A Past and a Purpose

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You were lost for words for quite a while, staring back into Jin's eyes. There was no emotion within them as he turned away from the food he was making and waited for you to recover.
"Nice to meet you", you croaked, because you didn't know what else to say. Jin's lips twitched. "Surprised?", he asked, leaning against the kitchen counter and crossing his arms in front of his chest. You nodded, and he let out a joyless laugh. "Understandably", he commented, and then he remained silent.

The silence filled the kitchen and threatened to take away your breath. Jin didn't seem dangerous, but very intimidating just standing there and looking at you, as if he was waiting for something.
You couldn't hold back your question when the silence got too much. "Why did you lie to me?", you burst out, kind of regretting your decision when Jin's eyes narrowed, but he didn't rip out your throat like you expected him to.
Instead, he sighed. "Humans never listen", he murmured to himself, and before you could ask about that mysterious statement, he turned towards you. "I never said we can't eat", he coldly explained. "I just said we don't, which, for the most part, is correct." He nodded towards the door. "I'm surprised Jimin tasted your food. Every normal demon wouldn't."

You changed your question. "Why do you not eat?", you now asked quietly. Jimin's statement from earlier – "well, most of us" – swirled in your head.
Jin smiled bitterly. "Gluttony has nothing to do with enjoyment, Y/N." He turned away. "I don't eat because I don't have a sense of taste or smell."
He left you speechless with the emotionless way of stating this, as if it was nothing. "You don't... taste?", you repeated, now a bit confused, and Jin snickered.
It wasn't a happy snicker.
"That's right", he then replied, anger lacing his voice. "I don't."

He sounded harsh, and you backed up the tiniest bit. Jin looked over his shoulder. "Scared?", he purred. "You should be. Everyone here is evil, despite acting nice every once in a while."
He swirled around to you and raised his arms as if to present something to you. "We're the Seven Sins, Y/N. Everyone here has a past and a purpose." His expression darkened. "But we don't have a future."
Everything you could do was quietly and motionlessly listen to what he was saying. It hurt your head and compressed your lungs, but your feet were too heavy to move. Jin chuckled yet again, and again it didn't sound friendly. "I am Gluttony", he stated. "I am fullness, I am too much of everything, but I am not enjoyment. That's why I don't have a sense of smell or scent, but still cook for everyone in this house despite no one being there to eat it." His fist crashed down on the kitchen counter next to him, leaving visible cracks in the stone surface.
"I am the discomfort of having too much of everything, yet never being satisfied. Satisfaction is something that doesn't exist in my world, nor does it exist in the world of the people I haunt." He fixated you. "Do you understand now?"

You swallowed, knuckles turning white around the edge of the countertop you just grabbed for support. "Yes", you replied, voice still raspy. Jin seemed glooming with anger and... sadness? It frightened you to your bones, and now you understood the people who feared the demons so much.
They were dangerous. You just forgot over the few days you had been here.
Jin's expression was grim. "I am Gluttony, and you are in my domain. Leave." He pointed towards the door, and suddenly, your feet could move again. You shuffled to the door as quickly as possible, careful not to annoy the demon that sharply watched you leave. When you weren't even one step out the room, the door was slammed shut without the demon even touching it, the loud crash ringing in your ears.
You stumbled a few steps further and then stood in the entrance hall, lost and upset.
Jin had seemed so nice when you first met him. It felt as if you just lost an ally.

If you hadn't been in some kind of downworld palace in a dark, dark cave right now, you would've curled up in your mother's lap and would've listened to her calm breath and her silent humming while she was working to calm you down. But she wasn't here, no one was here, and you nearly felt sad due to the fact that you could talk to none of the demons about what just happened.
You needed a shoulder to lean on right now, but apart from the stony, cold gargoyles sitting under the ceiling, there was none in sight – and you doubted that gargoyle shoulders were either comforting or comfortable.
Apart from that, even if you wanted to cry, the burning sensation in your throat and eyes was missing. Your body didn't seem to be willing to shed a tear about the demons, and even though you felt miserable, you were kind of thankful for that. Those guys didn't deserve your tears.
You didn't have a choice, so you just started to wonder through the palace. No one had ever told you not to enter a certain part of the castle, so you simply roamed around without thinking about where you were going. After a while, you were hopelessly lost, but you didn't even care. You just kept straying further and further into the stone walls of this place, trying to get rid of all the thoughts swirling in your head.

You turned left at a small intersection, and found yourself standing in front of a door at the end of the floor. It didn't seem locked, and since you didn't care about where you were going at this point of time anyway, you simply tried to open it.
To your surprise, it wasn't locked, and you entered the room.

It was dominated by the huge bed in its middle, filled with red sheets and red pillows. Some of them had fallen down and were scattered around the bed. It seemed comfortable, almost human even, apart from the fact that the room, like all the others in this castle, smelled like nothing. It was disturbing and unpleasant for a human like you because the air bore no evidence to the people that were roaming this house.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the wooden floor creaking in front of the door, and before you could hide or get out, the door opened.

The demon stopped in his tracks for a second, then a low chuckle filled the air, accompanied by a thump as he leaned against the doorframe heavily. "Y/N", he spoke up mockingly. "Breaking into my habitat?"
You were frozen on the spot, but very slowly managed to turn around. The blonde's expression was amused, he didn't seem angry. His lips formed a lazy smile. "I didn't hold you for a burglar", he mocked yet again and pushed himself off the wall only to step past you and fall down on his bed. "What brings you here?"

"Taehyung", you remembered his name, and the grin widened. "You remember my name. Good."
You shook your head, sorting your thoughts. "Sorry for barging in, I didn't mean to..."
Taehyung chuckled and patted the spot next to him. "Come here, sweetheart. Let's have a chat."

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