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You weren't too eager about leaving the palace, which was the reason for you spending at least half an hour more in the dining room after Jimin had left, mostly just sitting around and staring at the ceiling.
The disappointment and pain about the death notice caused your heart to ache every time you remembered it, and the thought of having to walk around with a demon in the dark cave didn't help at all. But you finally got up, thinking that Jimin would be furious if he found out you missed their appointment, and as much as you felt indifferent about everything right now, your life was still something very dear to you.

When you stepped out of the room into the entrance hall, Jimin was already leaning against one of the posts which supported the ceiling high above your heads. Noticing you, his lips curled into a smile, and even though you didn't trust the happy expression on his face, you decided to forget about your grief for the time being and stepped up to him.
Jimin eyed you from head to toe. "You ready?", he asked, but you figured he wasn't just talking about the breakfast. The demon seemed as if he was asking how you felt and whether you were in the emotional state of accompanying him on a walk – which seemed a bit odd, given that none of the seven guys had ever seemed like they really cared about you and your well-being.
After hesitating a few seconds, you finally nodded, and Jimin hummed. Something thoughtful shimmered in his eyes, but he didn't say anything and just turned around, assuming you would follow him.
Even though a part of you just wanted to run up the stairs and lock yourself in your room, you decided to go after him.
Immediately after you stepped through the huge wooden door and entered the cave, you held your breath. Spending the recent days within the mansion only, you had forgotten how huge hence impressive it really was. You looked up and tried to make out the ceiling, but couldn't find anything but intense darkness.
Jimin turned around and chuckled. "You can't see it, at least not with human eyes." He seemed to think, then quickly snipped his fingers and suddenly a reddish flame was flickering over your heads, illuminating the cave a bit and enabling you to make out the true size of it.
You couldn't prevent a little gasp. In the flickering light of the fireball, you realized the cave was actually a lot bigger than you had assumed so far. Even the mansion didn't compare to it, taking up not even a fraction of the room. And until now, even the house of the demons had seemed unbelievably big to you. The wonder about the fire above you drowned in appreciation for the spectacular view.
"How is this real?", you whispered to yourself, the announcement of your death long forgotten as you looked around in awe. Jimin seemed very content with himself.
"We assume it's been a magma bubble long ago", he replied, taking in the view as well now. "Such a huge cage is hard to explain. But the humans seem to have found it first, so it belongs to them." He shrugged.
You pulled yourself together and looked at him. "Are there interesting parts to this cave, too?", you asked dryly. "It's huge, but still just a cave."
The demon snickered at your words. "You're right", he said. "But it is not just a cave. After all, we're living in here."
Intrigued, you followed as he stepped further in the darkness only dim lit by the flame hanging in the air as if he had pulled it up by invisible strings.
Jimin didn't talk while he led you through the cave, over gravel hills and around huge boulders. It amazed you how wild and rough the surroundings were, never touched or altered by human hand, but you kept quiet. In the silence of the cave, every step seemed a bit too loud, and your voice would only have interrupted it even more.
Finally, after what felt like an hour to you, Jimin stopped. He glanced at you and pressed a finger to his full lips, gesturing for you to come closer.
You noticed a warm orange shimmer as you stepped up to him, looking around for what he was trying to show you, but your human eyes gave up to the total darkness of the cave. The flame over your head was not good enough anymore.
The devil noticed your struggle and chuckled quietly, grabbing your elbow to guide you. You instinctively pulled away from the feeling of his fingers and his weird temperature, somewhere between warm and cold but unsettlingly not human. Only then did you realize his grip wasn't rough, not even an inch too tight. He just pulled you forward slowly and gently, leading you into the darkness step after step.

Suddenly, fear filled your heart and you felt the urge to turn around and just run – from the blackness, the fingers around your arm and Jimin's glowing eyes in the dark, bizarre and frightening and not even a bit reassuring.
But it only felt like that for a heartbeat, because then the scenery lit up and the air got warmer with every hesitant step you took. You extended your hand, sighing as the warmth stroked over your skin as if to calm you down.
In the vanishing dark, Jimin's eyes stopped glowing and you could see they formed little crescents now as he smiled at you. "Just a bit more", he whispered. "Come on." You threw him a skeptical glance, but gave in to the nudge of his hand. He led you forward a bit more until the glow seemed to come from right underneath you.
Suddenly his arm was in front of you, preventing you from tumbling down into a hole that opened up in front of you. You gasped, taking a wiggly step back, and Jimin laughed quietly. "Don't be scared", he hummed, his voice nothing but velvet in the dark. The shimmer from out of the abyss illuminated his face and painted soft shadows onto his features. "Take a look."
You rubbed your arms nervously, suddenly shivering, but after another reassuring nod of Jimin, you took a deep breath and stepped forward again, glancing into the hole.

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