Just a Bite

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Your feeling for time and space started to cease while the shadows whispered stories and compliments into your ears, pulling you into their invisible grasp more and more. Slowly, darkness began to spread in your mind, unnoticed and quiet, and it swallowed all the memories and knowledge the shadows found interesting.
Until a heavy arm slung around your neck and a body bumped into your side.

"Oh?", a deep voice purred, the tone stirring something inside you. Your body moved slowly, as if you were walking under water, and you turned towards the man, being greeted with a smirk and glistening red eyes.
"It's barely been a few minutes, darling", he hummed, glance resting on you. "Have they already stolen you?"
The shadowy whispers greeted the man with the same glee they had displayed when they met you.
Our prince.
Why, coming to see us, handsome?

The name fell from your lips without you realizing it, and immediately after, you frowned. "Jungkook? Who's-"
The young man's grip around your shoulder tightened and he chuckled, but it didn't sound nice. "They really took whatever they could get their greedy little hands on, huh?" He shot the shadows a scowling glance, causing them to scurry over the walls in even more of a hurry, their voices dying down to a fine whisper of incomprehensible words.
The man at your side seemed to understand them nevertheless, because he now clicked his tongue in disapproval and turned back to you. "Let me help you", he murmured softly and leaned forward, hellish flames dancing in his eyes as his face came closer and closer to yours.
Your mind was still empty, and therefore you weren't quite able to react the way you would've if you were still fully yourself when Jungkook, his grin now showing sharp canine teeth, loomed up in front of you just to rush in a heartbeat later and press his lips onto yours.

His lips were soft, almost like velvet moving against yours, and they immediately wiped out all remaining rationality in your brain. Jungkook's hand was pressed in your back, preventing you from falling to your knees, and even in your delirious state, you could feel his lips curling into a satisfied smile.
"Good girl", he hummed, intensified his kiss and took advantage of your weakness to slip his tongue into your mouth. It felt good – not that you had any experience to compare it to – but despite the fact that you were kissing a demon, you couldn't help but react in the way he probably wanted you to. That was why you didn't grow aware of the shadows' snickers all around you, their forms fluttering in the dark.
Anyone else would've noticed there was something going on, but with almost all of your brain empty and any awareness for danger swallowed by the shadows earlier, you stood no chance.

You gasped for air when suddenly, a sharp pain stung in your chest, so severe it knocked the air from your lungs for a second. You pulled back from Jungkook, hands resting against his chest for support because you felt like you were about to faint while you waited for the pain to ease.
It didn't.
The ache was almost unbearable even if it wasn't as severe as in the first moment, and you gritted your teeth when tears started to well up in your eyes.
Jungkook didn't move an inch. In fact, when you looked up, he was standing there with an ecstatic expression on his face, eyes glowing with a more vibrant red than ever before, his cat-like pupils almost invisible. Even when you moved a bit more away from him, his aura everything but reassuring, he didn't move. The shadows had shut up a while ago, the cave now filled with eerie silence, and their shadows were barely visible to the human eye.
You regained your voice, and between two hasty breaths managed a "What the hell did you do to me?"
Jungkook's eyes focused on you for only a second and his lips twitched, but before he could reply, there was an almost unnoticeable flicker next to you and then Jungkook was flung through the air and crashed against one of the boulders, his back shattering the stone into a million pieces. He dropped to the ground with the shards and didn't move any further.

The noise of the crash slowly died down in the air while you took an insecure step back and tried to process what had just happened. When you averted your eyes to the side, there was another young man standing there, dark black hair ruffled in his forehead. His whole body was tensed like a bowstring, and you noticed he had balled his fists at his sides. His expression was one of pure fury.
Only now did he react to your presence, jerkily raising his head and looking at you with blood red eyes. "Are you okay?", he asked in a husky voice, eyeing you up and down.
You took another step back, now utterly confused, and ignored the sting in your chest. The man's eyes narrowed. "Come here", he demanded and waved in your direction, and then an invisible force pulled you closer to him. You were too out of it to fight against the hidden grip, and when you reached him, he mustered your face before placing the tip of his finger on your forehead and moving it across the skin in a quick pattern.
Light flooded your mind and back with it came the memories and all the things that defined you, things that had been taken and swallowed by the shadows earlier. Shadows which were nowhere to be seen after a silent hiss and sharp glance from the demon. The cave was laying empty and quiet once again.
"Yoongi", you managed to mumble before collapsing to your knees when an especially severe pain in your chest made your whole body tremble. You coughed.
"What happened to me?", you asked, voice rough from the effort of speaking.
Yoongi looked down on you, eyes cold, but you had a feeling he wasn't angry at you. He raised his glance again, staring at Jungkook who at that moment slowly got up from beneath the parts of the boulder he destroyed.
"He couldn't bear it anymore", Yoongi mumbled, quietly, but his voice vibrated with rage.

"He took a bite."

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