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As soon as the doors of the dinner room closed, exhaustion rolled over you like a massive wave of cold water. As if in trance, you slowly got up and left the room, walking across the entrance hall and up the stairs towards your room. Upon reaching it, your mind was hazy; so much so that you didn't even have the strength left to slip out your clothes. You barely managed to kick off your shoes, then you fell onto the bed, pulled a blanket over your head and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

When your eyes finally fluttered open again, you were sure you had slept for at least 12 hours, even if there was no way of verifying your theory. It took you a while to fully wake up and you lazed around in bed for a bit before you finally decided to actually get up. Your clothes were sticky and sweaty, a few blood stains still visible on your top which reminded you of what happened yesterday. Without sparing them a second glance, you quickly slid off the pieces of clothing and kicked the top under the bed before taking some fresh clothes and entering the bathroom.
The hot water on your shoulders helped to ban the unpleasant memories from your mind and for that reason, you stood beneath the water for a bit longer than necessary. But when your fingers started to shrivel up, you had to admit that staying in the shower for a full day wasn't really a possibility, so you stepped out with a sigh and got into the clothes before leaving your room for some breakfast.

The castle was lying silent as usual, nothing hinting at all the ruckus that had been happening these past few days. When you stepped into the dinner room, the table was full of food as usual, and you sat down to eat – slowly and with a bitter aftertaste, but you ate. Yoongi had gotten rid of all the evidence of Jimin's attack, but your mind hadn't forgotten the fact that the younger devil had pinned you to this table and tried to quite literally rip out your throat not even a day ago.
The thought made your stomach turn and you shoved your plate further away from you, grimacing at the unpleasant feeling.
A short hum from the door made you look up, something like relief washing over you at the fact that you didn't have to sit in the overwhelming silence alone any longer.
It was Jin, surprisingly. Even though yesterday, Yoongi was the only one who seemed to care about what happened, and even though you had come to the conclusion that even though the others probably heard what was going on, they didn't care enough to step in, Jin was now standing in the door and eyed you carefully.

His dark eyes still rested on you as he calmly pushed himself off the doorframe and approached you. "Disgusted?", he asked as he took a seat next to you and you turned towards him.
"Yeah", you replied quietly. "The memory, on the table..." Your voice trailed off but Jin understood. A wave of his hand and his carefully prepared food vanished into thin air. The demon huffed.
"Namjoon is furious", he murmured, still looking at you from the side. "Jimin is forbidden from leaving his room for a while."
A bitter laugh escaped your throat, you couldn't help it. "House arrest?", you mocked, but it didn't sound amused and you had to grit your teeth to stop the tears from spilling again. "I don't think that's very efficient, is it now?!"
Jin sat quietly and waited till you had calmed down a bit, then he sighed. "What else do you expect to happen?", he asked. His voice sounded soft. "You didn't like when Namjoon punished Jungkook for his actions. He's learned from that, and now you're not satisfied - again?"
The demon's words cut deep and you realized that he was right. With another rush of desperation within you, you buried your face in your hands and took a deep breath.
"What's happening", you whispered to yourself, but Jin heard nevertheless. "I have an idea", he said after a short pause and then clicked his tongue when you weren't reacting. "Look at me."
You slowly raised your head and Jin hummed. "I want to show you something", he said and got up, extending his hand to help you up. "And while we're there, I'm going to explain to you why Jimin is the way he is."
You stared at him for a few seconds, then you nodded and placed your hand in Jin's.
The demon smiled and pulled you to your feet. "Good girl."

The tall demon led you out of the castle and through the stony desert surrounding it. Right when you wanted to ask where the two of you were going, feet aching from the walking and climbing along the uneven path, Jin turned towards you with a grin tucking at his lips. "There", he said as if he read your thoughts, and pointed towards a large boulder that was rising up in front of you. It was so huge that you had to tilt your head back a bit to look up to the tip. "We're going up there."
You quirked your eyebrows and crossed your arms in front of your chest defensively. "As if I'll manage to climb up there."
Jin snickered and turned around, approaching you. "Don't worry", he smirked. "I have a solution."
Before you could ask what he had in mind, the demon reached you and with one swift movement swept you up in his arms. The feeling of being pulled of your feet had you clinging to his shirt, and only when he grinned down on you with obvious amusement, you ripped your hand from his shirt and threw him an angry glance.
"I would hold on tight if I were you", he said and chuckled when you grabbed his shirt again. "Okay, princess. One, two..."

Jin pushed himself off the ground with so much force that the wind was howling in your face. Seemingly effortless, he jumped high in the air, higher even than the boulder whose tip he wanted to reach. After you had reached the highest point, the jump started to curve down and you didn't even have enough time let enough breath to scream when Jin's feet already rammed into the stone of the boulder, leaving two visible imprints and a few small cracks around the area. The dust from the landing made you cough and Jin let you slide off his arms. "See", he said, obviously very content with himself. "Easy."
"Yeah", you gave back between two coughs, "and life-threatening."
Jin shrugged and flashed you a smile. "I'd never let you die that easily", he hummed and the intensity of his glance made you look away.
"So, why are we here?", you asked to interrupt the silence, and Jin chuckled, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt and stepping in front of you.

"Stay back." 

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