A Good Person

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The blonde's dark eyes followed you as you slowly approached and finally sat down next to him. Silence filled the air for a while, then Taehyung spoke up. His voice was surprisingly soft.
"You're scared, right?"
You turned towards him, expecting some form of compassion to be evident in his eyes, given that his tone was so friendly, but you discovered that the expression on his face was rather that of a curious young boy watching ants burning to death under the merciless heat of his magnifier.
You avoided his glance. "A bit", you said as emotionlessly as you could, looking at your hands. "It takes a while to get used to."

The young man's glance grew even more curious, maybe a bit more genuine this time. "Why do you even try to get used to it?", he inquired dryly. "You won't be here for long anyway."
You gritted your teeth. "Do I look stupid to you?", you quietly answered. "But being miserable about it doesn't help."
Taehyung's tongue wet his lips, pearl white teeth showing in a small smirk. "It makes you more delicious though", he purred. "Fear, sadness and anger are... exquisite tastes." He swallowed and looked hungry for a split moment, but then he turned away and sighed. "Too bad I'm not first..."

You frowned, ignoring the tight feeling in your chest that had been caused by his words. "Who is first then?", you dared to ask, and Taehyung chuckled deeply.
"Yoongi, as far as I know", he replied. "He's the strongest, after all."
You grew a bit curious at his words. "Is he the oldest too?" The demon shook his head no. "That would be Jin", he answered. "But Jin... lacks the punch to be the strongest." He shrugged. "He has the power. He just doesn't use it."
"Why?", you couldn't help but ask. Taehyung's lips curled into a grin. "Why, you think he's a good guy?", he asked – a rhetorical question, of course – and when you still waited for an answer, the grin grew.
"He's saving it."
"For what?"
The demon shrugged again, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Who knows."

His ominous answer didn't exactly make you feel better, but you refrained from asking anything else. Taehyung seemed like a laid-back guy, yet there was something looming around him that made you uncomfortable. It seemed as if he could go from chill to furious in a few milliseconds.
You didn't quite want to provoke that, even if seeing Taehyung being ripped apart by Yoongi for his audacity to taste you first would've been a thing of great satisfaction.
A second later, you were disgusted by your own thoughts. What did this place turn you into?
A monster, similar to those demons?

Taehyung watched you curiously from the side. He really seemed interested in you, as if he'd never seen a human before. A species that he didn't understand and whose mysteries he wanted to solve under all circumstances – with force, if he had to.
The glance burned on your skin and you shifted your weight. The demon noticed, the corners of his mouth twitching suspiciously, then he sighed deeply and fell down onto his back, the mattress bouncing under his weight.
"Are you a good person, Y/N?"

His question caught you by surprise, and on top of that it was a question you didn't know what to reply to. Were you a good person?
Taehyung's glance made your back itch. "I asked if you believe that you are a good person. As in..." He seemed to think for a second. "- as in, do you think you deserve all this?" You couldn't see him, but judging from the moving of the mattress, he motioned around the room with his hand, including the cave, the castle and its owners in his movement.
"Do you deserve being the Chosen One?"

You swallowed. Your body couldn't decide whether the feeling in your chest originated from hot anger or icy sadness.
Did you deserve being the Chosen One?
Before you could do anything about it, words slipped out your mouth.
"Who on earth deserves this?" Your voice was quiet and unnaturally calm, but Taehyung could understand your words nevertheless. "Who on earth deserves being stripped of their dignity, their humanity and their soul just for satisfying some old demons?"
You turned around to said demon, who looked at you in a mixture of genuine surprise and fascination. Your eyes were burning, but they felt as dry as your heart felt cold.
"Tell me, Taehyung, who on earth deserves that?"

For a second, something like an emotion flickered in his eyes, so quick you couldn't make out what it was – anger? Sadness? Compassion? Pity? – but you weren't finished yet.
"So, yes, I believe I was a good human. I tried to be nice to others, honor their decisions and their choices. I tried to live a life that would be worth living without harming anyone." You made a short pause. Of course there had been moments when you could've been classified as "bad", but what was that compared to all the other times when you had helped your mom's friend or cared for your father's parents or got the neighbor's boys their ball back from a tree they had kicked it into? What was it compared to picking up a stranger's fruit at the supermarket when their bag broke three weeks ago, or buying the homeless woman who resided next to the self-serve laundry a bunch of apples and bread?
You forced the tears back. "I was a good human, and I still am one. And that's why I don't deserve this."

You got up without saying anything else, ignoring Taehyung's utterly surprised expression and opening the door. You were sick and tired of the demons' ignorance.
He could've run as fast as he could, you would've still seen him.
Next to the door stood Jungkook, dark and mysterious as he had always been when you had occasionally encountered him, apart from the fact that his eyes were wide open in shock and you believed to see something glittering within them, something fatally similar to a tear, but before you could've stepped closer and taken a better look at it, he twirled around - with one cold blast of air, he was gone, and left you standing in the floor by yourself.

You went back to your room. It felt like you hadn't slept for days, and when you thought about it, it became clear that it had actually been a little more than a day since you had last slept. Tiredness replaced your agitation, and the anger and grief in your chest slowly turned into an empty feeling.
To your surprise, your room seemed to have been cleaned and tidied since you had last been there, and you found a cup of hot tea on the nightstand, accompanied by a short note.

Forgive me.


Too tired to drink the tea, you curled up on the bed, wrapped yourself in one of the sheets and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

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