, you avoided his eyes. "Don't get the impression you will be able to become friends with us." Everything was quiet, then he added: "Don't forget your position, human."
Without anything else, he left the room. Jin threw you an apologetic glance, but then urged you to leave the room. You felt both sad and angry when you walked up the stairs to your room, but you knew it was better to obey. Namjoon wasn't someone you wanted to mess with.
While you opened the door to your bedroom, the demon's words echoed in your head.
"Don't forget your position, human."

During that night, your sleep was restless. Your thoughts were haunted by a tall demon with bright red eyes and a terrifying voice. When you woke up in the early morning, your sheets were sticking to your skin with sweat and your brain was fighting to tell fantasy and reality apart.
The rest of the dim morning hours, you spent curled up in one corner of your bed, hiding under the sheets as if they could protect you from any of the monsters you were living with.

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