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You were greeted by a sharp glance out of dark eyes and a tiny smile. The young man standing in front of you seemed nothing like a dark, evil being, more like a totally normal human you would expect to encounter in the streets. Only when he tilted his head and his almost black eyes turned a reddish color for a heartbeat, you knew for sure he wasn't human.
With a dry swallow, you attempted to do a step back, but the young man clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "No need to run away", he reassured, but the slight relief you felt turned into panic when he grinned and added: "Not that you could run from me anyway."
You gasped and squeezed your eyes shut, counting to ten like your mom had taught you for moments like this when you were a kid. Then you opened them again and were met with the sight of his chest.
The young man had come closer. He was nothing but a few centimeters away from you now, and your eyes widened. The reason why you could only see his chest was because he was so tall. Taller than any of the guys you had ever met, and you had to admit, it was pretty intimidating.
The man hummed. "Look up", he demanded, and after a few seconds, you obeyed. His dark eyes looked down at you with a mixture of interest and contempt. "My name is Namjoon", he spoke after a few seconds. "What's your name?"
You swallowed, took a deep breath, swallowed again and finally managed to croak out your name. Namjoon tilted his head to the side. "Y/N, huh", he murmured, then shrugged. "Not that it would matter anyway."
You flinched when he bowed down abruptly, his face hovering next to yours, and then he sniffed. You stood straight, eyes widening with shock. He was smelling you. Probably deciding whether you were delicious or not, and whether he should rip you apart right here right now or should keep you as a late night snack.
You took a shuddering breath and Namjoon straightened. "We'll see what the others have to say to this", he murmured, eyes fixating you and making you shift uncomfortably. "W-where are the others?", you squeaked, and Namjoon looked up. "They'll introduce themselves when they feel like it", he replied. "But don't worry, they're watching."
You shivered, unaware of the six pairs of reddish eyes narrowing in amusement. Namjoon sighed when he saw you gripping your jacket tighter. "Follow me", he demanded, then proceeded to walk further into the cave. "And don't fall behind. I don't know what else is living in this cave, to be honest."
Terrified by the thought of monsters devouring your body, you were quick to catch up to him and followed him deeper into the dimly lit hall.

You felt like it took you hours until Namjoon finally stopped. Your breath was heavy, your feet were bleeding and your muscles screamed at you to stop with every step you took. You had the strength to keep yourself upright when you reached the young man though, not willing to admit your weakness.
Namjoon turned around to you when he heard you step up to him and quirked an eyebrow. "Oh", he exclaimed, seeming genuinely surprised. "You're still here. Half of the others didn't even survive the walk." You didn't even attempt to ask about what happened to them because you could imagine too clearly, and Namjoon turned back immediately. "We're here", he declared.
You frowned. You could see nothing but stone and darkness, but just when you opened your mouth to ask about it, Namjoon moved his hand just an inch and suddenly, the air began to glisten. In front of your eyes, some sort of spell you couldn't even hope to figure out unveiled a huge palace built in the middle of the cave, larger and darker than you had expected. Every human being would have taken a step back as the mansion rose out of nothing, and so did you, but Namjoon just shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans and watched the spectacle calmly.
It took a few minutes until everything calmed down, and then Namjoon stepped towards the palace without saying anything. Still intimidated by the castle's appearance, you followed quickly but carefully, looking around every few seconds to make sure no monsters were following you. That was probably why you missed the big stone in your way, bumped into it with your foot and stumbled immediately.
When Namjoon turned around slowly at the sound of stone on stone and your little whimper, you were already on the ground. Your foot and knees hurt and you bit the inside of your cheek to prevent any further sounds from slipping past your lips. The man watched you for a few seconds, then turned around and came to you. He didn't seem surprised or affected in the slightest way, instead he just stopped right in front of you and looked down on you. "You know I was joking about the other things living in this cave, right", he said and you lowered your head and forced back the tears of humiliation and shame. Namjoon kneeled down. "That's because no one would dare to live in one cave with us anyway", he added and you could hear the evil smirk in his voice. "Not voluntarily, that is."
Anger took control of your body, you raised your head and flashed your eyes at him. "Don't you talk a bit much for a devil?", you snapped. Immediately his face turned hard and cold. You only realized you made a mistake when red rage flickered in his eyes. "Listen, human", he hissed, bringing his face dangerously close to yours. "I will talk as much and whenever I want, and you're not going to complain. Do you understand?"
You averted your glance, heart beating against your rib cage hard and fast, and you gritted your teeth to stop them from chattering. Namjoon waited a few seconds, then you felt his huge hand in your hair. He yanked your head back, forcing you to look at him. "Do. You. Understand", he growled, emphasizing each word, and you immediately nodded just so he would let go of you, just so you didn't have to look into his eyes anymore. He let go and stood up. "Come", he demanded coldly.
You gathered the stuff that slipped out of your hands when you fell and quietly followed him. When you slowed down in the shadow of the mansion, intimidated and tired, he grabbed your wrist and forced you forward, not giving in until you stood in the huge entrance. Only then did he let go of you, and when he turned around again, he still seemed absolutely furious. "There are free rooms on the second floor. Choose one", he snarled, turning around to leave you alone. "I hope you know how to behave now."
He vanished into the dark and you were standing in the huge, empty hall all by yourself.

It took you a while to find stairs, and it took you even longer to find the corridor on the second floor Namjoon had talked about. You looked at room after room, and each one was different and nicely furnished, but empty. No human soul to be found. Of course you had known that you were the only one going down here, but for some reason, you had still hoped to find someone – a friendly soul, maybe a survivor of the previous years – just to realize you were all alone.
You finally decided for the one you thought was the brightest, unpacked the few things you had brought into the netherworld, and then sat on the huge bed and tried to calm yourself down. Your heartbeat was still racing, and your head was filled with so many impressions and thoughts that you thought it was going to burst. But after an hour passed and no more devils knocked on your door to scare you, your breath had calmed down and you found the energy to curl up on your bed and close your eyes. You were so tired you didn't even notice you fell asleep in mere seconds.

Namjoon wandered up the stairs to the fourth floor. He could hear you breathing calmly in your room below him and gritted his teeth, pressing out a curse. He had promised himself not to snap at the stupid comments of senseless little humans anymore, but for some reason, his brain always got in his way.
When he opened the huge door to the corridor where the rooms of the seven devils were, he was immediately met with the sight of a lazy devil playing with a black cat on the windowsill. "Namjoon", the silver-haired young man greeted. "How did it go?"
Namjoon growled as an answer and stepped past him only to feel a tight grip on his wrist. It was a brunette man with a smile brighter than the sun. Only that now, he wasn't really smiling. "I want details", he demanded. Namjoon shrugged him off. "Go and see for yourself", he snapped, then turned around and entered his room, closing the door behind him. The two others looked at each other until the silver-haired male grinned. "He seems to like this year's." The brunette smirked in response.
"My turn."

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