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Jin's voice was quiet, dangerously quiet, and Yoongi threw Namjoon a short glance. Anger was dancing in the eyes of the oldest, anger and something else – a feeling of betrayal. Before anyone could say anything, Jin lifted his fist, hesitating only for a second mid-air, then there was a twitch in his face and he rammed his fist onto the kitchen table.
With a loud crash, the wooden surface gave in to the sheer strength behind the punch and cracked, breaking in half under a second punch of the oldest demon who seemed to be barely able to control himself.
"You're telling me", he hissed, ignoring the mess next to him completely, "you made us take parts of her soul and then decided for yourselves you didn't feel like it?"
Yoongi could see Jungkook flinching in the background. The expression of the youngest was one of guilt and maybe desperation even, the same form of pain that was evident in Jin's eyes. Hoseok noticed as well. He stepped up to Jungkook and slightly nudged him in the back, ripping him out of his haze.
"Why?", Hoseok then asked the question that was lingering in the room. "Namjoon, you said-"

"I couldn't."
The leader's words made everyone's eyes widen. As far as the demons knew, Namjoon wasn't someone to go back on his word, let alone admit that he made a mistake. The tall demon now shook his head and leaned back against the kitchen counter with a sigh. "I couldn't, and so couldn't Yoongi."
The other nodded, lost in thoughts.
"And now?" It was Taehyung who had spoken up, the least unfazed among them, lazily leaning against the doorframe. "What now?"
Yoongi looked up. "She's sleeping for now. We don't know for how long, but she's definitely closer to a demon now than she was before."
Sloth huffed, almost condescending. "What a surprise." He pushed himself off the doorframe. "Namjoon, what will you do?"

The leader's shoulders tensed up. "It's too late to send her back to the surface, I'm afraid." His voice sounded much more secure than he seemed to be actually feeling. "We don't have a choice. Either we let her continue in this state or we finish the turning. There's nothing else we can do."
Yoongi agreed with a silent nod, his dark eyes were searching for some form of reaction in the other demons' faces.
"Do you think she could go back to the surface?"
It was Jungkook who asked, voice quiet as usual, looking up at the leader from below. Namjoon breathed a quiet sigh. "I don't know, Jungkook", he replied. "I'm afraid she would be too different." He shook his head. "What she is right now... We've never had a situation like this."
Jimin hummed in agreement. "It could be a problem", he concurred with Namjoon's words. "What if-"

Yoongi knew he was going to be interrupted even before it actually happened. Suddenly, a quiet sound came from above them, soon growing louder and louder despite the thick walls in its way. It was a scream, they realized – a rough, pained, unhuman scream of pure torture. It sounded like an invisible hand collected a few hundred of all the death screams the Seven Sins had ever caused and combined them into one; heart-wrenching, bone-chilling anguish not even the devils could escape.
One shared glance was enough before Yoongi grimaced and vanished into nothingness within milliseconds, Jin following off the bat, and after exchanging another glance, the rest of the demons followed.

They assembled in front of the door that was barely muffling the animalistic screams behind it. Jin and Yoongi at the front looked at each other for a second before Yoongi snipped his fingers and the door swung open quietly.

The were greeted with the sight of you spasming, curling, trembling in your bed, the sheets entangled with your limbs as you tossed from side to side in an attempt to ease the all-consuming pain in your chest.
Jungkook couldn't prevent a silent gasp and Jimin rested his hand on his back to try and calm him down.
"That answers your question", whispered Hoseok. He didn't have to be quiet, the presence of the Seven Sins went unnoticed by you, but for some reason, all of them tried to be silent. "We can't leave here in this state."
Jimin threw Namjoon a short glance, fingers pressing into Jungkook's skin a bit more when he realized the emotional expression on the leader's face, something they had never seen on him before.
"Namjoon", Jin mumbled. He had noticed Wrath's state too. "What should we do?"
The taller demon was as stiff and silent as a rock. The only movement that indicated he was still alive was the flicker in his dark, dark eyes. He didn't reply, nor was there any sign of him recognizing Jin's voice.

In the end, it was Yoongi who clenched his fist and stepped forward.
"Let me handle it", he rasped and the others agreed in shared silence before he stepped up to the bed and looked down on you, still restlessly fighting against the pain in between the sheets. Your skin was glistening from all the sweat and the demon could see in your eyes that there was nothing more than agony within you – they reminded him of the eyes of an animal right before being eaten, wild and scared and almost insane.
Your hands were constantly twitching towards your chest as you frantically rubbed and scratched the skin right over where your heart was – as if you were trying to rip it out to end your torture. Yoongi's expression darkened and he reached for your hands. Not even the cool touch of his skin could calm you down and with unhuman strength, he forced your arms away from you effortlessly.

"It'll be over soon", he whispered as he bowed over you, unsuccessfully trying to catch and hold your stiff, blank glance, pinning your wrists against the mattress with his unyielding grip.

"Let me help you, sweetheart."

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