Orange Candy II

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You found yourself almost thinking Jimin was cute when he watched you pour the sugar into a pot and drop in some cinnamon, cloves and star anis before you added the orange juice. He seemed like a clueless kid, and when the mass began to melt, he was even more fascinated, his body almost touching yours as he came a step closer and looked into the pot.
Apparently the concept of steam was something he wasn't familiar with either, because as soon as it hit his eyes, he jumped back and hissed like an angry cat.
You chuckled and turned down the heat, approaching Jimin who rubbed his eyes and muttered slurs in a language you couldn't understand. On your way to the grumpy demon, you grabbed one of the kitchen towels and drenched it in cold water. When you finally stood in front of Jimin, you cleared your throat, and when you didn't get a reaction, you carefully pulled his hands from his reddened eyes, folded the kitchen towel to a kind of blind fold and pressed it on Jimin's eyelids.

The young man sighed in relief, now holding the towel in place himself, and you returned to the stove where the candy mass slowly but surely turned a golden color. "Jimin", you called when the sugar began to bubble, "they're almost ready!"
The demon pulled the towel from his face and wiped away a few drops of water, then approached you and – carefully, very carefully – peeked into the pot. His lips formed a pout. "That's not candy yet", he said, almost complaining like a little child. You chuckled. "We need to cool them", you said. "Do you have a mold?"
His expression told you that he had no clue what you were talking about. "A mold?"

Silent laughter came from the kitchen door and you twirled around while Jimin stayed totally relaxed. Jin was leaning against the doorframe, an amused grin tucking at the corners of his mouth. "Jimin", he almost scolded while pushing himself off the doorframe and approaching the two of you. "You've watched me so often in the kitchen, don't you remember where all the stuff goes?"
You eyed Jimin in surprise, remembering him proudly declaring that since they didn't eat, why should he cook? He avoided your glance and you couldn't help a tiny snicker. The angry glance you earned wasn't something you took serious.
"Jin, do you have molds?", you asked, keeping an eye on the bubbling candy mass. The demon shook his head. "Unfortunately", he said. "But a baking try should do the trick, right?" He pulled one of them from one of the cupboards and quickly lined it with some parchment paper before handing you a spoon. "Quick", he said, "it's already hardening."

"Thanks, Sherlock", you murmured while taking the pot to the tray, and started to drop little puddles of the sugar mass onto it. Jin leaned against the kitchen table, watching you, and then glanced at Jimin. "This was your idea?", he assumed and nodded towards the candy. Jimin shrugged and ran his fingers through his silvery hair. "Maybe", he replied with a cunning spark in his eyes, and Jin chuckled. "Of course it was."
You dropped the spoon into the pot and whirled around. "Done", you smiled, and Jimin came closer to inspect the candy curiously. "It's hot", you warned him, "don't touch", and he threw you an annoyed glance. "I am always careful", he scoffs, and you grin, picking up the wet towel from the kitchen table to wave it in front of his face. "Sure."
Jimin only rolled his eyes while Jin watched the two of you with a faint smile. "I'm sure they're delicious, Y/N", he turned to you, and you returned his smile. "I hope so, I made them too often for them to not be", you said. Jin chuckled. "Hard work pays off", he simply replied and straightened his back. "Let's take a look at them together later when they're cooled, but now I need the kitchen myself."
You nodded. "Sure thing!"

Jimin accompanied out of the kitchen after Jin caught him playing around with some ingredients and kicked both of you out of the room, even if with an amused spark in his eyes. "I'll call when food's ready", he said before you left, and then, with a wink: "Or when the candy's hardened."
In the entrance hall, you were greeted by Daimon, who effortlessly jumped on his owner's shoulder and rubbed his black face against his cheek. Jimin laughed quietly and stroked his jaw, Daimon enjoying the attention with a deep purr.
You also extended your hand to give him a short rub. "How did the two of you end up together?", you asked, and Jimin looked up. "Daimon and I?"
You nodded yes.
He shrugged. "You may have already figured he's not a normal cat. Everything in the downworld, even the most ordinary-looking animal, is a demonic being, even if they're treated as pets or companions. Daimon is my familiar."

You cocked your head to the side questioningly. "What's a familiar?"
Jimin chuckled, seeming a bit amused by your lack of knowledge. "He's a friend, but he's also a protector." He thought about it for a second. "Think of him like a hunting dog. They are meant to assist during a hunt, but also live in the house as companions. That's what Daimon is."
The cat blinked, as if he understood every word his owner said. Jimin ran his fingers through the soft fur on his head. You eyed the familiar curiously.
"Are you the only one who has a familiar?", you asked. Jimin hummed. "Good question", he said. "I don't know. If there are others around, I haven't noticed them yet. They don't always have the form of an animal; they can be nearly anything: a flame, a light ball, a stone figurine. Not all of them move, and not all of them demand cuddles."

You couldn't prevent a small laugh. "Well, Daimon seems hell-bent on them", you commented when the familiar rubbed his head into Jimin's palm. The demon chuckled. "Quite."
"You mentioned a lot of demons can shapeshift", you suddenly remembered, extending one hand to squish Daimon's paw. The familiar's purr got louder. "Can he shapeshift?"
Jimin looked over to the cat, a knowing smirk tucking at his lips. "I don't know, Daimon, can you?", he asked, and the familiar blinked. He slowly pulled his paw from your grip and slid down Jimin's shoulder. For a few seconds, he just stood there on the ground, innocently staring up to the two of you, then you noticed a few quivering red light dots around him and before you could take a step back, the black cat exploded in a ball of light. It was so bright it blinded you, and when you finally wiped the tears out of your eyes and gained back your vision, you were looking at a ridiculously handsome teenager with black, messy hair standing in front of you, silvery eyes staring back with arrogance.

"Hello, Y/N", the teenager greeted, his deep voice laced with the typical bored teenager-tone. "My name's Daimon. Nice to meet you."

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