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You tried to stay calm as Namjoon came closer and closer. He didn't seem dangerous, casually approaching you as if he just wanted to chat, but his aura was still intimidating. When he towered up in front of you, looking down on you with an indescribable movement in his eyes, you were tempted to take a step back, bring some distance between you and him before you remembered that he had you cornered against the countertop. You couldn't escape.

A cold finger touched your chin and the unfamiliar, definitely unhuman sensation on your skin made your head jerk away from it, but Namjoon didn't allow you to escape his touch. His fingertips ran upwards, over your cheek until they reached your hairline.
"You're so warm", he whispered, roughly as if something was hard on him. "It's been a while since I felt a human's skin."
You stared at the demon, breathless and unsure about what was happening. Warmth was dancing in Namjoon's eyes, but then he seemed to sense something or someone, because he ripped himself away from you and took one, two quick steps back, twirling around to see who it was.

Hoseok was standing in the doorframe. If he had seen something, he simply ignored it and stepped into the room. You couldn't tell if he was aware what was going on and he turned to Namjoon immediately. "Jimin wants to talk to her", he reported and the leader clenched his fist. "He is in no position to make demands", he pressed and Hoseok seemed almost as if he wanted to oppose, but didn't dare to.
"Let me speak to him", you interrupted before your mind could decide that it was a good idea, and both devils turned towards you. "You knew she would say that", Hoseok said to Namjoon with an amused untertone, to which the latter quietly growled in annoyance. "Fine", he finally gave in and waved him off. "Take her to his room."
Hoseok chuckled. "Sure thing", he replied and while Namjoon left the room in an almost hurried manner, he patiently waited until you had gathered yourself enough to follow him into the entrance hall and up the stairs.

"Jimin." Hoseok knocked on the door, acting as if the other couldn't very clearly hear a clumsy human's steps approaching his room. A hum was the answer. "Come in."
Hoseok opened the door and held it open for you while you entered a surprisingly light room given the fact that dark grey and silver were the dominating colours.
Jimin was sitting on his bed with crossed legs and bare feet, Daimon resting on his laps. The demon seemed very calm and casual, wearing nothing but a white shirt and some comfortable pants. "Y/N", he smiled, a striking opposite to the time you had last seen him – stained with blood, glowing red eyes and fangs that were just a few inches away from ripping out your throat.
A shiver ran down your spine at the memory, but you ignored it. Jimin though seemed to notice and his eyes darkened a bit, seeming almost sad.
"Hoseok", Jimin turned to the fellow demon. "Would you leave us alone for a moment?"
The other hesitated, his glance searching yours as if he wanted to ask you how you felt about Jimin's inquiry. You simply nodded and Hoseok turned away with a last concerned glance towards you. "I'll be in front of the door", he stiffly said and then left the room, closing the door behind him.

Jimin sighed.
"Sit", he asked and patted the spot next to him. When you approached the bed, you noticed two fine, white marks around his wrists. The devil noticed your glance and chuckled. "Yoongi made those", he answered your unspoken question, rubbing over the glowing lines. "They are shackles to keep me confined in this room for some time. Don't worry, they don't hurt."
"I wasn't worried about that", you heard yourself say, voice raspy. "You deserve some pain."
Jimin's figure tensed. "I do, huh", he murmured before he averted his glance. Daimon opened his silvery eyes and his ears twitched as he stretched before leaving Jimin's lap and coming over to you, rubbing his head against your arm. You managed a weak smile. "Hello, Daimon", you whispered, feeling Jimin's glance now returning to you as you rubbed the cat demon's head. "I missed you too."
Daimon purred as an answer and climbed onto your lap, curling up on your thighs. It didn't seem like he was going to sleep, though, his eyes were still open and he attentively watched – and listened to, you presumed – the two of you.

"Listen, Y/N", Jimin finally spoke up. "I know I've probably messed up, but I still wanted to apologize for my doing." His dark eyes were honest, not even a hint of redness within them. "I did wrong."
"Yes, you did." Your voice was toneless and sounded much sharper than you wanted it to be, but you couldn't help it. "You devils have no feeling for what's right and what's wrong." And, under your breath, you hissed: "Bastards."
Jimin turned his head and looked out the window, into a darkness that your eyes couldn't penetrate. "We are", he said, sounding soft. "And you have no idea what we are like all the other times... With other sacrifices." His posture was so stiff one could almost think he was a statue. "But then, every 75 years or so, a special soul comes along." He finally turned back to you and his glance was so intense it almost forced you to lower your glance. "A special soul that defies all the odds and our devilish nature and makes us feel better despite the misery that we're in." He paused shortly and let the words sink in.
"We're not good, no", he then continued, an almost sad smile on his lips. "But you are, Y/N. And that's the reason why you're still alive and why Yoongi protects you." His smile widened. "He has a weakness for good people."

"You don't, apparently", you commented tonelessly, and Jimin's grimaced. "Low blow", he said, but it didn't seem like he was hurt. Instead, he simply shrugged. "Yoongi and Jin have tons of experience. I'm old, but not that old. At least from the perspective of a devil. I haven't learned to appreciate the living as much as others." The way he said it showed that he didn't seem to bothered by it, and it made you sick to your stomach. You stood up to leave, Daimon sliding off your lap and complaining with a tiny growl.
"I'm going to forgive you", you said, looking at Jimin for a last time. "Because I know that it's in your nature, and it's my purpose." You paused. "But it doesn't undo the things you did."
Jimin smiled, sweetly as usual. "I know", he softly replied. "It's okay."
His contradicting change of mind from remorseful and harmless to unbothered and cold just confused you more, and that's why you simply opened the door and left the room. Hoseok was leaning against the wall across from the door and looked at you as you closed the door. "That went well", he commented, but you didn't know if he meant it or not.
"I guess", was the only thing you said as you turned away and walked back to your room. You needed some time alone. 

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