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"How could you?", Jin hissed while cleaning up the mess on the floor with a move of his hand. The shattered dishes and spilled food vanished into nothingness within a second. "Now she's in even more danger than before! What if Namjoon rips her apart when he finds out?" He pointed towards you. "Not only do we lose a meal, but Namjoon might break when he realizes he killed her!"
Before you could inquire why Namjoon would give a damn about killing you, a useless human, Jimin got up and stepped in front of you. "She deserved the truth", he growled back. "Plus, sooner or later, she would've found out anyway! She's not stupid like the others!"
He turned towards you as if to support his point. "Who have you figured out so far?"
You looked up, unsure about what to say, but when Jin nodded with a sigh, you straightened your back. "Yoongi was the first", you answered quietly. "Then Jin, and now Namjoon."
Jimin huffed. "See, Jin?", he continued a bit calmer. "It's no use."
Jin's eyes were dark and focused on you. "She's been here too long", he mumbled more to himself than anyone else. "She might as well not be eaten at this point."
The younger demon stiffened. "Are you nuts?", he hissed. "Namjoon will kill us if he finds out we are hesitant to devour her! The fact alone that Yoongi saved her has him all worked up! He'll kill us!" He turned towards you with a somewhat apologetic expression. "And sorry, Y/N, I'd rather kill one human than be killed myself."

"Are you sure about that?"
The voice coming from the door made the three of you look up. Yoongi entered slowly, wiping his hands on what appeared to be a kitchen towel. Jin took a deep breath. "Are you alright?"
The elder demon chuckled. "I'm fine, don't worry." His eyes returned to you. "How are you, Y/N?", he asked while approaching. "How's the chest pain?"
You rubbed the area that had stung before, feeling for any pain left. "It's alright at the moment", you then smiled in relief. Yoongi hummed. "Then it worked", he said.
Jimin frowned. "Worked?", he inquired. "What did?"

Yoongi sat down next to you and Jimin, his firm glance seeming to pierce right through you. "When I..." He hesitated for a moment. "- followed Namjoon's orders, I didn't only give Jungkook the pain but transferred it directly from you to him."
Jin huffed. "That's why you were so exhausted?"
Yoongi chuckled. "Yes, it required more depth than just giving him pain. But I recovered quickly."
Now it was your turn to be confused. "Wait", you gained the demons' attention, "so if you guys don't know what exactly Yoongi did, you- you don't all speak the demon language?"
"Qaay", Yoongi corrected you. "No, I am the only one."
You frowned. "Why? I mean, aren't all of you able to", you looked at Jimin, "control your powers quite well?"

The older demon shot the silver-haired devil a short glance as well. "You mean, apart from Namjoon?", he dryly commented, earning a silent gasp from Jin and a shocked glance from Jimin. Even you, remembering Jimin's earlier explanations, expected Namjoon to break through the door in pure rage any second, but the house stayed silent.
Yoongi ignored the shocked reactions and turned towards you to answer your question for real. "Sure, most of us are capable of controlling our power quite well", he said. "But control has nothing to do with how you phrase things. Control has something to do with how well you know yourself and your limits, and how well you can implement that knowledge during the active use of 'magic', if you will. Being able to phrase things gives you more power, yes, and more diverse ways of using it as well, but it doesn't help with the basic usage of the power that's been given you already." He looked at you. "That's why everyone is able to use their powers, even if I am the only one speaking Qaay. Which", his lips curled into a smile, "has mostly to do with the fact that I was the only one of us who was living around other high-ranked demons also speaking Qaay during my early years of existence."
"Why didn't you teach them then?", you inquired further.
Yoongi's eyes wandered off to the other two who averted their glances elsewhere.
"Qaay is a difficult language", he replied quietly. "If it wasn't for the fact that we already have one rampant demon down here, if there were five others trying to figure out this powerful demonic language, we'd be dead within days. Don't get me wrong, I would teach them – but not when we're confined in this cave. It's too dangerous."
You cocked your head to the side. "You said you only learned it during your early years of existence als-"
"Y/N", Jin interrupted, seeming a bit tired. "Yoongi is thousands of years old. His 'early years' might as well mean a century, or two, or three, or ten. That's more than enough to learn Demonic."
Jimin nodded. "But we don't have that kind of time", he hummed. "We've been here for, what was it again?"
Yoongi's lips twitched. "246 years, 171 days and 13 hours."

Jin threw the elder a glance. "You counted."
Yoongi nodded. "Every minute."
Jimin turned towards you again. "Anyway, it's not enough time, let enough space to learn Qaay properly. So we decided not to." A smile flickered over his face. "For our own safety."
"Don't you get sick of this?", it slipped past your lips before you could do something about it. "Don't you like, want to die sometimes?"
Watching the demons, all of their faces softened until they seemed almost vulnerable. They exchanged short glances, then all three of them looked at you.
"Of course", Yoongi hummed.
"A long time ago", admitted Jin, and Jimin simply nodded yes, eyes glued to the ground.
You felt sympathy and compassion welling up inside you.

"I'm sorry", you said softly. "I'm sorry for what's been done to you, guys."
The three of them jerkily raised their heads and stared at you.
"You're... sorry?" Jimin's voice was rough, as if it took him a great deal of energy to speak.
You simply nodded, and their eyes widened even more.

Until suddenly, a sincere smile spread on Yoongi's face, and something like fondness flickered in his eyes.
"You're a weird human, Y/N."
And then, the demon slid off the sofa and kneeled down on the carpet, bowing his head in front of you. The others were speechless at the elder's actions when he raised his head again and looked at you with an amused sparkle in his eyes.

"Thank you for your sympathy, Mylady." 

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